Callers on Women, Work and Motherhood

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 12,2012

RUSH: Here is Judy in Westport, Connecticut. I really appreciate you holding on. Thank you.

CALLER: Oh. Thank you. When I got up this morning and I saw this story, I knew I had to call you. I’ve tried to get through to you four times since I’ve been listening to you over the years. This is the first time I got through. What I told Mr. Snerdley was that I think I took the easy way out. I went to work. I think that Ann Romney had the tougher job. I can’t imagine staying home and raising five kids. I’m absolutely in awe of her.

RUSH: With MS and breast cancer along the way.

CALLER: It’s just amazing. But I’ve gotta tell you, I’m basically your age. And so I went through the whole “you can have it all.” I bought into that.

RUSH: Interesting. What did that mean? You tell me. You’re my age, so you come from the formative years, the modern era of feminism in the late sixties, early seventies. What, to you, did having it all mean? Didn’t it mean a great job, great pay, and motherhood, and going with the kids to soccer and doing all that. Isn’t that what it meant?

CALLER: That’s what you were supposed to do. That’s what you were expected to do.

RUSH: And if you didn’t do the work half, you were betraying the sisterhood, right?

CALLER: It was what we were expected to do. I mean, I’m an attorney. So I went through law school. I was expected to go practice law.

RUSH: By who? Who had these expectations of you?

CALLER: Generally, that’s what society expected.

RUSH: No, that’s what the feminists told you.

CALLER: Yeah. But when I think back, I mean, having it all, when you do that, when you’re at work, you always think you’re supposed to be home, and when you’re home you always think you’re supposed to be at work. It’s very hard.

RUSH: It’s a cycle, isn’t it? It’s a vicious cycle. It’s the full enchilada.

CALLER: Yeah. It was very rough, and when I think back, you know, I could have taken a break at that point in time.

RUSH: Did you get married?

CALLER: Well, I was married for ten years before my son was born. Typical, for my generation, we waited ’til the last possible minute to have kids.

RUSH: Right. And you did that because the biological time bomb was about to go off, right?

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Exactly. I know this story, folks. I know this story without knowing the woman. I know the story. So you delayed it, the biological time bomb. And I know so many women who bought into this; and they waited and waited, and it got to be too late. And now I can’t tell you how unfulfilled they are, they don’t have kids.

CALLER: Oh, I’m so happy that I made it before the biological time bomb went off. But I think at that point I could have taken a career pause, but I didn’t; I was just starting up my own law practice.

RUSH: Well, you said at the beginning of the call knowing what you know now you would have chosen the Ann Romney path. Oh, no, that’s not it. You said you took the easy way.

CALLER: I took the easy way out. I got to go to work. So I got to be around adults all day. I got to have adult conversations. I mean being in the house with small children and not having adult contact all day, that’s hard.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: That’s a difficult job.

RUSH: Yeah. I know what you mean. I can relate to that, my three dogs.

CALLER: Well, I got to scoot out all day and come home in the evening. I mean I spent as much time as I could, and I worked for myself, I still do, so I was able to come and go as I wanted to.

RUSH: Well, glad you called. I appreciate your perspective on this. Did the Hilary Rosen thing irritate you? Is that why you wanted to call?

CALLER: I woke up this morning and I looked at Drudge —

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: — and that was the first thing that I saw, and I said, “I don’t care how much time it takes, I gotta call Rush.”

RUSH: Well, I’m glad you did.

CALLER: I’m glad I had my automatic phone redialer.

RUSH: (laughing) Well, the connections worked. Judy, thanks for the call. I really appreciate it.

CALLER: Thank you.

RUSH: All the best to you.


RUSH: Here is Christina in Atlanta. I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. How are you?

RUSH: Very well. Thank you.

CALLER: I just wanted to comment a small thing on the Ann Romney situation. I am a wife and a mother and a small business owner and an active member of my church in my community, and I am so frustrated with women in general, the liberal line that it has to be an either/or mentality. I feel like the women’s rights movement was to create choices for women, and when you are successful by using the options available to you, people like Sarah Palin or Ann Romney or any other successful conservative woman are just torn apart by the media and the press, but also the people like me that are around people in our communities on a day-to-day basis —

RUSH: That’s exactly right. The hypocrisy’s amazing. They say go have it all. So here’s Palin, who has kids, has a Down syndrome baby, goes to work, and she gets crucified for it. And then last night Hilary Rosen rips on Ann Romney for not working when she has five kids.

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: Like Michelle Malkin says today in her column, conservative women are not allowed in the sorority. And no matter what you do, it’s wrong.

CALLER: Exactly. And, you know, in just your day-to-day interaction you can’t have an opinion if you’re at home with your children because you just don’t understand how hard their lives are if they go to work.

RUSH: Yep.

CALLER: I’ve done both and I sacrificed nothing. I did not sacrifice my family for a career or my career for a family. And I feel like people that are out there doing the same things that I am every day deserve praise and support and should be a shining example to women about what you are capable of doing.

RUSH: You know what bothered me about feminism, Cristina? Two or three things. First thing, it treated women as all monolithic, all the same. Every man could tell you, there’s no such thing. They’re all different, just like every person’s different. The second thing they did was define feminism’s success in terms of a man’s world. They had to join male clubs. They had to go get men’s kinds of jobs. It was almost copycat. And then there was the pressure that they brought to bear on women that did not choose to go that route. The attacks for letting down the sisterhood by staying at home and raising a family instead of going to work. It was the whole thing. And, plus, the last thing feminism did was really — I wouldn’t say destroy — but feminism changed forever the normal human nature relationships between men and women. They forever have been altered now because men don’t know what they’re supposed to be, and women are confused as well, and so people are afraid, men and women both, afraid to be themselves.

CALLER: Well, and it’s as if you suddenly lost all of your intelligence because you chose to become a mother.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: You know, there have been things posted on blogs that I’ve read and I go online and I watch the news and I’m very informed as a person, and women like me are routinely called stupid or ignorant. They accuse us of being repressed by our husbands. They make a caricature out of us, and I find it very offensive, and I cannot believe people that really believe in women stand by and let this happen —

RUSH: Let me tell you something. What was really going on was that women were being weaponized for the Democrat Party. Women were being massaged and formed or whatever. The whole feminist movement was about creating a giant female voting bloc for the Democrat Party. That’s really what it was.


RUSH: Here’s Kathy in central Florida. Hi, Kathy. I’m glad you waited. Great to have you on the program.
CALLER: Hi. I just want to preface my remarks by saying, I have a masters in chemistry and physics. I’m not stupid, but I’ve been on both sides. I’ve worked, and I gave up working to raise my three children for those first five years before they were in all-day school. So I know Hilary Rosen from both sides. I’ve been a working mom, and I’ve been a stay-at-home mom. Stay-at-home takes a whole lot more brains than working mothers, but that’s my opinion. But what I want to know is why the GOP is not asking, why is Hilary Rosen and the liberal left declaring war on welfare mothers? Because they stay at home. They don’t go out and work. Why are they declaring war on welfare mothers like they’re declaring war on Ann Romney?
RUSH: Ooh! Why is the left declaring war on welfare moms, that’s your question.
CALLER: Yeah. Yeah. She said, you know, they never worked for a living, a lot of welfare mothers have never worked for a living. They stay at home and take care of their children.
RUSH: You know the answer to this. I mean they’re a protected class. They are victims. Welfare moms are victims of the top 1% who have stolen all their money, and so they’re to be pitied and cared for and so forth. But you’re right, they are stay-at-home moms. I mean, they’re probably the epitome — (laughing) I shouldn’t laugh. But that’s right.

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