Obama Throws Victimhood Under the Bus?

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 27,2012

WOMAN: Obama!

REPORTER: You got an Obama phone?

WOMAN: (screaming) Yes! Everybody in Cleveland, low minorities, got Obama phone. Keep Obama in president, you know? He gave us a phone!

REPORTER: He gave you a phone?

WOMAN: He gonna do more!

REPORTER: How did he give you a phone?

WOMAN: You sign up. If you’re… If you on food stamps, you on Social Security, you got low income, you disability…

REPORTER: Okay, what’s wrong with Romney, again?

WOMAN: Romney, he sucks! Bad!

OBAMA: I don’t believe we can get very far, uh, with leaders who write off half the nation as a bunch of victims who never take responsibility for their own lives.

FOLLOWERS: (smattering of applause)

OBAMA: And I’ve gotta tell you, as I travel around Ohio and as I look out on this crowd, I don’t see a lot of victims. I see hardworkin’ Ohioans. That’s what I see.

RUSH: A lot of people are scratching their heads over that. What is he talking about, hardworking people? That’s not what this is about! Voting for Obama is not about hard work. Go talk to the cell phone lady. Voting for Obama is not about hard work. It’s about just the opposite. Liberalism and people who are liberals are oriented around the fact that everybody is a victim.

Except conservatives.

They are the ones who victimize everybody.

But every liberal is a victim of something — discrimination, racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia — you name it! Liberalism is built around it, and here he is throwing all of that under the bus and telling his voters that he expects ’em to work. His voters have heard what out of his mouth for 3-1/2 years? That the problem in this country is the people that have a lot of money, and they’re gonna be targeted.

“We’re gonna go get that money and we’re gonna redistribute it.”

Well, how do you get money? You work! Unless you’re a Kennedy and inherit it, you work for it. No, folks, I’m not endorsing the lies around which liberalism is built. I’m pointing them out. I’m exposing them! I’m exposing Obama. What I’m trying to do is illustrate here a campaign that I think is floundering, if you want to know the truth, and I’m not lost in false optimism or being falsely positive. I’m not lying to myself or to you.

We know — we know — that Obama believes that this is a nation of victims. That’s why he race baits. That’s why he runs on class warfare. It’s why he runs on gender warfare. It’s why he’s dividing this country in every way he can. He’s dividing it The Victims against The Oppressors. And we, conservative Republicans, we’re The Oppressors! My gosh, if there aren’t any victims we’re not oppressors, then we’re all of a sudden we’re good people!

He can’t have that. Obama needs as many people as possible believing they are victims. This message he’s sending is bound to be confusing to some of ’em. Why all the spending? Why all the deficits? Why all the taxes? Why all the government bureaucrats? Why all of this to “level the playing field”? Why do you have to engage in all of this to make sure everybody has a “fair shot” if there aren’t any victims? Schizophrenia is what we’re watching here, folks, and don’t doubt me.


RUSH: Starting today, ladies and gentlemen, Mitt Romney and his campaign should say that there are millions of victims in this country, and they are victims due to Obama. They’re victims of his policies. Millions out of work, millions on food stamps, millions losing their homes, millions losing their savings and their pensions and their health care. We do have victims in this country, and they are victims of Barack Obama!

Okay, Romney campaign, it’s yours now.

Run with it.

This is the way out.


RUSH: Starting today, Mitt Romney should take this victims comment of Obama’s. He’s out there saying he doesn’t believe this is a nation of victims like Romney does. Romney never said that. It’s a floundering campaign. They’re putting words in Romney’s mouth. But it’s an opportunity now ’cause Obama has just thrown his own philosophy under the bus. Again, I want to stress: He really hasn’t done that. Don’t misunderstand. I don’t think Obama all of a sudden now has thrown liberalism away.

That’s precisely the point. He hasn’t. I don’t believe that when he talks about hard work taking you where you want, that’s what he believes in. That’s not good for liberalism. Liberalism needs victims. It thrives on ’em. Without victims, why would you need a messiah? So what this indicates to me is that they’re grasping at straws. They’re throwing things up against the wall and hoping something sticks.

This is not the kind of stuff a campaign does when it thinks it’s gonna win Ohio by ten and Pennsylvania by 12 and Florida by 11 or whatever the numbers were yesterday. And why is Obama in Virginia? He’s got it wrapped up. Why is he in Ohio? He’s got it wrapped up. Why is he going to these places? It’s all wrapped up. Why is he out talking about the NFL referee strike? He’s very happy it’s been settled. What’s that?

I’m not, by the way. Well, I gotta tell you, there’s a part of me, folks, that says, “It’s just football,” and I just get the biggest kick out of watching the media be so ticked off and I love ’em on their high horses. I love ’em when they’re upset. I love ’em. I just do. I know it had to end at some point. I knew that it was gonna get settled, but it was fun watching sandlot football. (interruption) Well, yeah, I’ve got sympathy for the Packers, but I’ll tell you what’s gonna happen. The regular refs are going to…

Talk to the Seattle Seahawks. They think they had a Super Bowl victory taken away from them by the regular refs! This love affair with the regular refs is gonna last about five seconds, and then it’s gonna be back to the same old… (laughing) Anyway, here’s what Romney needs to do. Romney needs to get out there and say that the president is wrong, that there are millions of victims in this country, victims of Obama, victims of Obama’s policies.

There are millions of victims in this country due to Barack Obama. There are millions of people out of work because of Barack Obama’s policy. If you don’t want to say “because of Obama,” chalk it up to his policies, Mitt. If you gotta sugarcoat it, then blame his policies. A record number of millions are on food stamps because of Obama’s policies. Millions! Millions of Americans have lost their homes because of Obama’s policies. Millions of Americans have lost their savings because of Obama’s policies.

Millions of Americans are losing their pensions because of Obama’s policies. Millions of Americans don’t know it yet, but they’re gonna lose their health care thanks to Obama’s policies. It’s sitting there; it’s on a silver platter. Obama doesn’t believe this victim business. He needs ’em. Liberalism is oriented around as many victims as possible, creating victims. What the hell was Sandra Fluke, if not a victim?

Every woman in this country is a victim of what? The Catholic Church, male oppression, you name it. Liberals thrive on it. Every immigrant to this country is a victim! There isn’t a non-conservative individual in this country, according to Democrats, who is not a victim of the basics of this country. They’re a victim of the way this country was founded. This country’s unfair, unjust in the way it was founded. That’s the way they’re oriented.

For Obama to throw that under the bus and try to make people think he’s all for hard work and how it’s gonna be rewarded? Tell that to people who are in his crosshairs if they succeed. This nation is full of citizens who have been victimized by the policies of Barack Obama. And, by the way, they were misled. How many people that voted for Obama thought they were getting post-partisanship, the end of racism, the end of arguments, and the country being loved internationally again?

How many people thought the economy was gonna be fixed?

How many people thought Republicans and Democrats were going to throw down their disagreements and start working together? How many people thought all this? We got the economic news out there. The economy is tanking. You know, it’s kind of hard to reconcile something here, folks. I have the Rasmussen data here on likely voters. According to all polls this week, likely voters think… No. No. In Ohio (this is what was remarkable), likely voters think that Obama will do better handling the economy than Romney.

How’s that possible?

It isn’t possible.

The economy is tanking, and Obama is surging? When has that ever happened in American history? It hasn’t. Maybe FDR. Special circumstances. At no other time in our history has the economy tanked and the incumbent president in charge of it surged. However, if you go to the Rasmussen poll here… Yesterday in the CBS Quinnipiac poll, they reported gleefully that Obama was viewed now by a vast majority, I forget the exact numbers, as being better able to deal with this economy.

It was Obama hands down. It was easily eight points. I forget what the exact number was. Well, here’s Rasmussen today: 43% expect a better economy if Romney wins; 34% say the same for Obama. Do you realize these pollsters have gotta look at Rasmussen every day and want this guy dispatched somehow? Every day, Rasmussen is showing them tied. If you add leaners, Romney’s ahead by two in the Rasmussen poll.

Yet other polls are out there saying it’s Obama up by eight to ten to 11 to 12 points. Obama preferred by the people of this country to handle the economy? It don’t happen. A tanking economy and an incumbent president surging? And here’s Rasmussen: Likely voters think that Romney will do better than Obama with the economy by nine points. Do Americans vote their pocketbooks? Do they care that health insurance premiums are exploding under Obama?

Do they care that the price of gas has doubled under Obama? Do they care about unemployment? Do they care that GDP is moving backwards? We are to believe that, in the midst all of this, Obama is surging? I’m sorry, I don’t. It doesn’t make common sense. One of the reasons is Obama cannot tie Romney to any of this. I mean, Romney may go out and say things like 47% to a bunch of fundraisers and this or that, but Romney can’t be tied in any way to this economy.

Romney has nothing to do with unemployment. He has nothing to do with the price of gas. He has nothing to do with anything. He hasn’t been in power. No matter how hard they try, they cannot tie Romney to any of this. But you can tie Obama to it. Health insurance premiums are skyrocketing, exploding. Price of gas doubled! Unemployment has been over 8% for 40-plus months or whatever it is. Economic growth has stalled out.

And the incumbent is surging? That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. “But Obama cares, Rush! Obama cares. Romney doesn’t care. He’s a Republican, a conservative. He’s a cold-hearted, mean-spirited SOB. Obama cares.” Really? Where’s the evidence of that? What’s Obama done for you? Oh! I take it back. You know, I asked that question: “What’s Obama done for you?” Let’s go to Cleveland, Ohio…

WOMAN: Obama!

REPORTER: You got an Obama phone?

WOMAN: (screaming) Yes! Everybody in Cleveland, low minorities, got Obama phone. Keep Obama in president, you know? He gave us a phone!

REPORTER: He gave you a phone?

WOMAN: He gonna do more!

REPORTER: How did he give you a phone?

WOMAN: You sign up. If you’re… If you on food stamps, you on Social Security, you got low income, you disability…

REPORTER: Okay, what’s wrong with Romney, again?

WOMAN: Romney, he sucks! Bad!

OBAMA: I don’t believe we can get very far, uh, with leaders who write off half the nation as a bunch of victims who never take responsibility for their own lives.

FOLLOWERS: (smattering of applause)

OBAMA: And I’ve gotta tell you, as I travel around Ohio and as I look out on this crowd, I don’t see a lot of victims. I see hardworkin’ Ohioans. That’s what I see.

RUSH: That woman I think actually believes that Obama gave her the phone. I think she — I think she actually believes it.

(playing the song: Victim)

RUSH: To show you how on the cutting edge we are, this is from the Grooveyard of Forgotten Favorites, our old update. That’s how much the Democrats are into victims. We did a Victim Update way back. Here’s the theme.

(song continues)

WOMAN: Obama!

REPORTER: You got an Obama phone?

WOMAN: (screaming) Yes! Everybody in Cleveland, low minorities, got Obama phone. Keep Obama in president, you know? He gave us a phone!

REPORTER: He gave you a phone?

WOMAN: He gonna do more!

REPORTER: How did he give you a phone?

WOMAN: You sign up. If you’re… If you on food stamps, you on Social Security, you got low income, you disability…

REPORTER: Okay, what’s wrong with Romney, again?

WOMAN: Romney, he sucks! Bad!

RUSH: That was Candi Staton, by the way, “I’m a victim,” from the Grooveyard of Forgotten Favorites and Retired Update Themes. So what has Obama done for you? I asked it yesterday. He gave her a phone, and I guarantee you, she thinks that phone is actually from Obama. She doesn’t have the slightest idea that that phone is paid for by the taxes, with the taxes, from everybody else’s phone bills — and she doesn’t care.

That phone comes from Obama.


I don’t know if there was a Bush phone. Even if there was a Bush phone, Bush never took credit for it. Who’s paying her bill? You know, a phone is one thing. But then there’s the data, and then there’s the usage. (interruption) I know, but they have to be using the phone. Somebody’s paying the bill. Obama’s paying the bill, exactly! Obama’s paying the bill for everybody! What a great guy. Obama gives away the phones and he pays everybody’s bill. They probably think their television sets are from Obama, too, for all I know.

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