A Former Soviet Citizen on Leftist Propaganda

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 1,2012

RUSH: This is kind of funny, I’m told. CNBC Power Lunch this afternoon, Tyler Mathisen breaks away from Obama’s speech. They’re covering Obama’s fundraising appearance in Minnesota.

MATHISEN: We’re gonna break away from the president’s remarks at a Honeywell manufacturing plant in Minnesota. We should note — and we’re gonna monitor that speech, as he concentrates on new initiatives to put veterans back to work — we should note that the Dow industrials, when the president began speaking, were down about 220 points on this really —

RUSH: Oh-ho.

MATHISEN: — down day in the marketplace, and now down about 252 points.

RUSH: Folks, they cut away from Obama to tell their audience the economy’s tanking. CNBC, that’s GE, that’s NBC, that’s in the tank for Obama, they cut away from his big speech about how the economy, Congress’ fault, whatever he was saying about his fundraiser in Minnesota, to point out that the market is plummeting. And they go on to say, yeah, it was down 220 when he started, and now it’s down to 252. Holy shmoly.

Dmitry in Houston, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Yeah, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts with the audience.

RUSH: Thank you, Dmitry, very much.

CALLER: While I was on hold here I wrote something in my book here on my white piece of paper that the private equity is probably the spine of capitalism. And I wanted to connect that to my history. I come from a former Soviet Union. I grew up and left the country right around the Berlin Wall falling down. And I wanted to tell the audience that back in the Soviet Union, you could not go and borrow money from the government, you could not go and borrow money in the bank because the government and the bank didn’t allow you to have anything private. You have to have a special permission from the Politburo, from the secretary of the party for you to buy a TV, to buy a refrigerator, you have to wait 20 minutes to get a —

RUSH: Who had those kind of connections? The average citizen didn’t have a connection to the Politburo or the secretary of the party to buy a fridge, so nobody had them?

CALLER: The local, local party —

RUSH: Local.

CALLER: — commissioner.

RUSH: So you had to go to local commissar, in other words?

CALLER: Commissar, yeah, and he is the one that’s gonna sign off on a piece of paper so he can put your name on the line so you can get six or eight or 12 months later a refrigerator or a TV. They did not want you to have anything private because everything was a commune, and the Congress decided every five years, and they put this plan what’s gonna happen in the next five years and how much rice and how much steel and how much corn we’ll produce, and then if this doesn’t happen, we blame someone.

RUSH: Right. So capital was outlawed. The only way you could have money is if you go to the government to get it and they wanted you realizing that you only had anything because of them. No other source provided you anything but the government.

CALLER: But the reason I called and they put me through is the fact that we’re experiencing something very unique. Back as far as media and as far as propaganda is concerned. You know, there was Joseph Goebbels and Molotovs and Gorkys of the world back in Russia and Nazi Germany, there was one guy running the entire propaganda machine. Here we have something unique. We have all those cohorts of CNBC’s and TVs and radios and NPRs and Oliver Stones and Spielberg and Bloomberg and everybody running in sync, and they’re throwing all those numbers and they speculate, and all of a sudden when everything tumbles down then they come and revise the numbers. They’re throwing all kinds of information at us subliminally. Sometimes they show a little commercial, oh, this is happening so subliminally they put their message so calculating, using terms like “education” and “information” and “public relations.” But this is a very calculated way of delivering information, because people going by their day, driving in their car and listening to this message after message after message, they all of a sudden start believing that this is the greatest thing ever —

RUSH: Institutional propaganda, is what it is.

CALLER: Institutional propaganda, right.

RUSH: Not just one guy, but an entire media network.

CALLER: And it’s unique that back in the day, during the Soviet days, the government owned one paper, the government owned one TV station and one radio station. And over the seven or eight or nine time zones, all that information was delivered over and over and over again. They put those big pictures of Lenin and big pictures of Stalin and big Gorbachev in our schools, in our restrooms, in our libraries and we sang the songs —

RUSH: Toilet lids, too. I saw ’em there.

CALLER: And that’s how they were able to achieve that. Here we have millions of small networks like wasps, they fly in sync. This is what’s very unique. How these people hate capitalism, how they hate the very principle of this country was found —

RUSH: This is an interesting point. Dmitry, I’m up against it on time here, but I really appreciate your call. He’s making an interesting point here. The Soviets had one TV station in every time zone. They had one newspaper, and they were still able — TV station was seen everywhere and nothing else, same with the newspaper. He said what’s unique here is we have an entire industry of propagandists that are linked. He’s right, too. Obama wants you thinking everything you have comes from government. No question about it. Thanks, Dmitry. Excellent.


RUSH: So to sorta illustrate Dmitry’s point. Here you have Deval Patrick on CNN with Anderson Cooper last night, and Anderson Cooper is not interested so much in what Deval Patrick says as he is interested in seeing if he can get Deval Patrick not to undermine Obama. The role of the propagandist is the point. You got a news maker on, Deval Patrick. He tried to steer Deval Patrick into criticizing Bain as culture capitalism, as Obama wants it criticized.

Now, let me ask you a question. We have Bain, and we have people with opinions about Bain. We have Obama and then everybody else. Who’s the extremist? Obama. Obama’s the only guy. Well, plus his unnamed minions, the Plouffes and the Axelrods, but Obama’s the only guy who holds his opinion on Bain. Now, the media, this is why they’re depressed at MSNBC today. It’s the jobs numbers, but this Bain thing, they were all invested in it, and it’s not working out, and they can’t get these guys to walk it back. They can’t get Deval Patrick to walk it back. They can’t get Fast Eddie Rendell to walk it back. They can’t get Cory Booker to walk it back. They can’t get Clinton to walk it back.

In fact, more people end up echoing the Clintons and the Deval Patricks and the Cory Bookers. Steny Hoyer is the latest today. Chris Matthews called Cory Booker a traitor. So Dmitry’s point is really being illustrated with this one episode. The Soviet Union had one paper, one news agency, one television station that they boomed everywhere. We got thousands. We got thousands of propagandists working for whoever the Democrat president happens to be at any given time.