A Recovering Low-Info Voter

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 6,2013

RUSH: Elizabeth in Baltimore. Elizabeth, I appreciate your patience. Thank you for holding and welcome to the EIB Network.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thanks for taking my call. Yeah, my name is Elizabeth. I am 23 years old. I live outside of Baltimore, Maryland, one of the most liberal states in our country. And I just wanted to call in and say my mom’s listened to your show for as long as I can remember. And I wanted to say that I am a low-information voter, in all humility, but low-information voter no more, I guess. By listening to your show I’ve no longer become a single-issue voter. I am trying to become more knowledgeable about other issues. I’ve never liked Obama. I’m extremely pro-life, and that was the issue that I always voted for. But after listening to the show, these other things, economics, the sequestration, everything, so I just wanted to say thank you.

RUSH: I gotta tell you, I love this. You are no longer a low-information voter. That is music to our ears. See, that proves it can be done. It proves that we can take a low-information voter and turn them into an informed citizen. And you like it, don’t you? You like being informed.

CALLER: Knowledge is power. Knowledge is power. And when you live in Maryland and when you work with a bunch of liberals, you have to be able to back it up. You know, you have to be able to back up your opinions. And when every third car I pass on the Beltway has a 2012 sticker for Obama, I mean, I get in conversations in the workplace, wherever I am, I just — knowledge is power, and to be able to talk about it and articulate it, it feels good.

RUSH: Well, we’re on a roll today. This is a good day for conservatives.


RUSH: And it’s great to have you be part of it.

CALLER: Yeah. Thank you. And you mentioned it yesterday, you said, “There’s low-information voters listening right now,” and I just wanted to call in and say, “Yeah.”

RUSH: This is incredible, because most low-information people don’t think of themselves that way.

CALLER: Yeah, in all humility.

RUSH: Most people don’t. It’s part of the phenomenon. Well, Elizabeth, I appreciate it. How would you like, Elizabeth, let’s see, what do I have… I got iPad Mini, I’ve got a full sized iPad or maybe a full-fledged laptop computer. I want to give you something.


RUSH: Since you’re not low-information now, this stuff will be of use to you. A low-information voter would not know what to do with this other than to play games. This will come in handy. Do you have an iPad or anything like that?

CALLER: Oh, my gosh, I don’t. No. No, I don’t have one.

RUSH: Well, take your pick. You want a Retina iPad, the full size, which is about a ten-inch screen, or the mini, which is eight inches?

CALLER: Oh, my gosh, the first one sounds great.

RUSH: All right. All right. I want you to hang on. Mr. Snerdley will get your color preference, just black and white to choose from, and your address for us to FedEx it. So make sure you hang on, okay?

CALLER: Rush, thank you, God bless.

RUSH: Thank you, Elizabeth.

RUSH: You know, folks, last Saturday, I went over to friend’s house, and their grandchildren were visiting. They’re 25 years old. We started talking about things, and they started asking me about issues like, well, cultural things. They wanted to know what I thought about gay marriage. They wanted to know what I thought about Obama and the economy and their future. I answered their questions honestly, and they said two things to me that were interesting.

One is, “If there were a Republican who could explain this as you have, everybody we know — all of our friends — would vote for him.” Now, they happen to believe that gay marriage is the most important thing around. Well, their friends do. Their friends think that’s the only thing that matters. By the way, for that demographic of 18 and up — you know, college, freshman, high school freshman, college freshman, on up to late twenties — it has become, for many of those people, the most important thing going.

Gay rights and gay marriage, and it’s all rooted in this belief that it’s wonderful to love somebody. And if you really fall in love, it doesn’t matter with who, and it’s unfair that some people shouldn’t be able to get married. So they asked me what I thought about it, and I told ’em what I thought about it, and then economic things and so forth. They said, “If there were a Republican who explained it like this, everybody we know would vote for him,” and then they said, “Why don’t you ever talk like this on the radio?”

I said, “I do, every day.”

Now, they didn’t listen much. They assumed I didn’t talk, simply because of the way they see this program reported on as filled with braggadocio and arrogant bombast. “I’m right. Everybody else is wrong.” I yell at people, I shout at people, I don’t give people a chance to say what they think. This is… (interruption) What? What are you laughing at in there? (interruption) Yeah. (laughing) It’s what Snerdley does on the phone. Screening calls.

Anyway, I thought those two observations were fascinating. They were.

“If there were a Republican explaining things like you just did, we’d all vote for him,” and “Why don’t you talk like this on the radio?”

“I do, every day, just like I’m talking to you. I explain it every day.”

“Well, we’ve never heard it explained this way.”

I said, “Well, I’m not surprised to hear that.”


RUSH: What I tell ’em… Look, folks, I don’t have time to go into it. I just said, “Look, there are two kinds of liberals, basically. You got the leaders, and you got the rank-and-file that don’t know what they’re doing. They’re just following their hearts. They think they’re doing good things. They think they’re being compassionate. The leaders of liberalism are trying to corrupt every institution in the country.

“They get people to follow them under the guise of compassion, fairness, love, equalness, equality, whatever.” I said, “The thing you have to remember about liberal leadership — liberalism, the left, statism — is it’s about corrupting time-tested institutions, traditions, all ’em that have made this country great. They’re trying to tear everything apart, tear everything down. They don’t care what it is, and they get young people to go along with it because they’re idealistic and they think it’s sweet.

They think it’s kind and fair and so forth, but that’s not the objective. That’s what I told ’em, basically. There were, of course, details provided.