Obama Assigns Valor to Victimhood and Mocks the Outdated American Dream

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 17,2012

RUSH: We start in St. Louis. This is Lissa. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Thanks so much. Listen, as far as what Obama said about successful people, it wasn’t just what he said, which was absolutely adolescent, I mean it was just an absolute adolescent thing to say, it was the tone. His tone was so snarky and condescending.

RUSH: Hateful.

CALLER: It absolutely was. I mean, it came through so loud and clear. And, you know, when I say his thinking is adolescent, it’s like, after I heard it, I wanted to go, “Well, duh.” He sounded like a 13-year-old. Of course every generation stands on the shoulders of the generation before. Every civilization on the civilization before. I mean, yes, we are all beholden to the guy that invented the wheel. But, you know, what I think he’s trying to do is erase in our culture that independent streak that we have. There’s a part of me that thinks we’re all gonna be walking around in Mao jackets at some point. I mean he wants to take away —

RUSH: Individuality.

CALLER: Yes. Yes.

RUSH: The government is going to be the source of everything.

CALLER: That’s right.

RUSH: Government’s gonna get the credit. It will never get the blame, by the way, but it will always get the credit. He wants everybody looking to government for anything. He wants everybody thanking government for making anything in their lives that’s worthwhile happen. He wants government getting thanks for that. But there’s something else going on here, too, and I want to reiterate it. Obama cannot wait to raise taxes to confiscatory levels, and he wants to have support for this. What better way of ginning up that support than to go out and talk to college kids who haven’t had a chance to succeed or fail yet, but there’s no job market for ’em. They’re looking at student debt that’s insurmountable.

The idea of success and creating wealth is something that depresses them. So there comes Obama delegitimizing all the success that’s out there, all the successful people, other than the people that donate to him. He’s out there trying to stigmatize as much achievement and success as possible by telling his audiences that those people couldn’t have done it without you. They didn’t do anything on their own. As he says, you got a business, you didn’t build that, somebody else made that happen. Not somebody helped you, not somebody assisted, somebody else made it happen. And he said it, you’re right, with this contemptuous, condescending, snarky attitude with resentment and supreme intense dislike for these people.

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: So then when it comes to time to raise taxes to confiscate their wealth, look at the people that are gonna support him, because he’s already told them, “Hey, it’s only fair to take money away from them. They shouldn’t have it in the first place.” So that’s also part of this.

CALLER: That’s exactly right. I mean, you know, it’s easy to be average. Most people are. It’s hard to be successful. It’s hard work to be successful. To make the choices that you have to make to be successful is really tough.

RUSH: Well, get used to the new world. The new world is that there is valor in being average. There’s valor in having not achieved anything, because that makes you a victim. And there is honor, there are excuses, there’s explanations in being a victim. If you’re a victim, then you can blame somebody else, and who better than the president to support you? Who better than the president say, “Yeah, you know, you’re right. You coulda been somebody except these other people are a bunch of cheaters and liars and they stole it all from you. But I’m here, I’m here to get it back for you.” So there’s now gonna be a stigma to achievement. There’s gonna be an air of suspicion about it, officially, from the White House down. And there will be almost an honor or a sense of valor in being average because you fought the good fight, but you lost to a bunch of reprobate cheaters.


RUSH: This is Patty, Naugatuck, Connecticut. Welcome to the EIB Network. Great to have you here.

CALLER: Great to speak to you, and thank you for taking my call, sir.

RUSH: You bet. Thank you.

CALLER: You had talked about, you know, what would be a way around getting out a political ad that is nothing but complimentary and get your point across. I have a thought. It’s a three-part thought. There was a recent interview with Charles Krauthammer, and he had described the great respect and admiration for Romney and Bain Capital, of which he concluded in there that Romney, he doesn’t have any skeletons in the closet. In fact, he doesn’t have a closet. And then administrate middle of the interview, you could put people, real people who have had jobs, prosperity due to the intervention of Romney and Bain Capital through maybe Staples and other companies that Bain Capital have gone in and restructured so that there was success.

And the third conclusion, and you could have a series of people because I’m sure he has touched many lives with his wealth and prosperity, and it starts at the top and trickles down. He could be our role model. The third avenue would be ending with a conclusion of, I believe President Clinton on CNN, and he had spoke of Romney about his, I believe the word was “sterling business,” past businesses and of Bain Capital. And I think it would be a very positive ad coming forth and it would be addressing it in a very positive way. I do think that he needs to define himself very quickly, before he gets defined, because people repeating something over and over, sometimes legend becomes fact.

RUSH: All right, well, how does he define himself? He’s only been running for president since 2008, so how do you do that? How do you define yourself? What do you do?

CALLER: I think by your record. Bain Capital is part of the United States because it saves companies. It creates jobs. It creates wealth. It spreads the wealth. It actually spreads the wealth by everyday people getting up and going to work and having jobs. And the rich are the people who employ Americans and increase everyone’s quality of life. And money, there are things in life that are very important and our personal values, our principles, but money does bring quality of life. And the rich have enhanced this country through our jobs, through prosperity, through manufacturing.

RUSH: You want a Romney ad campaign that explains the rich to people and attempts to defend the rich to people.

CALLER: Through example. The lives that Bain Capital has touched, the everyday people who have got up and gone to work, who continue to have jobs because of his intervention to prevent a company from going bankrupt.

RUSH: It is interesting. You think back to all of these Democrats, when Obama started this attack on Bain, all these Democrats came out and said, “Don’t do it.” They came out and defended Bain. They defended private equity. Cory Booker, Fast Eddie Rendell, Bill Clinton, as you mentioned. There were numerous Democrats that came out and criticized Obama. What happened to that? Apparently they’ve all been taken to the woodshed. Every one of them has been silenced and shut up by the White House and we’re back now to Bain Capital equals disaster, evil, misery, cheaters, offshore accounts, all of the stereotypes that attach themselves to the filthy rich, that somehow rich Democrats never seem to have attached to them. All of this stuff is now attaching itself, all these Democrats who came out and told the truth, have apparently been silenced and shut up.

CALLER: And, sir, may I ask, too, what happens, what are the results of the rich leaving this country? Where would we be without the avenues that the rich have provided this country? And wealth and prosperity, he earned it, Governor Romney earned that, and if he succeeded he would be the person who leads by example. And if he could help the United States of America restore our economy and put us on a road that has avenues again to prosperity, I would be, I am sure with many Americans, very grateful, because we can come back to our problems, and they have to do with debt, finances. We need restructuring in our economy to bring us back to having things coming back —

RUSH: You know, aren’t these kinds of attacks that we’re seeing on Bain, aren’t they the kind of things that force companies offshore in the first place?

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: Isn’t this the kind of thing that makes a company open offices in foreign countries and relocate and take their leave of the US? Isn’t Obama, in effect, with his attacks on Bain, isn’t he sending a signal to other businesses, “If you’re not with me, pal, and I mean politically, I’m coming for you next,” is this not actually making other companies look at foreign investment more favorably?

CALLER: They may be looking now to see what happens, because we may be left with a country that the rich find out that it isn’t so great to be here and it isn’t marketable for them to be here, and there are other avenues in the world that actually welcome business. India may be a prime example. A lot of our businesses have gone to India, and they’re thriving in their economy over there. We need to reexamine our values. We need to reexamine how we are setting up our structures, because our Americans and our future Americans, we have many, many problems that we face, but we cannot solve the problems without having the wealth restored to this country —

RUSH: Let me ask you a serious question, Patty.

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: As you go through this idea, your three-pronged ad idea for Romney, and I like one of them, have a campaign on the lives that Bain Capital has helped, people whose jobs were saved, people whose businesses grew, that’s a good idea. My question to you, how many people in this country do you think are interested in learning how to be prosperous? How many do you think want the same list of objectives that you have mentioned here as the end result of your mythical ad campaign?

CALLER: Well, with all due respect, sir, I think when you give up something, you may end up giving up more than you think. My husband always said there is no free lunch. And sometimes when something is free it ends up costing you a whole lot more. And quite honestly, I think we need to look at the whole structure and widen what we’re looking at and seeing what people are getting for giving us tokens, because the tokens may end up in the end being withheld from us —

RUSH: No, no, I’m asking —

CALLER: — and you lose liberty.

RUSH: But how many people care about that? I’m asking you a question. How many people want to do what it takes to become prosperous? They don’t have to anymore. How many people want to understand the role wealthy people play in a prosperous society? How many people want to do what it takes to become one of those people, versus how many of them are content just to sit there and resent them and have the government take care of them to one agree or another?

CALLER: Well, what happens when there’s no more money? Who does the government —

RUSH: Well, we’re already there.

CALLER: Yes, sir. But after when things really begin to even — if they should worsen down the road, who would be first so hurt by the exact thing of not having money, if the government no longer has money, or China no longer is willing to give us that X-number of pennies on a dollar to give us so that we can have these programs that benefit people. I am not saying we should not take care of the poor, the disabled, we most certainly should. We have always been a country of that, but we need to examine exactly what the structure is and how we’re doing it. Because with all due respect, I’ll come back to my husband’s thing, this man worked and worked and worked since he was younger than a teenager until he was 65 years old and had some health problems.

RUSH: Do you understand that today… let me put it this way. The president of the United States is out receiving standing ovations and applause when he attacks the kind of life your husband lived. The president of the United States is getting standing ovations when he tells people your husband didn’t do anything. Your husband never did jack. Everybody else made your husband what he was. Your husband didn’t do anything. Obama’s getting standing ovations, Patty, when he denigrates people like your husband.

CALLER: Just because you say it doesn’t make it so. And you can say the truth, you can say the truth, you can say the truth, and I would continue to say the truth because you may affect some. But when you continue a legend and you keep repeating the legend, the only thing left standing is the legend. And the American people deserve to be told the truth.

RUSH: But the truth is hard, Patty. The truth is hard. A lot of people don’t want to hear the truth. I agree, that’s what we do here is tell the truth.

CALLER: You do it all the time.

RUSH: We do the truth and I’m hated and despised.

CALLER: I think you’re respected.

RUSH: Well, that, too, of course there’s that. But I’m hated too because I’m a big threat.

CALLER: You stand up for principles. You stand up for values, and you’re not going to give into them. You’re going to stand firm on them. So there’s something to be said for that. And in the end, this country was made just on that. People worked. They worked real hard, and they never complained about it, and the worst days of their lives are the days that they could no longer work, because that is what pulled you up and that’s what held you up.

RUSH: It’s what defined you. It is where you took your identity. Work is where you derived your self-worth.

CALLER: My father only worked his whole life, his whole life entire life. And when he retired he worked his whole entire retired life at the church until he was ill and died of a stroke. And that’s what he lived by. He was in World War II, he was —

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: — under Patton. He won medals for it. And, you know what? He never spoke of it. It was a deep pride within himself, and those things were very, very valuable, but they never spoke of the war. They never touted their success. But when I look back at my father, when he fell down stairs that were concrete and had all broken ribs, do you know he never missed one day of work? Do you know he got up the next day and he strapped himself up and he went to work?

RUSH: The president of the United States is today getting standing ovations for denigrating, criticizing, and basically impugning everything your father and your grandfather did and stood for, and that has not happened in this country before.

CALLER: It is what he left behind that counts, because I never forget the lessons he taught. He’s a man who went to church. He’s a man who prayed every day. He saw things that most people never see in their whole entire life.

RUSH: Yeah. And you probably was opposed to gay marriage, in which case he was a creep and a jackass and a hateful bigot. That’s where we are in our culture today. You described characteristics that used to be those things that everybody in this country strove for. Now they are laughed at, impugned, made fun of, marginalized, by no less than the president of the United States. Patty, thanks for the call. And God bless.


RUSH: Yes, my friends, it sometimes seems as though we have been transformed past these outdated concepts that Patty, our last caller, just talked about: Hard work, personal responsibility, commitment, stick-to-itiveness, humility. We seem to have been transformed past all that now. I mean, those qualities, those characteristics, eh, they were okay in their day when people didn’t know any better. But, you know, only bitter people still cling to that kind of outmoded value system now.

That’s just the bitter clingers that go to church. It’s just the bitter clingers that believe the lie that hard work gets you where you’re going. I mean, you heard the president. There’s a lot of hard workers out there, and there’s a lot of smart people out there, and they get the shaft every day. They never get what’s theirs, they never get what they deserve, because these other people are out there who didn’t do anything. These business owners, they didn’t build it. Somebody else made it happen.

And these outmoded values, that’s when people were suckers. That’s when people actually believed that hard work and application mattered. The smart people now know that that was all a bill of goods. That was all just a bunch of gobbledygook. The smart people now know that nine-out-of-ten people are gonna get ripped off and taken advantage of, because capitalism sees to it that way. If you’re not dishonest — if you’re not a cheater, if you’re not willing to walk all over people — then you’re not gonna get anywhere.

But now we finally have a president who understands how life really works, and that the only people who achieve things are thieves. The only people that have great success are the people that somehow were sitting around not doing anything and they saw somebody else do something really good and they just went in there and took it! They just went in there and absconded with it and put their own name to it. That’s what the smart people believe now. That’s what the cool people believe now.

All that stuff about God, faith, country, saving America from our enemies? Ah, how camp was that! There were never any real enemies. That was all just a bunch of stuff to get people riled up, but we all know that’s not the case anymore.

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