Regime Runs Apology Ad on Pakistani TV

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 21,2012

RUSH: I’m minding my own business here preparing the program. I’m not bothering anybody. I happen to look up at Fox, and I see they’re doing a story. It’s this morning, two hours ago. There’s a graphic at the bottom of the screen, and you know what the graphic says? “White House compares Middle East upheaval to the Berlin Wall falling.” I said, “What in the world, the Berlin Wall falling? This is more like 1979. The Berlin Wall falling meant freedom. We got tyranny spreading across the Middle East. They didn’t burn the embassy in Berlin. Now they’re burning the embassy in Pakistan.

Speaking of, folks, you gotta hear this. Let me find it. Sound bite 12. I mentioned this to you yesterday on the program, and then last night I finally got the audio. You’re not gonna get everything listening to this, but you’ll get enough. There’s some graphics on the screen, a little translation, but for the most part this a 42-second commercial. It’s an Obama regime ad apologizing to the Muslim world in Pakistan for the video. Now, that story’s over. Everybody’s admitting that Susan Rice was sent out to try to establish a narrative on the Sunday shows that the video was the reason for all of this, and that’s imploded. So their narrative has imploded. But they are continuing to apologize. Somebody said, “Well, you know, the embassy in Pakistan is just a bunch of neophytes as the embassy in Cairo.” It’s not the embassy; it’s Obama. This is his show. He’s giving the orders. It’s his culture that has been established in this administration.

The culture of any organization is set up by the guy on top. That’s why the culture here is so clean and pure as the wind-driven snow, optimistic, upbeat, happy, achievement oriented. I set the culture here. Roger Ailes sets the culture at Fox News. That’s amazing, all the hundreds of people there, that culture. Obama sets the culture for the regime. So they can try to pass all this off on the employees at various embassies. And I have no doubt that they’re little knuckleheads that come out of conflict resolution 101 and all that, but you gotta hear this.

Keep in mind now that they’re burning the flag and the embassy in Pakistan’s under siege. More than 17 people have died in demonstrations in Pakistan after the government declared today that it would be a public holiday to let people protest. You know what they’re doing? There’s a public holiday in Pakistan to let people protest under the banner of Love the Prophet Day. And all carrying this notion forward that this video out there has so blasphemed the prophet, that whole countries have to get the day off now to deal with it.

And then in the midst of all this, 17 people have died in demonstrations. It’s Love the Prophet Day and 17 people die. This ad is running on Pakistani television.

OBAMA: Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None.

HILLARY: Let me state very clearly, and I hope it is obvious, that the United States government had absolutely nothing to do with this video. We absolutely reject its content and message. America’s commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation.

RUSH: That’s… Folks, that’s… I can’t believe this! But it’s true. That ad is running all over Pakistani TV. We were, if not the first, among the first to tell you about this yesterday. Now, we didn’t have the actual audio of the ad, but we knew about it. Now, the ad obviously isn’t working. (stifling laughter) Sorry. I don’t want to laugh, but it’s so pathetic. This is just embarrassing. This is rank incompetence, and they’re dead serious. You have to understand now: Somebody thinks this is a brilliant idea. They actually do!

Stop and think of that.

Somebody at the regime thinks this is a brilliant idea!

It cost $70,000. Yep! It cost the embassy 70 grand, $70,000 to run that. The White House is comparing the Middle East upheaval to the Berlin Wall coming down? In their dreams! Either they don’t understand what happened at the Berlin Wall or else they’re depressed about what happened at the Berlin Wall. (laughing) There’s probably a little bit of that. Or they’re just idiots. By the way, I gotta give a shot-out to Andrea Tarantula at Fox News on The Five show yesterday. This was great. Beckel! Poor Bob. Poor Bob.

You know, he’s on Fox. He has to spout the regime line, and the regime line is “Osama’s dead and GM’s alive,” and that means Obama’s the best-qualified president ever or what have you. And apparently Bob Beckel kept repeating, “GM’s alive, Osama Bin Laden is dead,” to which Andrea Tarantula said, “So is our ambassador in Libya.” Ouch, and double ouch! Snerdley is applauding that on the other side of the glass.

“So is our ambassador to Libya.”


RUSH: You’re over-thinking it. Yeah, I just threw out a very obvious question to Snerdley. Let’s go to Benghazi for a second. I said, “Why would you not blame terrorism for this? Why would you go out of your way to blame a video? Why would you not blame terrorist activity for this?” Well, Snerdley gave me this ten-minute dissertation. “Well, if you’re out playing golf and if you’re not reading the intelligence briefs and usual…” No. No, no, no, no. I mean, other than that it’s a great answer.

Don’t misunderstand. The natural instinct was good. It was a political effort. That guy with the video equals Romney! That guy with the video equals conservative. You blame the video because they’re the bigger enemy. The video and conservatives are the bigger enemy than Al-Qaeda is. You the blame the video for the campaign. It’s a campaign tactic. It was a strategery, and it’s backfired. The video was made by a “conservative Christian.” That’s the story, and they’re sticking to it.

Another reason: Why wouldn’t you want to blame the terrorists? I mean, remember 9/11/2001? Terrorism, it happens. It’s been happening for two or three decades. Why would you, as president of the United States, go out of your way to exonerate the terrorists who killed your own ambassador? Why would you do that? Folks, the answer to that is a profundity. Well, you could say, “If you blame the terrorists then they really get mad. Oh-ho, then the really get mad!”

There might be some of that in the State Department. There might be some thinking along those lines. If you blame the terrorists, then you are admitting that your foreign policy’s in shambles. If you blame the terrorists, it mean your security isn’t up to snuff. If you the blame the terrorists, it means they got away with it. If you blame the terrorists, it blows to smithereens this whole notion from 2008 that it was never gonna happen anymore because Obama’s in there.

“The world loves Obama. Obama gave the speech in Cairo. Everybody loves the guy, unifies the world, makes America loved again!” Uh-oh. In the middle of the campaign, 9/11 anniversary, terrorists try to blow up our embassy in Cairo, and they wreak the damage and the murder and mayhem in Benghazi. So this guy, the president of the United States, takes the easy way out and blames some irrelevant video on YouTube for this.

He then runs an ad in Pakistan apologizing for the video! Still, that ad’s on the air after the embassy in Cairo apologized in advance of any violence. It’s all about the fact that Obama can’t be made to look incompetent. He can’t be made to look like the promise of 2008 was false and phony. But more than anything, it’s what I have said. We, American conservatives, pose a greater threat to Barack Obama than Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, or any of the other terrorist organizations over there.

But I think if you just think about it in this context: He did everything, and still is, to exonerate the terrorists. They sent Susan Rice out on television to say, “Oh, it’s the video!” Stephanie Cutter: “Oh, it was the video.” They sent everybody out to say that, or that it was Mitt Romney. It was the video and Romney didn’t know what he was doing. He “shot before he aimed” or “aimed before he shot,” whatever that phrase is. I think when you stop and think about it in context, it is absolutely chilling.

Here we have an act of terrorism — our ambassador’s dead along with two SEALs and a State Department official — and the president went out of his way, and still is, to exonerate those who are guilty. And they’ve admitted it, by the way. They’ve now admitted it had nothing to do with the video. It was a preplanned attack, two or three days in the works. A hundred people, RPGs, mortars, you name it — and still it’s the video. I think it is just so telling. It is so instructive of who this guy is.


RUSH: eventy thousand taxpayer dollars have been spent to run a TV ad in Pakistan where the rioting continues. What is it, 17 people dead? Now they’re rioting at movie theaters in Pakistan, and the movie hasn’t even been seen. This is an ad in Pakistan. It’s Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama apologizing to the people of Pakistan for the video. Here’s the audio of the ad…

OBAMA: Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None.

HILLARY: Let me state very clearly, and I hope it is obvious, that the United States government had absolutely nothing to do with this video. We absolutely reject its content and message. America’s commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation.

RUSH: This, to me, is unbelievable. The video is responsible for nothing. And why, again, would you not want to hold the terrorists who killed our ambassador accountable instead of this guy with the video? It is just… This is an example of the incompetence on parade. It’s also an illustration of what they think their real enemy is — and it’s us, folks, as conservatives. It’s conservatives who pose a bigger threat to the ambitions of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton than terrorists do. We stand in the way of their acquisition of power far more than the terrorists do. That’s how they look at it, and that’s why they’re trying to blame this guy all over the world, in order to taint all of us.

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