Spokeskid on “Barack Hussein Kardashian”

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 7,2012

RUSH: Barack Hussein Kardashian. Oh, by the way, they are really irritated by that. They are really irritated that I’m calling him Barack Hussein Kardashian. And I got to thinking, you actually could say it’s an insult to the Kardashians, because they have started businesses. They have employed people. Obama’s not done some of the things the Kardashians have done. Now, they both star in reality TV shows, Obama as Celebrity of the United States. Here, grab audio sound bite number two. On Air Force One yesterday there was a press gaggle. Carney, the spokeskid, walks back to the press section of Air Force One, and they have a little gaggle, it’s a Q&A. A reporter yells at Carney, and they had this little back-and-forth.

REPORTER: Rush Limbaugh is referring to him as Barack Kardashian. What is your response to that?

CARNEY: Two words: Donald Trump. Next question.

RUSH: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Two words: Donald Trump. Do you think that the spokeskid was waiting for that question? ? I think the spokeskid was waiting for the question. So, anyway, they’re bothered by it, folks. Barack Hussein Kardashian.

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