Totalitarian Climate in America Reminds Caller of His Childhood in the Soviet Union

by Rush Limbaugh - May 1,2014

RUSH: Here’s Dmitry in Burlington, Kentucky. How does a guy named Dmitry end up in Burlington, Kentucky?

CALLER: Hi, Rush.

RUSH: Hey.

CALLER: Great to talk to you.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I do actually want to give a testimony for your books and tea, but if I could I’d like to start with a story of growing up in Soviet Moscow.

RUSH: Oh, by all means do.

CALLER: My parents, particularly my mother, taught me the truth about growing up in the Soviet Union. My mother actually used to know and help out Solzhenitsyn with distributing his books and such, and so growing up, my childhood was quite a bit different in that regard as a lot of the kids around me. And when I was in school in second grade, I was probably around seven, we were reading a book about World War II, and there was a scene in there where the soldiers are carrying a banner that said, “For Mother Russia, for Father Stalin.” And I, you know, as a seven-year-old raised my hand, and I said —

RUSH: Wait, Dmitry, where were you when you were this old?

CALLER: I was in school in Moscow.

RUSH: You were in school in Moscow. Okay. Okay.

CALLER: Yes. And I raised my hand, I said, “But isn’t Stalin dead?” And at first, if you could find pins on sale in Moscow at that time, you would hear a pin drop, but then all hell broke loose.

RUSH: I can imagine.

CALLER: My teacher started chewing me out. All the kids in the class kind of turned on me, and I didn’t know what the problem was. My mother told me later that she actually got a call from the school, which was lucky that it didn’t go much worse. I actually had a son of a KGB agent in my class. And this was right at the beginning of Perestroika. It was about 1985. And of course a year or two later everybody in my class agreed with me. But the reason I bring this up is you talk a lot about how in this country when you kind of step over the line, when you step out of the party line, whether it’s something politically incorrect or something that makes Democrats look bad, it’s not good enough just to disagree with you, they have to destroy you. They have to get you fired. They have to, you know, if they could, it would be even worse than that.

RUSH: They have to ruin you. They have to ruin you.

CALLER: Yeah. Absolutely. They have to ruin you personally, destroy you, and then gloat over you. And, you know, there’s nothing new to that, obviously. Those of us who grew up in places like the Soviet Union saw that kind of stuff all the time. My great-grandfather was a village priest, and the communists took him in the middle of the night and he was never seen again, and we didn’t find out until the eighties or nineties as to what actually happened to him. He was shot with many others. And thank God this country is not communist Russia, but those of us that came from those kind of backgrounds, we’re just terrified when we see these kinds of patterns and these kinds of thought processes emerging here where, you know, the country’s just headed in the wrong direction, we just want to scream, “Stop!”

RUSH: You mentioned Solzhenitsyn, so you will know it is true that even people in the gulags cried when Stalin died. The guy that put them there! Solzhenitsyn wrote of this. And look what happened to Sterling. Okay, so the guy’s a reprobate. There’s a lot of reprobates out there.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: There’s a lot of low-rent scum, and he may be one. You look at the glee and the happiness with which the authoritarian method of dealing with him went down. Look at the glee and the happiness. This is what’s frightening to some of us. I mean, the left does what they do, but so many people are pleading it scares a lot of us, just like it scares you. You grew up with it.

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: We’re trying to stop it from taking over here.

CALLER: Absolutely. And, Rush, before I go. I am an airline pilot now —

RUSH: Well, before you get into that, I’ve only got 10 seconds and that’s not enough time.


RUSH: Can you hold on through the break?


RUSH: Because he’s been on hold for three hours, so I figured three minutes, we’ll be right back.


RUSH: Back now to Dmitry in Burlington, Kentucky. Thank you for holding on through the break. I appreciate that.

CALLER: It’s my pleasure, Rush. I’m an airline pilot now and I’ve got three little girls at home. You know, one of the tough things about being away from home is not communicating. Sometimes you’ll call and it’s just a quick conversation. It’s been such a blessing to have your books to read to them. I’m both educating them and bonding with them. They’ll all sit around the computer on Skype or around the phone on FaceTime and they’ll listen to me read — and I try to do the voices. (chuckles

RUSH: (laughs)

CALLER: So it’s a lot of fun. My wife is usually in the background listening as well, and she’s actually… I was very pleasantly surprised. She’s really enjoyed listening to books as well.

RUSH: Is your wife from Moscow as well?

CALLER: She actually is from Russia as well. We met in college here. But she also came from Russia.

RUSH: No kidding. Amazing.

CALLER: My daughter’s birthday was yesterday, so I actually gave her the audio CD version as well, and she was very excited. That’s the first thing she saw in the morning.

RUSH: How old?

CALLER: She just turned 11.

RUSH: Just turned 11. Right smack-dab in the middle of the target-age range.


RUSH: Well, this is great.

CALLER: Her younger sister is eight. She has also really enjoyed it. She’s actually drawn some nice pictures of Liberty that I’m gonna send in through the website, and of course I also have a three-year-old and she’s always hanging around listening as well. So it’s been fun for everybody.

RUSH: They like Liberty?

CALLER: Oh, yeah. They love Liberty. (chuckles)

RUSH: Well, I’ll tell you what. I want you to hold on. Liberty autographs books.

CALLER: Oh-ho! (chuckles)

RUSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I’m gonna have Liberty sign one copy of each and send them to you. You’ve supplied them and they’ve already got the books and they’ve got the audio book, but at least they don’t have a Liberty-autographed version.

CALLER: Well, that’s just absolutely incredible, Rush. I also wanted to mention that like many Russians who grew up on hot tea all their lives, when I came to this country I really didn’t care for iced tea. I stayed away from it for years. But when you made your tea I thought, “Well, you know what? I’ll order some and I’ll give it a try,” and actually I’ve been starting to like iced tea. (chuckling) So I want to say, you know, whatever you put your mind to, you seem to do it real well. So don’t worry about Oprah ’cause imitation is the highest form of flattery.

RUSH: I am more appreciative here than I have a way of expressing. Your call has just been a highlight. Everything in it. Everything in your call has just been top-drawer great, and I can’t thank you enough. I have just profound appreciation for it. The fact that people like you are in the audience and out there listening every day, I just pinch myself at my good fortune.

So I thank you. Hold on so Mr. Snerdley can find out where it is we send the Liberty-autographed book. It’s not really Liberty. Liberty doesn’t sign it. It’s just kind of a horse-hoof stamp that Liberty uses. It’s got the name there, too, but it gets it done. It’s cool. I appreciate it, Dmitry. Thanks very much.