Biden Insulted by Suggestion Anyone in His Family Ever Did Real Work

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 18,2012

RUSH: Did you hear what Biden said? Real Clear Politics has this. And I don’t know when Biden said this. It’s recently. Biden said, “My dad never worked in a Food Fair. My dad never wore a blue collar, Barack makes me sound like I just climbed out of a mine in Scranton, Pennsylvania, carrying a lunch bucket.” That was Biden speaking at a conference with US mayors in Orlando. I think it was last week. He said, “No one in my family worked in a factory.” Biden’s ticked off because apparently Obama runs around and tells everybody what a blue-collar guy his vice president is.

Obama tells everybody his vice president is a blue-collar guy, and for some reason this offended Biden. “My dad never worked in a Food Fair. My dad never wore a blue collar. Barack makes me sound like I just climbed out of a mine in Scranton, Pennsylvania, carrying a lunch bucket. No one in my family worked in a factory.” Now, why would Biden say this? Why do rats jump off sinking ships? It’s ’cause they know the ship is sinking. I can’t find a plausible explanation for why Biden… he sounds really ticked off. He’s insulted by being called blue collar, a Democrat. That’s supposed to be a badge of honor to be blue collar. Your roots to blue-collar status, the Democrat Party, are what qualify you to be a Democrat. Here’s Biden: “My dad never worked at a Food Fair. My dad never wore a blue collar. Barack makes me sound like I just climbed out of a mine in Scranton, Pennsylvania, carrying a lunch bucket. Nobody in my family worked at a factory.” Man.


RUSH: You know, I can’t get over this. Joe Biden disgusted and insulted at the thought that anybody might think that anybody in his family ever did any real work. Joe Biden is so insulted that Obama says his family’s blue collar, that he has to go out and defend his family’s honor to a US conference of mayors by pointing out: (imitating Biden) “My family never did any real work. My family never worked in a mall. My family never worked in a mine. My family was never blue collar. My family never worked in a factory.”

Biden’s gotta be confused, ’cause, remember, he said Obama’s different. He’s clean; he’s articulate. No, Biden’s family didn’t work at 7-Eleven, ’cause you have to speak Indian to work at a 7-Eleven, and Biden’s family doesn’t speak Indian. It’s what Biden said. Seriously, you Democrats, you union people, the vice president is acting insulted and disgusted that anybody would think that anybody in his family ever did any real work.


RUSH: We have the Joe Biden audio. It was from last Friday in Orlando, the 2012 annual meeting the US Conference of Mayors.

BIDEN: My dad never worked in a Food Fair. My dad never wore a blue collar. Barack makes me sound like I just climbed out of a mine in Scranton, Pennsylvania, carrying a lunch bucket. No one in my family worked in a factory!

RUSH: Well, there you have it. (impression) “So don’t anybody in this room, don’t any of you think my family ever did any real work. My family never worked in a factory, carried a lunch bucket, or worked in a mine or a Food Fair. Blue collar? No! Not in my family.” What are Richard Trumka and all these union thug leaders gonna do when they hear about this?


RUSH: Here’s Brandon in Springdale, Arkansas. Nice to have you, sir, on the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Hi. Thank you very much. I was so happy to talk to Bo just for a second and to offer a theory about Joe Biden’s problem with President “Baby Doc” Kardashian getting out to talk about him as a blue-collar guy, and it’s two words: Neil Kinnock. Neil Kinnock and Biden’s plagiarizing.

RUSH: I’ve got a story that I printed out where Biden tries to make the claim that he came from hardscrabble roots and had a tough job, a tough time in life overcoming obstacles. What’s amazing about this is he’s out there now denying it. His Neil Kinnock plagiarism was all about being blue collar, all about being an average, all about being a working guy. So here’s Obama carrying forth with Biden’s established identity, and Biden gets all ticked off about it now. And that’s what’s mysterious.

CALLER: Well, because he got thrown out of the ’88 election because they found out that it was all fake.

RUSH: Okay. Oh, okay. So, I got it. He’s mad that Obama is reminding everybody what he once lied about. Ohhhhh. That could be.

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