Obama’s Red Sox Joke Booed in Boston

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 26,2012

RUSH: There’s an Obama fundraiser event in Boston and taxpayers are having to cover security for that, or in Massachusetts somewhere. Obama went up there for his fundraiser in Boston, made some joke about the Red Sox trading Kevin Youkilis to the White Sox. He got booed in Boston, couldn’t understand it. He’s such a “man of the people.” He had no idea how seriously Bostonians take the Red Sox. They weren’t crazy about the trade. There’s Obama, so-called White Sox fan, and they’ve seen Obama throw first pitches. They know they’re looking at a freakin’ girl throw a baseball when Obama tries it. Here he is making a joke about it and they booed him. You don’t boo a narcissist like this.


RUSH: By the way, here’s Obama getting booed in Boston over that joke. He had a fundraiser here last night in Boston. And he’s talking about the trade of third baseman Kevin Youkilis from the Red Sox to the White Sox.

OBAMA: I just want to say, uhhh, “Thank you for Youkilis.”

BOSTONIANS: (groans and boos)

OBAMA: Ummm..,.


OBAMA: I’m just saying, he’s gonna have change the color of his socks.

BOSTONIANS: (boos mixed with laughter)

OBAMA: Ha-ha-ha-ha!


OBAMA: I didn’t think I’d get any boos outta here, but…

BOSTONIANS: (laughter)

OBAMA: I guess I shouldn’ta —


OBAMA: I should not have brought up baseball!


OBAMA: I understand!


OBAMA: My mistake!

RUSH: Even in Massachusetts, they choose the Red Sox over Obama. Over Kardashian.


RUSH: Obama had better not go off teleprompter. Those were real boos out there, and he’s not able to take that. You don’t boo a narcissist. You don’t. He doesn’t get booed. He doesn’t understand it. It doesn’t compute.

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