Congratulations, Senator Cruz

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 24,2013

RUSH: Ted Cruz. Grab sound bite number eight very quickly, Fox News Channel, Greta Van Susteren. They’re talking about the Democrats in the Senate up for reelection who want to delay the individual mandate for a year, which was what Cruz was asking for. It’s exactly what he was asking for and he was a hostage taker, ransom demander, and all that. And Greta Van Susteren said, “What about this, Senator?”

CRUZ: It’s ironic, all the people that just a few weeks ago were saying there’s no way you can win this fight, there’s no way we can do anything to stop Obamacare, and they also said there’s no way any D’s are gonna flip. We’re starting to see Democrats flip as this thing — it’s a train wreck. It’s not working. And in any political fight, when the truth is on your side, you’re in a good situation, and here the truth is this thing isn’t working.

RUSH: You know, he’s got to feel great. I mean, everything the Republican Party establishment told him couldn’t happen has happened. They told him we couldn’t win. They told him that no Democrats are ever gonna vote for what you want. And now, what is it, 12, 14, 20 Democrats up for reelection, are all demanding a delay of a year in the individual mandate. And McCain and these guys (imitating McCain), “I’m so upset. There’s no way of winning, it’s impossible!” Congratulations again, Senator Cruz. I think this has just been a beautiful thing.

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