How Feminism Screwed Up the Sexes

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 5,2012

RUSH: Dan in Vernon Hills, Illinois. Welcome to the EIB Network, sir. It’s great to have you here.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. I appreciate the opportunity to thank both you and Ms. Fluke for clarifying something very important. When I was in high school about 20 years ago, I was a very confused and unhappy young man because they tried to teach us that men and women were identical, and liberal and feminist social engineering, you know, they had me very confused. They taught me that the way I was raised to be a gentleman and open a door for a woman was demeaning to a woman. That being a man and asking a woman out was domineering and aggressive. And I was very confused and unhappy, and I —

RUSH: What year was this? Give me the years involved.

CALLER: Uh, ’93 —

RUSH: Oh, ’93 ’cause it sounds exactly like some of the stuff I went through as a young newly virile guy in the seventies.

CALLER: Exactly. Exactly. After I graduated, I started listening to you. I was driving around delivering Chinese food and I found you on the radio and you told that exact story and you talked about exactly that, opening a door for a lady. And I said, “Holy cow, Rush Limbaugh went through this.” And you set me straight. I was messed up and I was confused. You know, they’re a trying to turn young men into something they’re not.

RUSH: Predators. They’re trying to turn us into predators.

CALLER: Yes. And I felt like I was one. You know, I felt like if I approached a woman, I was a monster, just for approaching them. And listening to you set me straight. And I realized what was going on. And now I hear Miss Fluke, and she also kind of illuminated things, because if I went up there as a man and basically said, “Hey, look, I can’t afford all the sex I want,” not to say that she wants tons, whatever, but if I said, “Hey, look, I want sex, and I can’t afford it,” I think I would be made fun of. And I’m not saying that calling names is good or bad, but I would be made fun of. And I don’t think I would, as a man, be portrayed as, “Oh, he’s a 30-year-old,” like a kid. She goes up and she’s portrayed like a kid, because she’s a woman. So there’s a double standard here.

RUSH: Well, but she was advancing a Democrat cause to help take the focus away from what Obama was doing and turn it into a political issue where the Democrats could say Republicans are predators, hate women, like the way you grew up feeling. And she used them to advance — this woman, well, we’ve looked her up. I mean she’s a full-fledged activist for women’s causes. And she has been in Berkeley, she’s traveled all over the place. Cornell, she graduated from the women’s studies courses there. She’s a full-fledged feminist activist. So she was advancing her cause, the Democrats were advancing their cause when they called her up, but the whole point of it was to distract everybody from what Obama was actually doing.

CALLER: But it works because she’s a woman and they’re playing it both ways. When she wants her opportunity and when a woman wants to be treated equally, they can be. When they are put upon, they can then go on to the different card —

RUSH: This is true. This is all about victimology.


RUSH: Every minority, according to the left — every minority in the country — is a victim of a tyrannical majority. Every aspect of the Democrat Party agenda is to reverse that, and what’s happening here is that everybody is allowing these winds to blow them over. And there’s no resistance to it. Very little at all. Everybody’s afraid. I can’t tell you, the fear is palpable everywhere of speaking out, standing up, either for yourself or for what you know is right, moral core, whatever, there’s a palpable fear of this. Now, best we can tell, Sandra Fluke, she’s a gender activist, and she was at Cornell from 1999 to 2003. She got a BS in policy analysis and management and feminist gender and sexuality studies. And while she was there she organized activities centered on the far-left feminist and gender equality movements, and she went to a lot of rallies supporting abortion, protests against the war in Iraq, efforts to recruit other women’s right activists to campus.

One of her pet causes is domestic violence. So this is why the Democrats wanted, at the last moment, to call her as a witness to Darrell Issa’s committee without Issa having a chance to vet her on who she was and what the point was. When Issa said, (paraphrasing) “No, you asked for Barry Lynn,” this is a 4:30 in the afternoon the day before the hearing, “you asked for Barry Lynn and we don’t have time. She doesn’t have any expertise in anything we’re talking about. We’re talking about Obama, the president, and can he or can he not mandate contraception be provided by the Catholic Church and its schools and so forth, what’s her expertise in this?” There isn’t, we can’t find any. So the Democrats held their own press conference made to look like a subcommittee hearing. And that’s what all this is.

But it’s all victimology and you hit the nail on the head when you used the term “social engineering.” That’s what feminism is ultimately about and it did start with the premise that men and women are the same, and the only thing that makes women subservient to men is that men have run things, so we gotta get rid of men running ’cause we’re gonna run things. Was it Betty Friedan who wrote The Feminine Mystique? When that book came out 30 or 40 years ago, the myth was that Betty Friedan was a Long Island housewife, minding her own business, finally just outraged by what she was seeing happen to women. This was in the sixties. It later was discovered, much later, not that it mattered then, but she was not just a Long Island housewife going to the store for milk and eggs every day. She was a full-fledged activist.

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