Resume Enhancement: Sex Scandal Makes General Petraeus “Most Fascinating”

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 13,2012

RUSH: Barbara Walters last night announced her Most Fascinating Person of the Year. If you didn’t see it and if you don’t know, when this person got involved in the news, I said, “This is the biggest resume enhancement this person could have if he’s a liberal Democrat, or if he wants to become one.” Here is Barbara Walters’ announcement…

WALTERS: We argued for months about who should be our Most Fascinating Person. And then a Washington scandal solidified our choice. We chose a man who has held this spot before in our program just two years ago. But General David Petraeus was not chosen this year for his war record or his exemplary service to his country. This is about military honor colliding with sex and lies in the digital age.

RUSH: There you have it. A sex scandal makes him the Most Fascinating Person of the Year! Barbara Walters says it has nothing to do with his military record. Already been there, done that. We awarded him fascinating status because now he had sex with somebody who’s not his wife. That’s what we love at the Barbara Walters show! That’s what counts.


RUSH: I wonder if Barbara Walters is trying to get lucky with Petraeus, ’cause she named him the most fascinating guy in 2010. And as you heard her say, back then it was ’cause of his stellar military record and his great medals and the uniform fits good. He was the Surge guy. You know, all this military stuff. He made the top of her Ten Most Fascinating People this year because of the sex. She also…

Chris Christie’s on the list. She asked, “Are you too fat to be president?” He said, “No, I don’t think so.” Of course everybody’s chiming in with the fact that he is because he’s not healthy. He’s obviously prone to illness and disease born of obesity so that people have got that discussion started. You know, that never comes up when Hillary is the subject. Well, it’s just an interesting aside.

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