It’s Your Host’s Job to be Over the Top

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 19,2014

RUSH: This is Charles in Norfolk, Virginia. Welcome, sir. Great to have you here. Hello.

CALLER: Thank you very much. I have a question.

RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: What did you mean when you said, “For those that are fans of Jay-Z and Beyonce,” when you were explaining the data center or the distribution center?

RUSH: I just wanted to make sure that everybody knew what a data center was, and if you’re a Jay-Z/Beyonce fan, you might be in the low-information sector in the country where your favorite news network is TMZ or E! Entertainment news or whatever, and you might not know what a data center is. I’m just trying to bring knowledge to everybody.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I’ll say this, and then I’ll be off. I like you. I listen to you often. But you might want to be a little more careful with what you say, ’cause people might think one thing and not other. As you know, people tend to go towards the negative versus the positive.

RUSH: Help me out here. What did I step in here?

CALLER: Well, I think you probably stepped into a realm that would be a bit uncomfortable for some. I know it struck me kind of odd when it was said, but I tried to err on the side of the positive. And I agree, there might be some people that don’t know what a data center is. I do. I served in this great country in the Navy for just over 17 years. Dealing with civilians and military, I knew about it.

RUSH: Oh, I get it. You know what a data center is and you’re a Jay-Z and Beyonce fan.

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: Okay. So you thought I was insulting.

CALLER: I think it came off as such.

RUSH: Well, yeah, I see your point.

CALLER: And being in the public eye, like you are, you have to be extremely careful with the words you use.

RUSH: You know what I read about myself the other day?

CALLER: What’s that, sir.

RUSH: (chuckles) I read that it’s my job to be over the top. Somebody, who was it…? Steven Hayward. It was Steven Hayward at Power Line, and he said (summarized), “I’ve always thought that Rush Limbaugh’s term ‘feminazi’ was a little over the top.”


RUSH: “But now maybe I’m having to rethink it. Maybe he was prescient,” and then he went on to describe some of the latest things that the… But then he also said, “But it’s Rush’s job to be over the top.” So I read that about myself. So you could just consider that, well, maybe I was a little over the top there. You know what? You know what I should have said?

CALLER: What’s that, sir?

RUSH: I shoulda said, “If you are a fan of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, you might not know what a data center is.”

CALLER: (laughing) Well, I think people in that realm wouldn’t even know to be offended, and that’s probably me being offensive, too.

RUSH: Well, see, that’s my point. They wouldn’t know enough to be offended. Same thing if you are a Justin Bieber fan, a Miley Cyrus fan. They know what wedgies are, but do they know what data centers are? You probably have a point here, Charles.

CALLER: I mean, I know being in the public… When I’m standing in front of a department of people, I say, “Every word that comes out of my mouth they’re waiting on to make sure, ‘Hey, what’s my next move? What should be my next decision?'” et cetera, et cetera. People listen to you. You have a valid voice in the community, maybe some communities more than others.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: But you have a valid voice, and so people listen. So when people listen and if it tweaks their thought process a little odd —

RUSH: Yeah. Yeah, I see.

CALLER: — some will say, “Hey. How do I respond to that?”

RUSH: I see your point.


RUSH: I’m not complaining here. I’m gonna say something else. I think you’ll get this. I think you’ll understand this.


RUSH: I’m on the air three hours a day, five days a week, 15 hours a week. That’s not scripted, it’s not written. For 25 years, Charles, I think, actually… You talk about when you’re in public and facing people. I do it 15 hours a week and have done that for 25 years.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: So I actually think I’ve done a masterful job at keeping it below the line.

CALLER: I agree. Unlike NBA team owners — not to say, not equating you with that.

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: Maybe I shouldn’t say that.

RUSH: That guy wasn’t even facing the public. (laughing)

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: Little did he know! (laughing)

CALLER: Yeah. That situation was obviously different.

RUSH: Charles, where did you serve in the Navy?

CALLER: Where or when? I’m currently in.

RUSH: Both. Oh, you’re currently in? Oh, I’m sorry. I misunderstood. I thought you said you had been in the Navy. Are you deployed now?

CALLER: No, I’m shore based.

RUSH: Shore based.


RUSH: Cool.

CALLER: In Virginia.

RUSH: Well, let me be among many to thank you for your service.

CALLER: Oh, no problem. Thank you.

RUSH: ‘Cause if you listen here regularly, one thing else you know is that we have profound admiration and respect for the Armed Forces in this country, right?

CALLER: Oh, yes, definitely. I definitely agree. I appreciate that.

RUSH: And I think that’s why you’re cutting me some slack on the over-the-top Jay-Z, Beyonce comment.

CALLER: Yeah. I think that there would be… Well, let’s say there’d be coworkers that might not feel the same as I do. (chuckles) But, you know, the beauty of being in this country is we have the right to feel and think. We don’t necessarily always have the right to respond, depending on the circumstance.

RUSH: But you did. You had a chance. You dialed the number and you got through. It was meant to be.

CALLER: Hey! Yes. And I’m grateful. The gentleman that took my call and I had a good giggle about it. I wasn’t offended, and not that I speak for “the people,” but I think there might be some that are. I think the way you’re even handling this particular call is professional, and so God bless America. (chuckles)

RUSH: I know. I appreciate the comment, and you might have a point. There are any number of ways I could have said it. I could have said, “If you’re a fan of Washington Redskins, that’s a data center.” There’s any number of ways to go about it. I was just trying to make sure that everybody in the audience understood what the expert in data centers was talking about. Charles, I appreciate the call. Thanks very much for taking the time.

Here is Don in Houston. You’re next, sir, on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hello. Rush, all this talk about a disk is irrelevant. The IRS runs a product called Enterprise Vault. That is an archiving system. All the e-mails are archived nightly or daily into a separate system. And not only that, they’ve got another feature turned on called journaling, meaning every piece of mail that passes through the e-mail system immediately gets put into a mailbox, indexed, and archived. And you set limits on how long you want to keep that. So unless they change the limit, or they totally destroyed the servers, which probably there’s multiple servers that have this data, and they’ve gone to the backup off site tapes and destroyed those tapes, that e-mail is somewhere.

RUSH: Of course it is.

CALLER: It has nothing to do with the computer that she was working on —

RUSH: Especially today, it has nothing to do with her computer.

CALLER: So this product that they’re using, and I know they’re using it because a friend of mine works for the company that sold it to ’em, and he personally told me they’ve got all this turned on. So unless she wasn’t susceptible to the system or she was using her personal e-mail for government business, which I think is a crime, all this talking about disks and restoring, it’s waste of time, because they have it.

RUSH: Well, obviously you’re right. There would not be presidential libraries. They wouldn’t have all the documents in presidential libraries if things could vanish this easily. You know what, given your explanation, one of the things that I find very interesting about the explanation of what happened, they’re using consumer terms: hard drive, server, when they don’t actually engage — I mean, they’ve got servers and hard drives, but as you just explained, the backup system is its own written program. It’s its own product.

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: That doesn’t depend on the server. Obviously the servers are there, but this program accounts for multiple servers, multiple backups. I know the program you’re talking about. And of course they’re using publicly understood terms here because the obvious targets are the American people in this, and they’re just rolling the dice that the Republicans are gonna behave as usual and not challenge any of it other than at a microphone. What do they care if Darrell Issa goes out and says, “I don’t believe this,” and then walks away? Big deal. They don’t care. No subpoena forthcoming, if there’s not gonna be any official push-back, what do they care? They go out and say whatever they want to say in ways the public understands it.

I mean, that’s the kind of thing that happens to people, if you lose your hard drive or the server where your stuff was crashed. Okay, so they use terms like that so you can relate to it, “Oh, yeah, that happened to me before I got IDrive. Oh, yeah, I can see how that happened.” They don’t tell you the systems that they actually have and use, and they don’t tell you about federal law mandating redundant system after redundant system after redundant system to prevent this very thing from happening. So you’re exactly right, it’s a great point.

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