Fellow Co-Ed: Fluke Doesn’t Speak for Me

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 2,2012

RUSH: Now, there’s a piece here at a blog called TheCollegeConservative.com. It’s by Angela Morabito. “Sandra Fluke Does Not Speak for Me — I’m a proud Georgetown woman upset about another Georgetown woman who may have no pride at all. How else do you explain — Ms. Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown Law student, now famous for testimony she never gave — jumping up to talk about her sex life (with the [House] Minority Leader and with the liberal media) and ask for the cost of her sex life to be subsidized by other students at a Jesuit School?

“Sandra Fluke was declined the privilege (a privilege, not a right) of testifying in front of a [House] Committee on the proposed contraceptive mandate. Her name was submitted too late to be admitted to testify. She’s not a lawyer. She’s not a member of the clergy — crucial for a hearing on religious freedom, wouldn’t you say? That’s what Representative Issa said. Her one claim to fame in the reproductive health care debate is … being a student club leader! … Me? I love me some extracurricular involvement. The difference between Sandra and me is that I don’t think it qualifies me to speak in front of Congress. …

“Having been told by Congress to more or less shut up and go home, Sandra found a sympathetic ear in Nancy Pelosi. She is not going to find one on the Georgetown Campus. She is wildly out of step,” says Angela Morabito. “[House] Democrats needed a show pony for this circus — and they knew they could find a liberal woman on a college campus who would willingly trot around the ring. That’s why Nancy & Pals created a photo-op with all the props — the microphones, the podium, an air of pretense, and the all-important liberal media — for Sandra to tell her ‘story.’ And it is just that — a story, told on a stage.

“But Nancy Pelosi and the Liberal Media should know that they can no longer rely on college campuses as an endless source of liberal support. My colleagues and I at TheCollegeConservative are creating a new wave on campuses across the country. Every day we make it a little safer to be conservative — out in public — without fear of bad grades as a result of our views. Sandra should know we have no fear in calling out a classmate for thoughtless liberal ideology.” Ms. Morabito writes here: “Sandra Fluke doesn’t speak for me. Or for Georgetown.” And the piece goes on, but you get the gist of it there. I’ll just point out here that it’s the president of the university who is denying her the contraceptive pills. It is not I, El Rushbo.

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