Why is Eric Holder Still AG?

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 7,2011

RUSH: Since it’s Open Line Friday — Snerdley, stop screening a call for second. I want you to listen to this because have an effect on your future screening because I’m putting out a call there to liberal seminar callers. You liberal seminar callers who use Friday as your golden opportunity to get on the most listened to show in the country, maybe you call in here and tell me why Eric Holder is still attorney general when it clearly appears he was not forthcoming about the amount of information he was in fact provided about Fast and Furious. Why are you silent about this? Two hundred people are dead! You cringe at the loss of a single life (except in the womb). Where are you? A border agent is dead.

Oh, I guess that’s okay. Certain federal employees don’t deserve to live. Keeping the poor and oppressed of the world out of the country? Yeah, you don’t have to live; it’s okay if you die. Is that it? Two hundred people dead in a program that had as its primary purpose to undermine the Second Amendment. Eric Holder lied about the Marc Rich pardon. He lied, “I didn’t know Marc Rich did all that!” He shepherded that pardon outside of the normal procedures that take place for pardons. Presidents are not lobbied personally by advocates for the pardonee. It comes from the Justice Department, but Holder was Marc Rich’s advocate and he got a private meeting with Clinton and he didn’t tell him everything that he knew and he claimed, “I didn’t know it all,” just like he’s claiming now he didn’t know all this Fast and Furious stuff.

But his top aide, Sharyl Attkisson has revealed, was getting e-mails with handwritten notes on them but somehow not sharing them with the attorney general. Not one of them! So maybe some of you liberal seminar callers can tell me why Eric Holder is still attorney general. You remember Fast and Furious. Thousands of weapons sold to drug dealers and cartels at the direction of the Obama administration. It was their idea to undermine the Second Amendment. And what of the secret group working under the National Security Agency that approves assassinations that we just learned about yesterday? They can assign people to be killed!

Nobody can do anything about it. I thought you liberals oppose stuff like this. I thought you opposed FISA because it involved intercepting terrorist communications overseas without a warrant. Well, here Obama has a secret group, no oversight of any kind, determining assassination targets. Why aren’t you talking about that, liberal seminar callers/ Why aren’t you suspend about that? You got the regime with a secret group that can decide who lives and who dies, with no oversight. Suddenly your moral outrage doesn’t exist. Isn’t that funny? What about the crony capitalism involving Solyndra and the wanton giveaway? You want to talk about the banks? How about Solyndra? Do you idiots realize how much this man is costing you and your kids?

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