Why Mr. Roads and Bridges Hates Suburbia

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 3,2012

RUSH: Here’s Dan in Hamden, Connecticut. Dan, welcome to the EIB Network and the Rush Limbaugh program. Great to have you here.

CALLER: Thank you very much. I appreciate you taking the call. I have a question and I thought I’d call the voice of reason. I was confused by the president’s statement regarding roads, bridges, and the suburbs.

RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: He spoke about people in the city unable to commute to the suburbs, you know, to go to work, to go to their jobs. I thought it was kind of like the other way around, where — I mean around here, anyway, people commute from the suburbs —

RUSH: I think it’s that way in most of the country. People commute from the suburbs to the city to work. Need roads and bridges to get there. Like in New York, if you live in New Jersey, Connecticut, you need lots of roads and bridges to get into the city.

CALLER: Right. So am I guilty of faulty logic?

RUSH: No. You’re not guilty of faulty logic. You are guilty of not understanding what Obama really means. When he goes on this suburban tirade, he resents that people leave the city to live, that they don’t stay there to live and work. He’s upset that these people have the ability to leave, the financial means, resources to live in the suburbs, so they don’t have to put up with the hellhole of the city as a residence. But these other poor people, they can’t get out ’cause they don’t have the money ’cause they’re discriminated against. And so the suburbanites get to leave the hellhole of the city, and Obama’s people don’t get to leave it, and then they come back, and that’s what he’s ticked off about. So he doesn’t want to build any more roads and bridges, ’cause he doesn’t want any more people to be able to leave the cities. He wants everybody riding mass transit, when you get right down to it, or driving an old Volt for no further than 40 miles.

CALLER: Ah. I just thought perhaps we’ve been building one-way bridges.

RUSH: We have been, one-way for the rich.


RUSH: Big stop sign, turn around for the poor, at the entrance to every bridge. That’s what he means. He resents that people have left the cities. He resents, in his world view, we’re not really talking about the rich. The middle class leaves the city, and they leave the stench and whatever is behind. It’s not fair they should be able to do that. They ought to have to stay there, like everybody else does. And so we’re gonna stop investing any more roads and bridges, suburbs. Don’t need that. We need to put that money into the cities, invest in minority-owned businesses and so forth, so that the people who stay in the city, ’cause they have no choice, get a little fair treatment.

Remember now, in Obama’s world, if you’re successful or if you’ve achieved, it’s not because of you. It’s because of a stacked deck. It’s because of an unfair set of advantages that you’ve had, however he wants to define it: your family, your race, who you know. Your success is not legitimate, and the proof of that is that there are still poor people. And you’re only successful because you’ve taken what the poor were entitled to. You’ve taken more than your share. This is exactly who he is. And when you’ve taken more than your share and then you use that to flee the city, well, then you are held in contempt. And you have to be gotten even with. So we’re gonna raise your taxes, and we’re gonna stop building bridges and roads for you to get easily back and forth, and we’re gonna take that money, that you’re essentially stealing, and we’re gonna keep it here in the city with these people. And maybe not the city, but really talking about populations here, groups of people. The disadvantaged, the victims of capitalism.

The suburbs stole the wealth of the inner city. That’s the point. The inner city is the inner city because suburbs stole it. People fled, people left, they took the money with them, and it wasn’t theirs. They’ve got more than their fair share. Folks, I’m not making this up. I’m simply telling you what he says. I’m not speaking philosophically here. I appreciate the call. That’s a great call. That gives me an opportunity to look even better than I otherwise do by —


What? By explaining things people —


Well, I know. I know. The guy gets it. It’s the others that don’t.


I don’t know. You mean after the video comes out? That’s a question I’m asking myself. If they didn’t get it in 2008, they didn’t care, why are they gonna care now? How are they gonna make ’em understand it now? Well, only time will tell on all this.

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