Rush Revere’s Rush to Your School Contest: Everybody Who Entered Wins a Donation!

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 18,2013

RUSH: When was this? This was probably three weeks ago now, three weeks to a month ago. We extended an offer involving the book Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, we asked people to submit essays, short — really not essays. A few characters, few lines on why your school should be the school that we would gift a couple of copies of Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims and lots of other books, great American classics. In fact, the entries were so long, people were using so many words, 500, 750 words, which is an average newspaper column, explaining why their school should qualify. I had to say, “Look, you need to dial it back. No more than 250 words or something, that’s max. That’s all we need.”

Anyway, here’s the bottom line. We were deluged, as we knew we would be, and it’s just impossible to pick one. There have been — I don’t want to give out the number, but it is a huge number of entries from people making the case why their school should be awarded this donation from us, Two If By Tea. So what we’ve decided to do — and I just wanted to announce it — we’re just going to send Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims and a lot of other great American classics to everybody who entered on the Rush Revere page.

We are consumed with the Christmas spirit. There is a mission behind Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims. This is not just a commercial exercise. It’s not just, “Hey, Rush, you need to write another book.” “Okay. I’ll sit down and write another book.” There’s an actual mission behind Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, and that is to teach the truth of America to young people who are not being taught the truth of this country everywhere. Yeah, it’s my version of giving something back, that phrase people use, or doing something. What can I do besides what I do? We’ve just decided that everybody that did this, it’s too hard to pick one. They’re all good. They have all successfully tugged at our heartstrings.

So all of you who entered, you will all, every school that you called or wrote about and touted to us, every one of you is going to get Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims and other great American classics for the school library. We’re just gonna donate these. I wanted to make that announcement now, ’cause we just decided this last night. Every one of them makes a plea, an impassioned plea why their school is deserving, and it’s impossible to pick just one. So we’re just gonna take the easy route and we’re just gonna say that everybody won. So if you submitted an entry, your school is going to get the donation. Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, some copies for the school library and other great American classics.