RUSH: Now, we had a sound bite from Wolf Blitzer yesterday, that Wolf is now denying he said. Oh, yes. Let’s go back to this program yesterday, we played a clip of Wolf Blitzer reacting to a report critical of the White House rollout of the Obamacare website, and then I reacted to the clip. Here’s what happened…
BLITZER: If they had three years to get this ready… If they weren’t fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them: Delay it another year, get it ready, and make sure it works.
RUSH ARCHIVE: Whoa ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! No, no, no, no. Wolf, did you really mean to say that? Oh, be still here my heart here. Did Wolf really say…? Play that again. I’m not sure what I just heard what I heard.
RUSH: And we played it again, and in fact Wolf did say, “[T]hey had three years to get this ready… If they weren’t fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them: Delay it another year, get it ready, and make sure it works.” So last night on CNN’S Anderson Cooper, the guests are Robert Pittenger (R-NC) and Jeffrey Toobin, who’s their senior legal analyst, and during a discussion about the call to delay the individual mandate for a year, Pittenger and Toobin have this exchange.
PITTENGER: Obamacare isn’t ready for prime time. We’ve recognized that. Even your own Wolf Blitzer said we oughta delay it a whole year.
TOOBIN: Wolf did not say that! Wolf asked a question! He even tweeted a clarification later. He asked, “Why would you put up a website that wasn’t ready?”
RUSH: Well, no, he actually said you should do — let’s go back. Grab sound bite number five. So we have Jeffrey Toobin saying Wolf didn’t say that. He asked the question and he tweeted a clarification later. He asked, why would you put up a website that wasn’t ready. But here’s — here’s what Wolf said. CNN is now denying it. Wolf is denying, Jeffrey Toobin’s denying. They tweeted. They did everything to say that Wolf did not say this.
BLITZER: If they had three years to get this ready… If they weren’t fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them: Delay it another year, get it ready, and make sure it works.
RUSH: Where was the question in there?
I didn’t hear a question.
I think Wolf just said it.
Anyway, he must have gotten a lot of heat on this. He musta got a lot of heat on it and then this Pittenger guy called him on it and, “No, no, no, no! Wolf never said that! What are you talking about? Wolf never said that! He was asking a question. He even tweeted a clarification out there.” Anderson Cooper said, “Yeah, yeah, he didn’t say that.” But he did. I mean, we do. I think we need to hear this again. I don’t hear the question in here. I hear Wolf making a statement.
BLITZER: If they had three years to get this ready… If they weren’t fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them: Delay it another year, get it ready, and make sure it works.
RUSH: You know what I ought to do? In every break, “and welcome back to the EIB Network and Rush Limbaugh. Wolf Blitzer says, ‘Why not delay Obamacare for a year until they get it ready?'” just the way he kept pounding Bush’s approval number a gazillion times in a three-hour show. Anyway, I didn’t hear a question, but they just had to try to walk that back. He must have gotten a lot of heat.