Okay, We’ll Talk About Obama’s “Compressed” Girlfriend

by Rush Limbaugh - May 3,2012

RUSH: Curt in Prescott, Arizona. Nice to have you on the program, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Rush, listen, I worked in Washington, DC, in forensics. That’s for a decade and more, and I just wanted to highlight that if you look at characteristics that I want to mention here that are being narcissistic, aloof, immaturity — you know, just being able to change midstream with boldface lies — then, you know, those things fall into a psychiatric category. And it’s called “psychopath.” It used to be called “sociopath”… I mean it’s called “sociopath,” used to be called “psychopath.” And if you look at the pattern of behavior with the grandiosity of Barack Hussein Obama, those things fit. The narcissism is… You know, it’s off the charts. So it’s one thing to consider the political framework or what have you that he may be coming from, but there’s something that really, in my mind, supersedes all of that.

RUSH: Now, you are…? What is your profession?

CALLER: Clinical social worker.

RUSH: Clinical social worker. Are you a psychologist?

CALLER: No. I work together with teams of psychologists, psychiatrists.

RUSH: With who? What kind of…? You work with patients?

CALLER: Yes. Yeah, with the criminally insane in Washington, DC.

RUSH: You work with the criminally insane?

CALLER: In Washington, DC, I do.

RUSH: You treat the criminally insane?

CALLER: Yes. You know, preparing them for trial by medications and psychotherapy, as well as those who have been processed legally and are in maximum security.

RUSH: Wow, Washington. You must be busy. Do you ever get a day off?

CALLER: No, I’m not there any longer. I’m here in Yavapai County in Arizona.

RUSH: All right. So you gave it up for your own mental health?

CALLER: (laughing) Thank you very much.

RUSH: So you work with the criminally insane. You’re not saying Obama is criminally insane. You’re saying that he’s a narcissist and perhaps a sociopath, based on…? Well, what are you bouncing off of to come to that conclusion?

CALLER: Well, the fact that if you consider the traits here: The level of manipulativeness; the grandiosity with his travel around the world; presenting himself with, you know, the pillars as he did.

RUSH: Well, wait. All presidents do that. They all travel around. The things that he does that are different are he apologizes for the United States. He takes credit for everything. When things go wrong, it’s never his fault. It’s always somebody else’s.

CALLER: Exactly. There’s a constant deflection. He’s like the Teflon Don, if you will.

RUSH: Okay, what do you make of…? Since you have dealt with narcissists, are you up to speed on the revelations that we’ve been treated to in the past couple days about these “composite” girlfriends of Obama that he “compressed” into one figure in his autobiography?

CALLER: Well, the thing that stood out to me in that is the fact that he stands aloof. That, you know, there is a level of detachment that he has. You know, he’s great on the superficial initial contact, but in terms of having depth or continuity of care and that kind of stuff? No.

RUSH: I remember Karl Rove’s first description of Obama after he’d met him the first time, and I’m gonna paraphrase Rove as best I remember it. Rove said, “These guys are all over the place. You see ’em at the country club standing by themselves or with one other person, perhaps a woman, with a drink in their hand and a cigarette, and not talking to anybody. You can see they’re passing judgment on everybody that walks by ’em, and they’re always thinking they’re better than everybody else.” So I think it’s pretty close to what Rove suggested. But while I have you here, since you have some experience.

CALLER: Mmm-hmm?

RUSH: What is your professional reaction when you hear all of these experts on TV explaining why Junior Seau committed suicide?

CALLER: Oh, boy! I’m sorry, but I haven’t attended to that.

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: I don’t know.

RUSH: Well, I know that came out of left field but I thought maybe if you’d seen some of it you would have a professional reaction to it. Curt, thanks for the call. I appreciate it.

Since we’re on this subject, I did not want to talk about it, but since it’s come up now — Obama and the “compressed” girlfriend — we have some sound bites here from noted professionals in journalism and noted historians to try to explain this to us and to basically say, “Hey, that’s just ’cause Obama’s talented and he’s really, really cool.” Up first is Jake Tapper, who was on Good Morning America today. And this is a portion of his report about the new biography about Obama by David Maraniss and the revelations about his new girlfriend, Genevieve Cook.

TAPPER: Obama morphed a few interracial relationships into one composite in that book to discuss racial issues, providing few other details. Cook and Obama moved in together in 1984. She wrote of their love in her journals, and her concern about how guarded and controlled he was. “Distance, distance, distance, and wariness,” she wrote. “The sexual warmth is definitely there, but the rest of it has sharp edges. His warmth can be deceptive. Though we speak sweet words and can be open and trusting, there is also that coolness.” She tells him she loves him. His response? “Thank you.”

RUSH: Well, it’s better than “I know.” (laughing)

It’s better than saying, “I know.”

“She tells him she loves him, and he says, ‘Thank you.'”

Now, Obama was originally approached to write a book on race, and in fact he intended to write a series of essays on race based on his experiences. But he decided instead to write on the same subject in autobiographical form. So isn’t it more than a little weird that his book on race would go to such lengths to skirt around the fact that he had a white girlfriend? Genevieve Cook was white, I think. Why hide that fact, since he was originally gonna write a book on race? But above and beyond that, here’s Jacob Tapper, ace reporter at ABC, who’s just now learning about this.

It took another journalist, Maraniss or Maraniss. (I’ve gotta figure out how to pronounce his name. I’ve known how he pronounces his name; I just don’t remember. I’m not trying to purposely mispronounce it.) At any rate, David Maraniss. This stuff was all knowable four years ago. Isn’t it striking how all these Obama-beat journalists are fascinated with this. They didn’t know anything about it! It was right there in Obama’s autobiography. They didn’t know anything about it. Now that a fellow journalist has ripped the cover off of this, it’s perfectly fine to talk about it.

So we move on to CBS This Morning. The guest is Rice University Professor of History Doug Brinkley and he’s having a discussion with Charlie Rose about the report that Obama created a “composite” character made up of several real people in his autobiography Dreams From My Father. And Doug Brinkley says here (I kid you not; you’ll hear it with your own ears) that Obama’s autobiography was not meant to be factual. So everything’s okay here. There’s no reason for anybody to panic at what might appear to be compressed characters, composites, because Obama’s autobiography was not meant to be factual.

ROSE: If it is different, does it matter? Because it’s the difference between autobiography and biography.

BRINKLEY: Well, exactly. I mean, there’s a lot of compression that President Obama used in his book. Some of the women that we read about now in the Vanity Fair piece were compressed by the president. But they’re two different breeds, autobiography and history. David Maraniss is a very fine biographer. He’s written excellent books on Roberto Clemente and Bill Clinton and many others. So he’s credible. He’s a longtime Washington Post reporter, and he’s done the best job of really giving us the factual timeline of the president’s Occidental College move to New York City and what he did in New York. Not just who his girlfriends are but how he was fighting for racial identity.

RUSH: “Fighting for racial identity.”

What a courageous struggle, “fighting for racial identity.” Because, of course, that’s all that matters. (interruption) Well, I know, his mother was white and his father was black, so, “Who am I?” It matters, racial identity. But, you see, it is different. Charlie Rose says, “It really doesn’t matter, does it? It’s the difference between autobiography and biography?” and Doug Brinkley says, “Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.” Really? An autobiography is not meant to be factual? He’s got the latitude and leeway here because he’s Obama and we are the reviewers.

So Charlie Rose says, “Well, what comes across here, Doug, is the notion that this is a young man clearly with a remarkable ability — remarkable talent, remarkable ability, Doug! But he was also ambitious. Really had a plan. He was looking to find his own way to the things he wanted to do, which I find not unusual for somebody of his talent.”

BRINKLEY: Exactly! And a talent is what he was. Some of the letters and writing we see of Barack Obama is quite guarded. Uh, he’s not putting himself up on the line. He’s not exposing his personality. He’s keeping a lot to himself. And we see that sort of aloofness sometimes with his presidential leadership. He’s very Zen-like and self-contained now as president, and we see that even —

ROSE: Yeah, exactly.

BRINKLEY: — at an early age, he was like that.

RUSH: Yeah, yeah! Exactly. He’s so talented. He’s so cool. He’s just so “Zen-like.” He’s so aloof. He’s so self-contained. He’s in the midst of this racial struggle! It doesn’t matter whether his autobiography is factual, because he’s Barack Obama. So everything is okay now. What could have been a disaster (Oh, no! Oh, no! Obama wrote some stuff that isn’t true in his autobiography!) we’ve got it covered now. We’ve fixed it. (interruption) I know. Nixon was “aloof” but he wasn’t called “Zen-like.” He was called paranoid. Nixon was called a psychological freak.


RUSH: Next time somebody that matters to you tells you that they love you, I want you to do what Obama does and say, “Thank you,” and see what happens. Yeah, and then after that say, “I don’t blame you.”

“I love you.”

“Thank you. I don’t blame you.”

That kind of says it all about the guy.


RUSH: You know, I never heard this term. I have to be honest. I know pretty much everything, but I’ve never heard of “compressing women,” this term that’s being used in Obama’s autobiography. You attach a picture to it, a mental image to compressing a woman, but I don’t think that’s what was happening here. Is compressing a woman sort of like slow-jamming the news? (laughing) Really, there are all these new terms.

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