Bill Maher Just Found Out Who Pays Taxes

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 19,2013

Friday night, Real Time with Bill Maher, it actually happened. Bill Maher actually said, and he was serious, that he doesn’t know if he can stay in California with the high taxes. He may have reached his tipping point. He actually said on his show (paraphrasing), “Liberals, you may lose me.” He said, “Look, I’m a liberal and I’m all for paying my fair share, but this is ridiculous.” I’m paraphrasing. And then he said something that I was pleasantly amused by. He said he just learned — now, you and I, you’ve known this for 20 years. This is instructive. He just learned that the top 1% are paying 40% of the taxes. And when he learned that, he was beside himself. He just learned it. He told everybody, “I just saw it today, I just saw the statistic.” Here it is. Sound bite 22. I think we could squeeze it in. Let’s give it a shot. This is what he said.

MAHER: Rich people, I’m sure you’d agree with this, actually do pay the freight in this country. I just saw these statistics. I mean something like 70%. And here in California, I just want to say, liberals, you could actually lose me. It’s outrageous what we’re paying. Over 50%. I’m willing to pay my share, but, yeah, it’s ridiculous.

RUSH: So he said he just saw it. He just saw it. The top 5% paying 70%, he just saw that. It’s amazing. It’s amazing the things liberals do not know. It’s amazing the things that they do know that are not right. Double whammy.

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