Left Tries Racism in Latest Attempt to Combat “You Didn’t Build That”

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 31,2012

RUSH: The latest piece from the left on Obama’s, (Obama impression) “You didn’t build that. You didn’t make that happen. You had nothing to do with your success. Who do you think you are? The roads and the bridges, that’s whose successful, the roads and the bridges did it. You didn’t do that.” The latest entry is from a guy named Jonathan Chait. Jonathan Chait, I think he writes for New York Magazine or The New Yorker. I forget which. Yeah, yeah, Jonathan Chait, you may remember, is a guy who, I forget which Bush term it was, but he wrote a piece that was titled, “Why I Hate George W. Bush.” And it was celebrated, it was welcomed. You know the left always says we need more civility in our political discourse. We need to be polite. We need to be respectful. And here comes Chait writing this piece, “Why I Hate Bush.” It was applauded and celebrated.

So Jonathan Chait says that Obama’s “You didn’t build that” speech revived racial resentments about redistributive fiscal policy partly because the president was speaking in a black dialect. Could we grab audio sound bite number three. Here is President Obama, July 13th, in Roanoke, Virginia, with the famous, “You didn’t build that.” And I want all of you to listen to this and tell me if you think Obama — hey, Cookie, see if you can find Obama speaking in Selma during the campaign in 2008. He went down there with Hillary and everybody trying to demo that he was down for the struggle. Everybody knows he had nothing to do with Selma, but he tried to go down there and make it look like his roots were in Selma. I think he said that his father had told him that if it weren’t for what had happened in Selma, that nothing would have happened for him, some such thing. I know we’ve got it archived. Just a matter of getting it prepped. But, I want you to listen to this. I want you to tell me if you think that Obama is speaking here in a black dialect.

OBAMA: Look, i-i-if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own.

FOLLOWERS: That’s right!

OBAMA: You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, “Well, it must be because I was just so smart!”

FOLLOWERS: (laughing)

OBAMA: There are a lot of smart people out there. “It must be because I worked harder than everybody else.” Let me tell you something. There are a whole bunch of hardworkin’ people out there!

FOLLOWERS: (cheers and applause)

OBAMA: If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help!

FOLLOWERS: Yeaaaaaah!

OBAMA: There was a great teacher somewhere in your life.

FOLLOWERS: Yeaaaaaah!

OBAMA: Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges! If you’ve got a business, you — you didn’t build that!

FOLLOWERS: Yeaaaaaah!

OBAMA: Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

RUSH: Is there a black dialect in there? (interruption) You don’t think so because of what? Yeah, you understood it, so what black dialect. Snerdley, you have 100% slave blood. That’s not a black dialect? (interruption) What did you say? It was racist for me to… (interruption) Oh. Oh. Oh. It’s racist to say that it couldn’t have been black dialect because you can understand it? I didn’t say that. No, it wasn’t me. I’ve got somebody shouting that in my ear, and I repeated it. And Snerdley is refuting it. All I’m interested in, is that a black dialect? All right, it’s not a black dialect. Fine.

“Jonathan Chait says the presidentÂ’s ‘you didn’t build that’ speech revived racial resentments about redistributive fiscal policy, partly because the president was speaking in a ‘black dialect.’ Maybe this was a problem with the speech, but the key problem was much simpler: The president was needlessly insulting. He wasnÂ’t just calling on successful people to pay more in tax but was being dismissive of their accomplishments.” This is a piece by Josh Barro, by the way, at Bloomberg. And he’s right. The whole thing was insulting. And it was filled with resentment. Obama resentment. (imitating Obama) “Hardworking, there are a lot of hardworking people out there, and they got nothing but the shaft, and a lot of smart people out there. And they got nothing but the shaft by this country. You’re smart.”

What Obama’s doing, he’s setting everybody up who agrees with him to accept the idea that he’s gotta go get all the money that the rich have because it’s not theirs. It’s the members of the audience. It’s the middle class’s money. They built all the stuff and made it possible for the rich guy to get rich. And Elizabeth Warren’s out there saying the same thing. Obama was trying to whip up resentment in a predominantly black audience in Roanoke. That’s what he was trying to do. This notion that smart or you worked harder than everybody else, (imitating Obama) “There’s a whole lot of smart, hardworking people out there. A lot of smart people out there.” So what’s ironic about this, here’s Obama upset, apparently, at people who take credit for their own success. Yet doesn’t he do the same thing? Isn’t he “I, me, my” throughout every speech he makes? “I got bin Laden.” And I did this or I did whatever.

Well, Mr. Barro here has it nailed, he was right. He was insulting. Now, Mr. Barro has done something interesting. He went back to the second season of West Wing. That’s the TV show written by Aaron Sorkin. And he remembered a scene in West Wing, speechwriter Sam Seaborn played by Rob Lowe, explains to the staff of some liberal House members why he will not insert a line in President Bartlett’s upcoming speech. They want, in this TV show, they want the president to attack Republican tax cut proposals as financing private jets and swimming pools for the wealthy. And the speechwriter for the president, Sam Seaborn, played by Rob Lowe, “explains to the staff of some liberal house members why he wonÂ’t insert a line in President BartletÂ’s upcoming speech. They want the president to attack Republican tax cut proposals as financing ‘private jets and swimming pools’ for the wealthy. As Seaborn argues:

“Henry, last fall, every time your boss got on the stump and said, ‘It’s time for the rich to pay their fair share,’ I hid under a couch and changed my name. I left Gage Whitney making $400,000 a year, which means I paid twenty-seven times the national average in income tax. I paid my fair share, and the fair share of twenty-six other people. And I’m happy to ’cause that’s the only way it’s gonna work, and it’s in my best interest that everybody be able to go to schools and drive on roads, but I don’t get twenty-seven votes on Election Day. The fire department doesn’t come to my house twenty-seven times faster and the water doesn’t come out of my faucet twenty-seven times hotter. The top one percent of wage earners in this country pay for twenty-two percent of this country. Let’s not call them names while they’re doing it, is all I’m saying.”

That was a script, that’s from the West Wing, Aaron Sorkin, attacking this whole notion that the rich aren’t paying their fair share, in that show, even.


RUSH: We’ll just play a brief excerpt from Obama in Roanoke, Virginia, and then we’re gonna go back to 2007 with Obama at Selma. Here we go. This is July 13th, in Roanoke, Virginia.

OBAMA: If you got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

RUSH: All right, that’s this year. Mere weeks ago. Now let’s go back, March 4th, 2007, at a breakfast before the big speech in Selma, Barack Obama.

OBAMA: This is the site of my conception. I am the fruits of your labor. I am the offspring of the move-ment. So when people ask me whether I’ve been to Selma before, I tell ’em I’m coming home.

RUSH: Now, that was the black dialect. It’s almost as embarrassing as Hillary. “I ain’t no way tarred.” Remember that? And, by the way, Harry Reid has often talked about Obama’s ability to slip into black dialect and then sound clean and pure. And Obama, Harry, it’s just a gift. I am the offspring of the move-ment. That’s how Malik Shabazz says it. (imitating Obama) “Of the move-ment. So when people ask me if I’ve been in Selma befo’, I tell ’em I’m coming home.” Here is Obama at the church assuring the contention that he’s black enough. It’s March 4th, 2007, in Selma.

OBAMA: My grandfather was a cook to the British in Kenya. Grew up in a small village. And all his life, that’s all he was was a cook and a houseboy, and that’s what they called him. Even when he was 60 years old, they called him a houseboy. Wouldn’t call him by his last name. Sound familiar? So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don’t tell me I’m not coming home when I come to Selma, Alabama. I’m here because somebody marched for our freedom. I’m here because y’all sacrificed for me. I stand on the shoulders of giants.

RUSH: Right on. That was Obama in Selma. Well, that’s how the Reverend Sharpton says it. “In Selma.” That’s the black dialect. Not so much in the second bite, but in the first bite, so when people ask me whether I’ve been to Selma befo’, I tell ’em I’m coming home. Roanoke does not sound like that. That’s the point. There was no black dialect in Roanoke like Jonathan Chait says. So his whole premise that people were reacting to Obama in a racist way, ’cause he wanted to redistribute as a black guy, it’s all out the window. It’s irrelevant.


RUSH: For the fun of it, let’s go back to Selma, March 4th, 2007. Here’s Hillary and the black dialect.

HILLARY: Let us say with one voice the words of James Cleveland’s great freedom hymn. “I don’t feel no ways tired. I come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy. I don’t believe he brought me this far to leave me.”

RUSH: Yeah. So who pulled it off better, do you think, Hillary or Obama? I ain’t no ways — she blew it on tired. I ain’t no way tired. No. It’s, “I ain’t no way tarred.” She wasn’t able to pull it off. She tried. She tried. I come too faaaaar from where I started from. Man, that screeching, I understand why… Can you imagine… well, I can’t win saying this. Never mind.

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