Obama Flashes Anger After Senate Democrats Let His Anti-Gun Bill Fail

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 18,2013

RUSH: Now, the president, when the gun control bill failed in the Senate yesterday afternoon, he was mad. Wouldn’t it be great if you saw him get that kind of mad when Americans are killed? He didn’t get that mad after Benghazi. He didn’t get anywhere near that mad after what happened in Boston. But let his gun control bill go down in the Senate, this guy blows a gasket. He literally blew a gasket. And I know why he blew a gasket. Because this gun control bill was supposed to fail in the House so he could blame it on Republicans. This gun control bill was not supposed to pass, folks. It was supposed to pass the Senate. It was supposed to fail in the House.

Everything is about 2014 and winning the House and having a one-party control government so he can basically implement whatever he wants with no opposition. Because, remember, that’s Obama’s objective, no opposition. He doesn’t want to debate people. He doesn’t want to persuade people. He doesn’t want to convince people. He wants no people in his way. So this bill was supposed to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate and then die in the House of Representatives, where he could blame it on Republicans, like he does everything, and then put that in the hopper of everything else he’s blaming on Republicans and let that be part of the ongoing campaign effort by the Democrats to win the House in 2014.

He is mad because his party sandbagged him. He is mad, still is mad — he was livid — because the Democrats pulled a rug out from under him, four of them in the Senate. He’s mad at Dingy Harry. He’s mad at whoever it is that failed to get this done.


RUSH: Now, F. Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie were on the Today Show today, and they were talking about Obama’s remarks after the Senate vote. He called people “liars.” So I guess it’s okay to use that word now. The president has put it out there. It’s okay to call people liars.

Savannah Guthrie and F. Chuck Todd are talking about the president here…

GUTHRIE: What we see there appears to be very genuine anger, but was there genuine surprise at this result at the White House?

TODD: I can tell you he was genuinely angry, and I think the anger has to do with the fact that it was just, he didn’t see… He didn’t think that they would reject this. They just didn’t think they were gonna lose.

RUSH: Why?

Only 4% of the American people want gun control!

Only 4% of the American people want it. These are Gallup numbers: Only 4%, folks, want what Obama wants. There’s another poll, an ABC poll. “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Obama’s handling gun control?” Not whether or not you want it or not. It is 50% disapprove of the way Obama’s handling it. What in the world is such a surprise, when only 4% of the people want, the Senate voted it down. But I tell you again the reason the president is angry. It could have been anything. It was not supposed to go down in the House by a bunch of Democrats. The plan was to have Republicans shoot this down in the House so that they could be blamed for it going into 2014, and that’s what Obama is mad about.


RUSH: Audio sound bite number seven last night in Washington. White House Rose Garden, President Obama speaking about the defeat of the “anti-gun” bill in the Senate.

OBAMA: I’ve heard folks say that having the families of victims lobby for this legislation was somehow misplaced. “A prop,” somebody called them. “Emotional blackmail,” some outlet said. Are they serious?

RUSH: Yes.

OBAMA: Do we really think that thousands of families whose lives have been shattered by gun violence don’t have a right to weigh in on this issue?


OBAMA: Do we think their emotions, their loss is not relevant to this debate?


OBAMA: So all in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington.

RUSH: Yeah, because it was supposed to be the Republicans we blamed for this, damn it! This thing was supposed to pass the Senate! I was supposed to get all kinds of credit for parading around the families. I was supposed to get all kinds of credit, compassion, love, adoration — and then my own party kills my bill! Here’s more from the president in the White House Rose Garden…

OBAMA: The gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill. They claimed that it would create some sort of Big Brother gun registry, even though the bill did the opposite. This legislation, in fact, outlawed any registry, plain and simple right there in the text. But that didn’t matter. And unfortunately, this pattern of spreading untruths about this legislation served a purpose, because those lies upset an intense minority of gun owners, and that in turn intimidated a lot of senators.

RUSH: “You live by the lie, you die by the lie.”

Can you believe these guys? Worried about being lied about? You ought to try being a Republican for one day, Mr. President and see how it feels! You ought to try being a conservative. You want to worry about being lied about? Did you ever lie about Obamacare? That’s not the question. How many lies were told about Obamacare? Your own party, Max Baucus, is warning this thing is an absolute disaster. Mr. President, your own party is walking back your health care law. Did you lie about the stimulus?

But look, lies in the gun control bill? This was going to be a national registry, surreptitiously back-door. The bottom line is, Mr. President, the NRA doesn’t have to lie to anybody. The gun lobby and their allies didn’t have to lie to anybody. The American people on their own full-blown understand every time the Democrats start talking about guns what they want. The American people don’t need to be told. The American people understand who you are!

The American people, a vast majority of ’em according to the Gallup, understand without being told what you Democrats want to do to the Second Amendment and their guns. They don’t have to be told. You’ve done that for them. You got plenty of gun laws on the books. Try enforcing those. You talk about having the families of victims lobby and be props and so forth? The Democrat Party does that on practically every issue. There wasn’t one part of this bill that would have stopped what happened at that school.

There wasn’t one element of the bill that went down to defeat that would have prevented what happened at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Not one. Have you seen the murder rate in your town of Chicago? Why aren’t there any prosecutions there? Why aren’t existing gun laws being put to use? You want the answer to that, folks? Think about it. We have plenty of laws on the books to be prosecuting gun culprits. Why aren’t they being used? Why is it said we need more? Why is it said we need new laws?

Why are the existing laws not being enforced?

You want an answer?

Because we need the chaos!

We need to make it look like existing law isn’t enough so that we can justify new laws, so we can justify new restrictions, so that we can justify new requirements. If you use existing law to prosecute gun violence today, and you get some bad guys off the street, you might send the message that you don’t need any new laws. We can’t have that! We want the new law. Why? Because of what’s in the new law that isn’t in current law, and that would make it tougher to own a gun, and that’s what this is all about. It’s trying to get around the Second Amendment, and the American people fully understand it ’cause they know who the Democrats are on this issue. I wish the American people understood who Democrats are on every issue, like they understand this one.


RUSH: I mentioned at the top of the program, when President Obama began speaking at the memorial for the Boston Marathon, I didn’t know how many EIB affiliates had cut away from this program in order to carry or cover the president’s remarks. I still don’t know. I assured everybody then that if it were necessary, that I’d repeat a little bit of what happened in the opening monologue. I’m gonna do that now. Just one particular thing, and that is the gun control bill going down to defeat yesterday.

Now, we played sound bites.

Grab sound bites seven and eight again. We may as well do this. The president was never angrier. It’s really unique to see him this angry. He was livid! In fact, even the AP writes: “A visibly infuriated President Barack Obama surrounded himself with tear-stained parents of Connecticut school shooting victims Wednesday and declared it a ‘pretty shameful day for Washington’ after the Senate rejected a measure designed to make it tougher for criminals to get their hands on guns.”

Well, we’ve already got countless laws that keep the guns out of the hands of criminals. I’m sorry, folks, but every gun control law proposed by any Democrat is gonna do nothing but take guns away from law-abiding people. We already have countless gun laws, just like immigration laws, that are not being enforced either properly or at all. And the whole point of this yesterday was for the Senate to pass this so that it could fail in the House.

Now, I know that many people can’t understand that the president would want something to fail. But he did. The president and the Democrats are doing everything they’re doing for the 2014 midterm elections. They want to win the House of Representatives. That’s the objective. Everything is about that. The gun control bill was proposed. It’s a punitive gun control bill. It will take guns away from law-abiding people. It will serve as a national gun registry — or would have.

Not directly. It would have happened incidentally, but by design. It was supposed to pass the Senate. The Democrats run the Senate. It was supposed to pass there. You bring the parents in from Newtown. You fly ’em in on Air Force One. You do the appropriate quote/unquote “lobbying” with the parents of the victim. They meet with a Democrat Party lobbyist who then introduces them to senators. That alone is supposed to pressure Democrats into voting for the bill, and that didn’t happen.

Four Democrats voted against it, and that’s why Obama is livid.

This was supposed to pass the Senate and then go to the House where it was to lose, because the Republicans outnumber the Democrats. It was guaranteed to lose in the House. Obama wanted that so that he could then campaign on the idea that Republicans don’t care about people getting shot. “Republicans don’t care about kids losing their lives. Republicans don’t care about families. All Republicans care about is Wayne LaPierre and the NRA. All the Republicans care about is guuuns!

“The Republicans want people to have guns, guns, and more guns. The Republican Party is absolutely horrible. That’s all they want is guns! They care about guns. They care about War on Women. The Republican Party doesn’t care about people!” That’s what Obama wanted. He didn’t get it, and that’s why he’s mad. That’s why he’s livid. He’s not livid because he didn’t get his bill. Folks, if you’re in the low-information voter community out there and you’re listening to this, I’m telling you:

I’ve got no reason to make anything up. It doesn’t serve my purpose to lie to you. I don’t gain anything by it. I’m telling you, he wanted this to lose in the House so that he could continue to lie about how mean, cold-hearted, and unfeeling the Republicans are so that he could have the Democrats win the House. Because winning the House and keeping the Senate means the Democrats would have one-party control of government and he could do whatever he wants practically with simple implementation.

He wouldn’t even need legislation to be voted on. It would be rubber-stamped, and the last two years of the Obama presidency would be where balls-to-the-wall socialism would happen. Whatever he wanted, nobody could stop it, and this is a giant wrench in the works. Up next is the immigration bill. I’m gonna tell you, the polling data on that is identical to the polling data in Gallup on gun control.

Only 4% of the American people want legalization for people who are here illegally but voluntarily. There is not a mass sentiment for amnesty. There’s no mass sentiment for legalizing people who are here because they’ve broken the law. So you have a two-pronged stool, if you will, here — gun control and immigration — and half of it’s gone down the tubes now. Here’s the president in the Rose Garden. We have two sound bites. You can hear how angry he was.

OBAMA: I’ve heard folks say that having the families of victims lobby for this legislation was somehow misplaced.

RUSH: It was.

OBAMA: “A prop,” somebody called them. “Emotional blackmail,” some outlet said. Are they serious? Do we really think that thousands of families whose lives have been shattered by gun violence don’t have a right to weigh in on this issue? Do we think their emotions, their loss is not relevant to this debate?

RUSH: Wait. Hold it a minute. Stop the tape! They can weigh in on it all day long, but they’re not guaranteed to prevail. They can lobby all day long. They can go to Washington all day long. They can fly on Air Force One all day long. They can ask for what they want all day long. But there’s no guarantee they get to win! Mr. President, you expect people just to lay down and let you have what you want? There has been too much of that! The country hangs in the balance. You getting what you want is not good for this country, certainly not the way it was founded.

So they can do everything they want, you can do everything with them that you want, but you’re not guaranteed of winning. Here’s the next sound bite.

OBAMA: The gun lobby and its allies —

RUSH: Yeah?

OBAMA: — willfully lied about the bill.

RUSH: No they didn’t.

OBAMA: They claimed that it would create some sort of Big Brother gun registry —

RUSH: It would.

OBAMA: — even though the bill did the opposite.

RUSH: Wrong.

OBAMA: This legislation, in fact, outlawed any registry —

RUSH: (big sigh)

OBAMA: — plain and simple right there in the text. But that didn’t matter. And unfortunately, this pattern of spreading untruths about this legislation served a purpose —

RUSH: Ohhh!

OBAMA: — because those lies upset an intense minority of gun owners, and that in turn intimidated a lot of senators.

RUSH: Have you ever lied about Obamacare, Mr. President? Did you ever lie about your immigration plans? Did you ever lie about the stimulus? Anyway, he was upset. He’s really mad. The Politico. Looky here! headline: “Gun Control: President Obama’s Biggest Loss.” See, everything is about Obama. This was not about the Sandy Hook parents, folks. This wasn’t about the Sandy Hook kids. This wasn’t about future gun violence. This was about Obama’s agenda.

Everything is always and only about Obama’s agenda, and that’s what this was about. Obama’s agenda took a hit, and that’s why Obama’s mad, and that’s why the media’s upset. It wasn’t about the children. Politico says it right here: “Never before had President Obama put the moral force and political muscle of his presidency behind an issue quite this big and lost quite this badly.” Wow! I didn’t see a word in here about the parents or the children. I see how it affects Obama.

That’s what the media’s focused on in practically every issue: “How does it affect Obama? How does it help Obama? How does it hurt Obama?” From The Daily Caller: “Obama Lashes Out at GOP, NRA After Gun Bill Fails.” The story spells out how Obama hoped to use gun control as “a wedge issue.” That is exactly right. It wasn’t about the kids! “Mr. Limbaugh, this is actually a shameful performance by you today.” This is the voice of the New Castrati, folks, the liberals that listen.

“I can’t believe you’d be so insensitive and so outrageous as to say that this was not about the children, it was not about the parents, it was not about the safety of the American people!” It’s not. It’s about Obama’s agenda. This was indeed a wedge issue. This was to drive a wedge between the Republican Party. This was to go down in defeat in the House. Reading here from the Daily Caller: “The defeat also curbed Obama?’s efforts to use gun control as a wedge issue against House members in swing districts in the 2014 election. If the Senate had passed the bill, Democrats could have lashed House members for not supporting what the president calls ‘common-sense gun reforms.'”

Never mind that we never hear about “common sense” abortion reforms.

But there’s a second article here that I have attached, and it’s by The Politico. It actually may be a little bit more interesting than The Daily Caller piece. Reading from the article in The Politico: “Axelrod is looking for gun-control advocates like New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to stick with the cause and seek retribution through the mid-term elections. ‘A bunch of suburban, swing district Republicans in House are probably deeply relieved that Senate appears poised to kill background checks,’ he tweets.” That’s Axelrod.

In other words, Axelrod is revealing that this issue is all about defeating House Republicans and nothing else. It wasn’t about the children. It wasn’t about the parents. “Mr. Limbaugh, that is just outrageous. I can’t believe that you would dare say that.”
This is not about the children. It was made to look like it, but it was about Obama’s agenda. It’s not me telling you. It’s the news media. Dianne Feinstein, senator from California, was angry. They don’t like to lose. Here she is on the Senate floor yesterday, last night.

FEINSTEIN: I am really chagrined and concerned. Anybody cares, vote at least to prospectively ban the manufacture, the sale, the importation of military-style assault weapons. Show some guts.

RUSH: There is no such thing as an assault weapon. I’ll say it again. It’s a term created by the wordsmiths at the Democrat Party to get as many people as possible opposed to guns, period. When you get right down to it, every gun’s an assault weapon. You don’t make popsicles with the things. It’s a loaded term. It’s designed to gin up opposition. They just can’t do anything about the Second Amendment. That’s their problem. That’s what they really need, just erase it, find a way to get it out of the Constitution. They can’t do that, so they gotta try their back door. Dingy Harry on the Senate floor yesterday in Washington during the debate on gun control.

REID: I’ll vote for the ban because maintaining a law and order is more important than satisfying conspiracy theories who believe in black helicopters and false flags. And I’ll vote for the ban because saving the lives of police officers, young and old, and innocent civilians, young and old, is more important than preventing imagined tyranny.

RUSH: See, they want you to think that the forces that defeated this think they need guns to hold back the helicopters of the federal government. The federal government’s coming for everybody, and that’s why we can’t give up our guns, a bunch of conspiracy kooks, weirdos, tinfoil hat people. What you need to know, low-information people, we’ve already got so many gun laws. There are already so many restrictions. In fact, the states with the most restrictive gun laws have the highest crime rates with guns.

New York, Washington, two of the hardest places in the world to get a gun, and they are ravaged by gun crime. We’ve got more gun law than you can imagine, and we don’t enforce existing law to make it look like we don’t have enough laws so that we can get more. Everything is political. Everything with the Democrat Party, everything is political, disguised as compassion.

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