Only 2% Hate the 1%

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 13,2012

RUSH: So the Gallup poll is out, two different Gallup polls. According to Gallup, for more than three years now, 40% of Americans describe their views as conservative; 35% as moderate; 21% as liberal. So, as I so poignantly, saliently inquired the previous hour, why is it that all of the polling organizations like Gallup continue to oversample Democrats and independents? Forty percent conservative. We know they’re not Democrats. What percentage do you think might be Democrat? There might be some in there. The old Reagan Democrats, so forth. But given our culture and given the way the media presents life in this country, this is a stunning poll result: 40% of people identify themselves as being conservative.

That’s a little short of amazing. Just imagine how conservative this country would be if we had a level playing field. Imagine how conservative this country would be if conservatism was not-of-was an maligned, impugned, laughed at, made fun of, and all that. Imagine if the entire establishment, the news media, the entertainment industry, educational system, publishing, imagine if they were not all lockstep liberals, imagine what this country would be like. In other words, imagine if more people were allowed to hear more of the truth. This is why, folks, for me it’s all ideological. Ideas are ideological. It’s not party versus party. It’s liberal versus everybody else. And that’s why I’ve always believed the more time we spend telling people about liberalism and liberals, the much greater advance we would make.

The second Gallup poll is this one. “Americans name jobs, the national debt, continuing economic decline, outsourcing, and politicians’ bickering — including President Obama and Congress — when asked to say what worries them most about the national economy at this time.” The first three on the list, the national debt, jobs, and continuing economic decline make up 51%. Those three. The other stuff is small potatoes. You have to go down to the bottom of the list to find out how many people say that the divide between rich and poor is one of their primary concerns. In fact, the number is 2%. Two percent. It’s up there with campaign finance reform. Only 2% consider the divide between rich and poor.

The whole argument for class envy, the whole argument for redistribution, only 2% of the people in this country identify it as something that’s a major concern to them. You got that? That means Occupy Wall Street is a creation of the regime. Occupy Wall Street didn’t gin up on its own. There’s no such thing as a 2% movement that ends up being covered as Occupy Wall Street was. Americans are worried about jobs, the deficit, the economy, not the divide between rich and poor. Now, in polling data, this is interesting, too, if I can remember this. I don’t have it right in front of me. In polling data that I’ve seen of people who are concerned about the divide between the rich and the poor, people are less concerned about what they have than they are more concerned what somebody else has.

See if I can find a better way. In the rich versus poor, the us versus them, the gap between wealth and poverty, whatever, the people on the low end are not upset about what they don’t have. They’re upset what the others do have. That is envy. That is what Obama is playing off of. They’re not unhappy with what they have; they’re ticked off at what others have. Now, you might wonder, what’s the difference? It’s a huge difference. If the majority of them you were unhappy with what they had, that would mean they didn’t care what anybody else has. When they’re more concerned about what others have than what they don’t have, they themselves don’t have, that’s just pure envy, resentment, what have you, and that represents an opportunity for the class envy warriors to go out and exploit ’em. All you have to say, “Oh, yeah, I’ll take it away from ’em. I’ll take it away from ’em.” That’s how you get ’em. You don’t have to tell ’em, “I’ll give you more.” You don’t have to say, “I’ll make sure you end up…” You just have to say, “I’m just gonna go out and sock it to them.” Two fascinating polls here, both of those are from Gallup. So, again, folks, only 2% hate the 1%. Two percent, that’s right, yeah, only 2% hate the 1%. That’s a great way of illustrating. Only 2% hate the 1%. The 99% do not hate the 1%.

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