RUSH: As you know, ladies and gentlemen, yesterday we started a new Facebook page: Rush Babes for America. And, by the way, the word “babes” is entirely respectful in its usage here. There’s no condescension meant here, and every woman in this audience knows that. But we have put up a Facebook page, and we are already close to having more friends than the entire membership of the National Organization for Women.
The National Organization for Women has been out there drumming up membership for decades. The Rush Babes for America Facebook page has been up for 24 hours, and we are already close to having more friends (i.e., members) than the NOW gang has. We’re going to put up a story, or a series of stories that fit, ’cause the whole point of this page on Facebook is to destroy this silly notion that women are monolithic, and that they’re all liberal feminists, and that the National Organization for Women speaks for all women.
They never have.
Their membership is an infinitesimal minority of the actual female population and of the thinking of women in this country. It is this program and this host which recognizes the individuality and the uniqueness of women. It realizes that you don’t all think alike — and that very few of you in this audience of millions of women agree with the extreme radical liberalism of the National Organization for Women. So our Rush Babes Facebook page is a place for you to go.
Sign up and be a friend. Let it be known, because what the NAGs are trying to do is make it appear that they speak for all women, that all women agree with them, and that it’s millions and millions and millions of American women who are simpatico with the message of radical feminism and radical liberalism that comes out of the National Organization for Women. And they’re getting together with Media Matters for America and they’re actually having this big campaign they’re gonna start later this month to try to get me off the air.
On the premise that I am despised and hated by women.
Under the premise that women are afraid of me.
Under the premise that women are being set back decades because of people like me.
So our Rush Babes for America Facebook page is a place to demonstrate that there are more of you than there are of the NAGs. So you go there and you become a friend, is how you do it. We’re gonna blow through their membership total here very quickly.
RUSH: It’s That’s the Facebook address.
Look, just a brief moment here to explain a bit about the name. Rush Babe is not demeaning or insulting of women in any way. It is an acknowledgement, ladies and gentlemen, that a proud conservative woman is innately attractive for her independence or intellect or commitment to real values and doesn’t mind being called a babe. It’s a compliment to a well-adjusted woman. Hey, babe, how are you? It’s not an insult. Rush Babes for America is a compliment. Only in the land of the left would calling a woman a babe to her face be insulting, such as stigmatizing or ignoring the existence of her brain.
Do you remember — I never forgot this, just to show you the generation — a great director was married to Julie Andrews, Blake Edwards. He got a lifetime achievement award at the Oscars one year, and he gave all of his thanks to the best “broad” in the world. The best broad he’d ever met, his wife, Julie Andrews, and you could hear a gasp in the room amongst the young actors and actresses who thought he was insulting her. He was engaging in shock value, but back in his day, World War II generation, women were broads. It did not mean they were cows like it meant when I was in high school. The dames, they were broads. Go read a Mickey Spillane novel. Anyway, he just called her a great broad. It was the best compliment he could give her, and she took it that way, of course. And that’s what Rush Babes is. It’s not at all insulting.
RUSH: The Rush Babes for America Facebook page has been up since the third hour of yesterday’s program. That’s 24 hours. The National Organization for Women Facebook page has been up for four years. We have surpassed them! The Rush Babes for America page has more followers, more friends than the National Organization for Women Facebook page.
We’re at about… What is it? It’s climbing fast. Like, couple of seconds ago it was 30,500 and the NAGs are at 28,100. We are zooming past them, and it’s just gonna continue. So you in this audience, the Rush Babes, are showing that there are more of you than there are friends of the National Organization for Women. Now, I fully expect they’ll start trying to pad their numbers.