Jason Whitlock’s Publicity Stunt

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 3,2012

RUSH: I think Jason Whitlock is running a publicity stunt campaign. I think his original column on the Jovan Belcher shooting was a publicity stunt to get him attention, and it worked. Bob Costas, halftime, Sunday Night Football last night, quoted from Whitlock. So Whitlock — a PR master — now seeking to expand on his publicity stunt, apparently went on Roland Martin’s show today (wherever that is, wherever the Roland Martin show takes place) and Jason Whitlock said that the modern-day KKK is the NRA.

So Jason wants his name to remain in the public domain, and he wants to remain being talked about. He’ll engage in this publicity stunt, and we will oblige here at the EIB Network. Here’s what he said. It’s from NewsBusters.com, and here’s what he said this morning: “Sports gets so much attention, and people tune out the real world, that I try to take advantage of the opportunity to talk about the real world when sports lends itself to that and try to open peopleÂ’s eyes. You know, I did not go as far as IÂ’d like to go because my thoughts on the NRA and AmericaÂ’s gun culture – I believe the NRA is the new KKK. And that the arming of so many black youths, uh, and loading up our community with drugs, and then just having an open shooting gallery, is the work of people who obviously donÂ’t have our best interests [at heart].”

So Jason Whitlock, seeking to expand on his publicity stunt, is now saying that the NRA is arming black youths and, as a side business, funneling drugs into black neighborhoods so they wipe each other out. The NRA is encouraging people to shoot people who play loud music. The NRA is encouraging black football players to shoot their girlfriends, and the mothers of their children. I don’t believe even Jason Whitlock believes this. I mean, the fact of the matter is, the KKK represented the Democrat Party. The KKK was founded in the Democrat Party. It was white-on-black crime. The KKK committed their crimes against people who couldn’t defend themselves. The KKK committed their crimes against slaves and poor blacks who had no guns. If anything, the NRA is helping people defend themselves from bad guys by standing up for the Second Amendment.

So let’s take this publicity stunt a little further. We know that Jason was wrong when he said, “Handguns do not enhance our safety. They exacerbate our flaws.” We know. We cited the stats. States that have concealed carry laws have lower murder rates, crime rates, rape rates, you name it. States with the most stringent gun control laws have the highest crime rate. So Jason, in his publicity stunt here, says that the NRA is arming the black neighborhoods, shooting each other, wiping each other out ’cause they’re the new KKK, when in fact it’s the NRA that is helping people defend themselves from bad guys, and there are bad guys in every neighborhood, bad guys in every community.

Let’s take the black community and see what Jason’s talking about. Let’s say that somebody is rolling trucks of guns into the black community. Somebody is still picking those guns up and using them, right? The NRA doesn’t have an instruction manual. The NRA is not demanding that only certain people be shot. In fact, Jason, you might want to look into an operation called Fast and Furious. You might have heard of about that. Fast and Furious is where the Obama administration allowed the sale of automatic weapons, I mean, big time rifles and stuff, to be bought in gun shops in Arizona and walked across the border to Mexico, and given to drug lords. The Obama administration wanted those guns used in crime, which they were.

And the whole point, Jason, was that when the American public heard about all the death and the murder and the mayhem in Mexico by drug lords, committed with guns bought easily in America, the American people were supposed to stand up in righteous indignation, demand that everybody’s gun be taken away from ’em. That was the plan. Didn’t work. Didn’t work out. What happened was an American Border Patrol agent was shot and killed, and the plot was discovered for what it was. Fast and Furious, the guns were made available by the government. Jason, I might point out that it’s Democrat Party that owns most urban communities. It’s the Democrat Party that represents most urban communities. It’s the Democrat Party that has the political power, the law enforcement power, the education power.

How does the NRA even get in there to do all this? How does the NRA get into these communities? Do they drive in in big trucks and just open the back gate and, you want a gun, take it? How does this happen? So it’s clearly a publicity stunt. The NRA is the new KKK. And in saying this, what Jason is saying is, the people in these communities are so irresponsible that you load ’em up with guns and the first thing they think to do is start shooting each other with them. Why do they start shooting each other with them? There’s a societal cause here that’s much deeper than simply the presence or the availability of guns.


RUSH: Here’s Bert in Henderson, Colorado. Bert, thank you for waiting. Great to have you on the EIB Network.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. It’s an honor to speak with you. Mega dittos from snowless Colorado.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: Hey, I just had some comments regarding the violence with our youth and everything right now. I think it all just goes down to no accountability anymore. You know, parents aren’t at home anymore. They’re both working to try to live the American dream, and these kids are not being disciplined whatsoever. They’re not getting, you know, spankings at home anymore. You’re not able to punish your kids, because it’s not PC anymore. These kids, you know, think that they can basically do whatever they want and get away with it. You know, I was one of the first responders at the Aurora shooting on 7/20 and, you know, I see this kind of stuff every day. I mean, I see people —

RUSH: Which shooting was that? Was that the Batman shooting?

CALLER: Yes, it was.

RUSH: Yeah, okay. There’s so many in Colorado, I’ve forgotten.

CALLER: Yeah. I mean, I see it every day, whether it be from the medical aspect of it or whatever. Because, you know, people that use the system day in and day out, they’ll flat-out tell you, “Oh, I called 911 because I don’t have enough money for a cab.” It’s like, “Okay, you don’t have enough money to pay for a cab but yet you’re gonna take a $1200 ambulance ride to the hospital,” and the reason they don’t care is because they’re not accountable. And they know that you and I and everybody else who’s working and trying to make it in this world are paying for it.

RUSH: True.

CALLER: And it’s just —

RUSH: In many cases, other people are paying for it. But in the case of people who commit the kind of violence that took place at the Batman movie and Gabby Giffords —


RUSH: — these people are lunatics.

CALLER: I agree.

RUSH: They’re absolute lunatics, but we can’t say that. They’re lunatics because of “society.” There’s always an escape mechanism, always an excuse advanced for them.


RUSH: And it’s always something that represents a flaw in America, that explains why these lunatics do what that do. There are also evil people. There are just plain old evil people out there no matter what you do. That’s not politically correct to say, so we have to find a flaw in America that “made them” do what they did and made them a lunatic. It’s always blame America first, no matter what the circumstance.


RUSH: You gotta hear Jason Whitlock, ’cause he doesn’t believe this. Jason Whitlock has written enough criticism of the hip-hop culture and the gang culture, particularly at the NBA All-Star Game in Las Vegas that turned that place into a shooting gallery.

Jason Whitlock wrote about that in ways that did not gain him any favor. Jason’s black, and he wrote about that in ways that didn’t gain him any favor. He was a lone voice, and he wasn’t blaming guns when he was writing about it back then. He was blaming the culture. Now he’s out and I just want you to hear him say this. He was on Roland Martin’s website. (laughing) Biiiig deal. He’s on Roland Martin’s website saying that the NRA is the new KKK, and I’m telling you: Based on things he’s written before, he doesn’t really believe this. He’s trying to capitalize on Costas quoting him last night.

WHITLOCK: The NRA is the new KKK and that (coughing) arming of so many black youth and loading up our communities with drugs and then just having an open shooting gallery is — is the work of people that, you know, obviously don’t have our best interests. And I — I think it’s obvious (coughing) if you traveled abroad and travel to countries where they actually have some legitimate gun laws, we don’t have to have what we have here in America where people think a gun somehow enhances their liberty, and where people think that a gun somehow makes them safer. It — it — it just doesn’t. A — a — a gun turns some kids listening to music into a murder scene.

RUSH: No! Nope. Nope.

Dare I say it, Mr. Snerdley? What’s turning that situation in a murder scene, the gun or the music or the entire culture? You know the answer. The point is, the NRA is sending not just guns, but drugs into the black community! But here he makes the same mistake. States in this country with concealed carry laws have less crime, less murder. States in this country where the good guys are allowed to be armed have less crime, less violent crime.

The states with the strictest gun control laws have the highest murder rates, the highest gun usage: Chicago, New York, Washington. But this is just silly. The NRA is about self-defense. The NRA… Jason, you better go read about Margaret Sanger if you want to talk about what you’re talking about. Brady Quinn is the quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs. He’s a Notre Dame grad. After the game Sunday between the Carolina Panthers and the Chiefs, at the postgame press conference, this is what Brady Quinn said…

QUINN: I was sitting in my head thinking, “What could I have done different?” You know, when you ask someone how they’re doing do you really mean it? When you answer somebody back how you’re doing, are you really telling the truth? You know, we live in a society of social networks and Twitter pages and Facebook. And that’s fine and stuff. But, you know, we have contact with our work associates, our family, our friends, and it seems like half the time we’re more preoccupied with our phone and other things going on instead of the actual relationships we have in front of us. And hopefully people can learn from this and try to actually figure out if someone’s battling something, you know, deeper on the inside than what they may be revealing on a day-to-day basis.

RUSH: Yeah, it’s an interesting point. Not the Twitter and Facebook. Look, you can’t walk that stuff back and put it back in the bottle. That genie is out of the bottle. People text more than they talk to each other. I mean, that’s just life now. But look at all the different stories there have been about Jovan Belcher. Let me just… I still don’t know. I’ll tell you what I’ve read.

I’ve read that it was a model relationship. “He loved her and she loved him and they were proud as hell the baby. They had all these Facebook pages, and it couldn’t have been better. It was hunky-dory. He was grateful for the job that he had.” Then I read that he’s had concussion injuries (which the Chiefs do not confirm, by the way), brain injury, blows to the head. “He’s not normal. He was depressed. He was an alcoholic. He was taking pain pills.”

That’s a pretty wide area for the truth to be in, from, “Model relationship! They loved each other. She had just moved up to be with him. They’d been together three years. Another player introduced them. They had the baby. The baby’s happy. Look at the pictures on Facebook! Everything’s hunky-dory,” to, “She’s out ’til one in the morning on Saturday with her friends. She goes to a concert; he doesn’t go. He gets mad. He gets jealous. She doesn’t appreciate him not trusting her.

“He doesn’t like her being out ’til one o’clock without him, with her girlfriends. They start an argument when they get home at one in the morning. The argument goes on ’til seven. Finally he blows it, grabs a gun, fires nine times, and goes and kills himself. What Brady Quinn is saying here is: You know, it might have been interesting if somebody actually tried to delve beneath the surface in all of this.

You know, the question, “How you doing?”

“Great, man! Great.”

Throwaway lines. The question doesn’t mean anything and neither does the answer. But were there any signs that this guy was close to cracking? Because we’ve got a couple stories saying, “Yeah,” and then there’s a couple over here saying, “No way! Can’t believe it.” Then (I’m sorry I’ve gotta keep mentioning this) all day long yesterday on pregame shows and the NFL during the day, even last night, you had to really listen close to hear Mr. Belcher described as a murderer.

All day long yesterday, pregame shows in the NFL during the day, even last night, you had to really listen close to hear Mr. Belcher described as a murderer. The primary way he was described was a grateful, troubled individual who really appreciated the Chiefs management for giving him a shot. He loved ’em so much, he went to the facility, he ran into Scott Pioli, the GM. Here’s another thing, you are the general manager of the Chiefs. Eight o’clock in the morning in the parking lot of your practice facility, here’s a guy obviously on edge. He’s got a gun. He’s just shot somebody. The cops are on the way, and he asks you to call two people out from the office to come out to the parking lot.

Now, Pioli said, “Never was the gun pointed at me. I never felt threatened.” I don’t know. I wasn’t in the situation and it’s impossible for any of us to really say what we would do if we were thrust into that, but I gotta tell you, I’d have a tough time making the phone call asking two more people to come out. But he did. So he must have felt that Belcher wasn’t a threat, right? So Belcher must have been thankful, must have been believable in his gratitude, expressions of gratitude. He called the head coach out and an assistant coach out, there’s three of them, and then Belcher thanks them all profusely for giving him a chance, turns away, walks away and fires, and he’s dead. And they saw it all.

Stop and think about making that phone call, two more people come out and end up being in the line of fire. Somebody, by definition, holding that gun’s gotta be unstable no matter how they appear. At any rate, we don’t know, and you know what, folks, here’s another thing. We’ll never know because the only two people who know are dead. Maybe the mother that was in the house can shed some light on the nature of the argument and the past relationship, but she may not wish to. Short of that there’s no way anybody is ever gonna really know why this happened. And when things like this happen, we seem obsessed with the “why” ’cause there’s some people that want to blame the country for it. Some people want to politicize every issue like this that comes along, and, lo and behold, old reliable NBC News or sports, doesn’t matter, the biggest politicization of the issue occurred at halftime of the football game last night.


RUSH: Kansas City, Missouri. Hi, Lisa. Great to have you on the Rush Limbaugh program. Hello.

CALLER: Hi. Thanks for having me. Hey, I just had one comment to make, and it just drives me crazy every time I hear the liberals talking one more thing about how they’re gonna protect people. I think the black community should be really offended by — well, specifically in this situation in regard to the shooting that happened over the weekend with the Chiefs and Jason Whitlock going on and saying that it’s like the KKK if you drive guns into the black community, that the blacks aren’t gonna be intelligent enough to not kill themselves? It gets ridiculous.

RUSH: That is kind of an interesting point. You could make the case that Jason Whitlock is indeed saying that all you gotta do is truckload a bunch of guns in to the black community, and they’ll start killing each other. That’s basically what he’s saying. And it is an insult. It is an insult to those communities. Here comes the NRA, it’s a dump truck, they’re gonna load up the trailer, the guns fall out, people grab and start shooting each other. It is an insult to those people. They have nothing better to do than shoot each other. That’s why this is a publicity stunt. Jason is feasting on Costas quoting him last night.

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