DC Mayor: Redskins Must Change Name

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 10,2013

RUSH: The mayor of Washington, DC, picked up on Courtland Milloy’s piece in the Washington Post yesterday. The Redskins are gonna have to get rid of that nickname ’cause it’s racist and it’s bigoted.


Here’s Vincent Gray. Vincent Gray is the mayor of Washington, DC, said this last night.
GRAY: I think it has become a lightning rod, and I would love to be able to sit down with the team — and I’m happy to do that, to sit down with the team — and others who are concerned with this and see if a change can be made. Obviously our basketball team did that, you know, with the Bullets being changed to the Wizards.

RUSH: Did you know the basketball team in Washington used to be called the Bullets? They said that was offensive, so they changed it to the Wizards. Honestly! There’s the mayor saying, “Yeah, we gotta get rid of Redskins.” They’re on the warpath now, no pun intended. That’s… Oh, gee. I don’t know. It wasn’t anybody was offended by the Bullets. It was that Bullets conjured up negative images that encouraged kids to like bullets. So went the thinking.
By the way, this thing about Obama and usurping the Constitution?


RUSH: They used to be the Washington Bullets, and the term “bullets” was deemed… I don’t know that it was offensive. I’m not aware that anybody in the Washington area said they were offended by it. Somebody said, “You know what? Bullets? We don’t need kids wanting to be bullets. Kids emulate athletes. We don’t want kids cheering bullets. We don’t want bullets to become the ammo.”

So they changed it to Wizards. Doesn’t the Ku Klux Klan have wizards? I know they’ve got grand cyclopses and they have kleagles. Sheets Byrd, the late senator from West Virginia was a kleagle I think. Or maybe he was a grand cyclops. Maybe you have to be a kleagle before you were a cyclops or vice-versa, who knows? But I know that they got wizards and grand wizards at the KKK.

I wonder if they thought of that when they changed the name from the Bullets to the Wizards.

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