Are They Low-Info — or ADD — Voters?

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 22,2013

RUSH: This is Lenny in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, I just wanted to share with you that I know we are calling those that don’t listen to your program or even listen to Fox News low-information voters, but I have found the populace to be more aligned with Barack Obama being an ADD president for an ADD nation. We just have a whole bunch of people that have so much stuff thrown at ’em and they don’t have time to investigate or have the attention span to draw it all in, that they just hear this, hear that, and they just keep going on, and the White House just keeps throwing more and more stuff at ’em.

RUSH: I think he’s got a point. You’re saying they’re just overwhelmed?

CALLER: Yes. Yes.

RUSH: That’s exactly right. Every day it’s a new crisis here — new this, new that — and voters can’t keep up. So what they do is tune out and find out what the Kardashians are doing.

CALLER: That’s right. And it’s like flipping a coin. He’s on every side of every issue and so since the media’s complicit they’re gonna just continue to go with what they hear the most as being the truth.

RUSH: I think that’s exactly right. So you call ’em ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, as opposed to low-information?

CALLER: Yes, sir. That’s what I call ’em. I see them as that, you know, and I have children like that, you know, cause of all of the technology.

RUSH: Well, you know, I think you have a point. It’s all sound bites. I mean, the regime floods the zone. That’s what you’re basically talking about here.

CALLER: Yes, sir. It is, Rush. And, Rush, I’m a 25-year-listener. I cannot thank you and appreciate you enough for everything that you bring all of us Dittoheads. I love every product that I’ve been able to try out that you’ve brought to us.

RUSH: I really appreciate that. Thank you so much.

CALLER: I was hoping, Rush, I have a small business and I was hoping that you and the Dittoheads would crash my site for me. I’d like to let all the Dittoheads know.

RUSH: You want your site to shut down?


RUSH: Give the Web address one time.

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: MyThirtyOne.com/Lenny.

RUSH: Okay.

CALLER: And all the men and all the women will love it because they’ll be able to get gifts for their wives and significant others.

RUSH: Right, okay. All right. So MyThirtyOne/Lenny.com, that’s what it is?

CALLER: MyThirtyOne.com/Lenny.

RUSH: What is My Thirty-One?

CALLER: My Thirty-One is a faith-based company that brings organizational products to women in their households.

RUSH: Yeah, but why did you choose My Thirty-One? Thirty-one what?

CALLER: My Thirty-One? It actually comes from the Book of Proverbs. It talks about the virtuous woman. It’s a company that represents the virtuous woman.

RUSH: Ohhhh. I know all about those.

CALLER: Yeah. Yeah, right.

RUSH: I do. That’s cool. All right.

CALLER: And I’m like one of the only men in the company, so I would like to make an impact and, Rush, I know that you could help me in a major way.

RUSH: Well, we’ll see. We’ll be happy if we shut down your website here. MyThirtyOne/Lenny.com. It’s probably shut down now.