A Liberal Tool on GOP and Jobs

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 7,2011

RUSH: Keith in Galveston, Texas, you’re next. Great to have you with us, sir.

CALLER: Yeah, hey, Rush, thanks for taking my call. I just wanted to call, I’m just sick of the irrelevance of Washington, the obstruction going on of the jobs bill. Everybody needs jobs. We need our roads and our schools fixed, they’re falling apart, and the Republicans only care about protecting their millionaire campaign donors from a half percentage point tax increase instead of helping their own constituents. It doesn’t make any sense at all. Why can’t they just put politics down and do what’s right for once?

RUSH: Well, because that’s not how jobs are created. If it were we wouldn’t have unemployment. We spent $787 billion in 2009 for roads, bridges, schools, whatever else you said there, and now we need another $60 billion for it?

CALLER: (interrupting)

RUSH: You gotta wake up. This is not how jobs are created.

CALLER: Rush, if you travel along the highways —

RUSH: The Republicans are not standing in the way of the creation of jobs. Republicans are standing in the way of bloated government. They’re standing in the way of more government growing, which takes away money from the private sector, which is where jobs are created.

CALLER: Rush, if there were any bills that were in Congress…? Say George Bush wrote a jobs bill and it happened to increase taxes on billionaires by a half a percentage point to create 450,000 jobs would you support that bill?

RUSH: No, because there’s no such bill! It’s impossible! There’s no federal spending that can create private sector jobs, the only thing that could happen is public sector union workers to be hired, DMV types and all that type of people. People that work in the FDA. There is no way that government spending is gonna increase hiring at any private sector firm. It isn’t possible! You cannot take money out of the private sector — you just can’t do it — and have people hired. It just doesn’t work that way.

CALLER: Well, actually the last few job reports, Rush, the private sector had created jobs in line with what’s expected in an economic recovery. The real job losses have been in the public sector because of crushing budget cuts —

RUSH: You know…

CALLER: — and all this bill is to do is to reveal some of that.

RUSH: If I were you, I would be embarrassed. You are such a tool! You are a mind-numbed robot programmed to spew a bunch of absolute garbage, illogical garbage! You’re just flat-out wrong, embarrassingly so. You’re reading from a script, incapable of critical thinking on your own. You’re a sponge, and you’re soaking up stuff from the wrong side.


RUSH: You know, that tool we just had on the phone, he’s not even up to date on the latest leftist talking points. The Democrats have dropped the millionaire tax from their new jobs bill. Right there it is. Democrats jettison millionaire surtax in new jobs bill. It’s from Fox News — and, by the way, you people in Ohio? Organizing for Obama is a big part of that campaign in Ohio, to lie to you about what Issue 2 is on your ballot, but the Democrats have dropped the millionaire tax. On the other hand, the House of Representatives has passed more than 20 jobs bills. The difference is their jobs bills don’t involve what government does; they involve what government will no longer do.

The Democrat-controlled Senate has ignored all 20 Republican jobs bills that have come out of the House of Representatives. So our last guy hadn’t gotten the latest DNC talking points yet. He’s reading off something that’s a little old out there.


RUSH: Barron’s, November 7th issue, editorial commentary. It’s on page 47. Entitled, “Hard Come, Easy Go,” by Thomas G. Donlan. “Twelve reasons…” This is the highlight of this piece.

“Twelve reasons why there is more inequality in the US are Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Sergey Brin [Google], Larry Page[Google], Michael Dell, Paul Allen, Steve Ballmer, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos,” that’d be Amazon to you, “Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey…” Those are 12 reasons why there is more inequality — and you could add this Zuckerberg Facebook guy for 13. These are just a few of the people who changed the country, and most people would say they did it for the good of the country. Some on here arguable, but still, they did well — and look at all of the jobs these people have created. Do you know how many Microsoft millionaires there are? Do you know how many Apple millionaires there are; how many Facebook millionaires there are?

These people created millions of direct and indirect jobs and paid billions of taxes at all levels of government. They’re not the enemy. Some of them are politically, but they’re not the problem economically. The more you read about these people the more impressed you become with their business acumen, and on the other side we got people like Elizabeth Warren who say, “These people couldn’t have done it without us and the taxes that we paid to build the roads and so forth for them to move their products out and so forth and so on.” So there’s Barron’s, November 7th issue, “Twelve reasons why there’s more inequality in the US.” All these people — and I’m gonna tell you here, folks, I think they’re all liberals. I don’t think there’s a single conservative on this list. Well, we know The Oprah isn’t; we know Zuckerberg isn’t; we know that Gates isn’t; we know that Larry Ellison isn’t; we know that Sergey Brin and Larry Page aren’t. Michael Dell, I don’t know. Paul Allen, I don’t know, but I don’t think so. Steve Ballmer, Microsoft, no. Bloomberg? (laughs) Bezos? These are all libs. Jobs? They’re all commie bastards, yet Occupy Wall Street? These are their heroes!

These are the heroes of the Occupy crowd and so forth, and Barron’s is saying: Hey, these guys, they’re your reasons for income inequality!


RUSH: The Microsoft IPO, initial public offering in 1986 created three billionaires and 12,000 millionaires. One IPO alone, three billionaires, 12,000 millionaires, and it’s the billionaires that skew this inequality gap much wider than it actually really is.

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