Liberals Fret Over Obama, Swimming Up the River of History

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 21,2014

RUSH: I mentioned earlier in the busy broadcast, Juan Williams read the 18-page interview, David Remnick’s interview with “Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!” and is not happy. Juan thinks that Obama sounded defeated.

Here’s what he said. This was on Special Report with Bret Baier on the Fox News Channel during the Fox All Stars. I didn’t know there was anybody else on the All Stars. I didn’t know Juan was still there. I thought the Fox All Stars were Dr. Krauthammer and George Will. I didn’t know that Juan was still among the All Stars. So I’m happy to hear that he’s still on the roster there.

WILLIAMS: I thought this was interesting. I had a sense that IÂ’ve never had before from the president of being defeated. That he felt like, “You know what? I can’t really make a big difference in this office.” He spoke about the stream and being part of a stream in history and you can’t turn things around. He does say at one point, you know, he says to his staff, “We run the biggest organization, the most powerful organization in the world.” But on the other hand, he speaks as if he’s a man caught in the maws of a larger machine, and he is not able to make a difference. And I thought, boy, that’s not the Obama that I heard of in 2008.

RUSH: Now, what do you think of that? Is that how you view Obama? You know, people on the left are mad at him. They think he’s blown all this in many regards. Now, of course you and I don’t see it this way at all. I don’t see Obama as somebody who thinks he’s defeated. I think Obama privately can’t believe how much success he’s had, ’cause I think Obama privately can’t believe how little opposition he’s had. I mean, look at what he’s done. He has nationalized one-sixth of the US economy. Who cares if it’s bollixed up right now. He doesn’t care about that. He pulled it off. It doesn’t matter. Whether it works or not, he pulled it off.

This quote that he says to his staff, “We run the biggest organization, most powerful organization in the world.” What president looks at the United States government that way? “We run the most powerful organization in the world.” And then “speaks as if he’s a man caught in the maws of a larger machine, and he is not able to make a difference.” I think Obama’s frustrated that he has to deal with the Constitution, and I think that ticks him off. But the idea that Obama’s running around feeling defeated, I think it’s just the opposite. I think Obama has succeeded to some degree or another on all fronts in his project to transform the country.

I’ll bet if you can ever get him really honest, give him a couple of doobies, get him really honest, he would tell you he is stunned there hasn’t been any opposition. Now, publicly he’ll complain and whine about uncooperative Republicans. Privately, he and his consiglieri in the organization have to be telling each other to various degrees of disbelief that they can’t believe they’ve been able to do all of this with no opposition. And believe me, folks, they want to win the House in 2014 so that it’s smooth sailing, just rubber stamp whatever’s left to transform.

It may well be that Obama was a little surprised that it takes a long time to change the direction of a country this big. He might think, you know, his messianic mind-set, that just showing up that a hundred percent of the people would agree with him. Don’t think that’s out of the realm of possibility, seriously. But feeling defeated? That tells us more about Juan, I think, and other Obama supporters than it tells us about Obama.

You know what it is? Juan sees the approval number of 38% and thinks failure. These people in the Beltway, they’re totally, totally influenced by polling data. If Obama was sitting at 51% you wouldn’t have Juan talking about Obama thinking he’s a failure, I guarantee you. Now, here’s Remnick. This is the author of the story, on Charlie Rose last night on PBS, and Charlie said, “2013, oh, it was a horrible year for Obama, as you describe it.”

REMNICK: Terrible. And the biggest wound was the self-inflicted wound toward the end of the year, which is the rollout of Obamacare. This is his greatest domestic achievement in his terms. It was a disaster. And he has to then go out and do what does not come naturally to him, which is to perform his anger about this. This is not a publicly emotional man in most — certainly not for the media age. He’s cool and collected and calm —

ROSE: He’s almost above the scene.

REMNICK: But he has to perform even for his supporters the idea of how annoyed he is and how quickly it will get fixed. Just like Social Security was fixed after a bad rollout in 1937.

RUSH: You hear Charlie Rose say, “He’s almost above the scene.” But Remnick is saying Obama had to fake the anger. Now, I’m confused about something. If you’re going to say that Obama has to fake the anger, then he’s not really mad. And how can he not be mad if it is a disaster? Because Remnick says (paraphrasing), “Oh, the biggest wound, oh, oh, the rollout of Obamacare, greatest domestic achievement, it was a disaster.” Really? And then he has to go out and fake anger about it? I mean, if it was a genuine disaster, wouldn’t he be really mad at somebody? He’d be mad at whoever did the website. He’d be mad at whoever is responsible for the disaster. Of course, it’s not him. He’s perfect. But he’s now having to fake anger.

Why is he having to fake anger? Because he’s not really mad. Why isn’t he really mad? Because he doesn’t care. He signed it into law and that’s it. It’ll take care of itself. It isn’t gonna be repealed. It isn’t gonna be rolled back. We’re gonna end up with single payer sooner than he thought. What in the world is there to be mad about? Maybe the approval numbers? Maybe the fact that people are not bowing down, kissing his feet with this rollout? Maybe, but what’s he mad about if he’s having to fake it? Now, maybe he has to fake the anger in order to relate to other people who are angry. In other words, the Limbaugh Theorem. “They’re angry, I better be angry. Make it look like I’ve got nothing to do with this.”


RUSH: “Obama has to perform his anger.” Who talks like that, folks? Have you ever heard that phrase? I mean, you might have heard it in the context of real actors and actresses that perform, but I haven’t even heard it in that context. Who talks in politics about performing their anger?

And here’s another thing. Social Security did not have a terrible rollout in 1937. That is a bunch of revisionist history. I didn’t see Obama having any trouble performing his anger over the BP oil spill. He said that he was looking for somebody’s ass to kick. Has to perform his anger?


RUSH: Back to the audio sound bites. ‘Cause there’s a bunch of in this roster here. Charlie Rose. This is after recommend Remnick talked about how Obama has to perform his anger, and Charlie said, “Yeah, he’s almost above the scene.” You know, Charlie still doesn’t quite know who Obama is. He’s still on his quest to figure out who Obama is, and Remnick, in this interview, laments that Obama doesn’t have the power of a king. If he had that, we could really straighten this country out. So it’s last night, the Charlie Rose Show. Charlie interviewing David Remnick and this is the exchange about which I just talked.

ROSE: I just found I knew him much more because I read this piece. “One of the things that I’ve learned to appreciate more as president is you are essentially a relay swimmer in a river full of rapids, and that river is history.”


ROSE: I like the language, too.

REMNICK: Yeah, and you get a brief shot at it. There are things that a president or — maybe not like a king, but a president can do, but it’s limited. There are limitations in terms of time.

RUSH: And that’s why we need him to be a king. Now, Charlie was just orgasming here over the way Remnick wrote this. Oh, yeah. “One of the things I’ve learned to appreciate more as president is you’re essentially a relay swimmer in a river full of rapids, and that river is history.” And Charlie is swooning because that will help him in his quest to better understand who Obama is.

You may have forgotten this. October 30th, 2008. This is roughly a week before the election in 2008, a week before, Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw on The Charlie Rose show. They have both endorsed Obama. It’s well known. Well, you might say Brokaw doesn’t endorse, but, come on, everybody knows that Brokaw is never gonna vote Republican, and neither is Charlie Rose. They’re gonna vote for the guy. They can’t wait to vote for the guy, and it’s a week before the election; they think Obama is the only choice anybody should make, and yet listen and remember this.

ROSE: I don’t know what Barack Obama’s worldview is.

BROKAW: No, I don’t, either.

ROSE: I don’t know how he really sees where China is.

BROKAW: We don’t know a lot about Barack Obama and the universe of his thinking about foreign policy.

ROSE: I don’t really know. And do we know anything about the people who are advising him?

BROKAW: Yeah, it’s an interesting question.

ROSE: He is principally known through his autobiography and through very aspirational (sic) speeches.

BROKAW: Two of them. I don’t know what books he’s read.

ROSE: What do we know about the heroes of Barack Obama?

BROKAW: There’s a lot about him we don’t know.

RUSH: But you should vote for him because Republicans suck. We don’t know who his foreign policy advisors are. We don’t know what books he’s read. We don’t know how he’s informed him himself. We don’t know how he motivates. We don’t know anything about the guy, but we love him.

Now, let’s go to after the election. Evan Thomas of Newsweek, who once said that John Kerry would win in 2004 because the media would be worth 15 points in the election, that’s Evan Thomas. Jon Meacham, who was the editor at Newsweek, and Charlie Rose, and this is November 5th. Obama has accepted the victory. He’s done his appearance at Grant Park in Chicago. They’re talking about that. After the election these three guys admit that this Obama guy is really creepy, but they voted for him, they couldn’t wait to vote for him, they told everybody else to vote for him. Really creepy. So it went from not knowing a thing about him beforehand to he’s creepy afterwards.

MEACHAM: He’s very elusive, Obama, which is fascinating for a man who’s written two memoirs. At Grant Park he walks out with the family, and then they go away.

ROSE: Mmm. Mmm-hmm.

MEACHAM: Biden’s back, you know, locked in the bar or something.

ROSE: (haughty chuckle)

MEACHAM: You know, they don’t let him out. And have you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage?

ROSE: Mmm.

MEACHAM: No adoring wife, no cute kid. He is the messenger.

THOMAS: There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all this. I mean, he’s such an admirable —

ROSE: Slightly. Creepy. Cult of personality.


ROSE: What’s “slightly creepy” about it?

THOMAS: It — it — it just makes me a little uneasy that he’s so singular. He’s clearly managing his own spectacle. He’s a deeply manipulative guy.

RUSH: And they went on to say (paraphrasing), “You know, it’s like Obama has risen above us and he’s looking at all of us as we look at him, and he’s laughing. It’s like he’s elevated himself with the angels, and he’s looking at what’s going on at Grant Park, and he’s watching us watch him, and he’s just having the biggest time ’cause he thinks he’s pulled one over on us.” Some such thing as that. It’s really creepy. Where was the wife? Where were the kids? Where was Biden? Biden locked in a bar. He’s a singular guy, wants all the credit himself, wow. And yet, to these people he’s greatest politician. I mean, this is sick, if you ask me. It’s, I don’t know, perverted, corrupt, what have you.


RUSH: Do you ever remember these clown Democrats concerned that George Bush never had enough time, never had enough power? I don’t. I don’t remember that. I’m trying to now envision Obama swimming the rapids, the river of history, and I’m saying, “I’m hoping for a dry bed, or maybe a fork in the river, or maybe a dam in the river.” Yeah. The River, The Rock, and The Tree. Famous inaugural poem by Maya Angelou.

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