The Daily Beast Dumps on the Regime

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 21,2014

RUSH: Now, the Daily Beast. Folks, there’s more stories from The Daily Beast today. Last week Eli Lake had the piece on weapons of mass destruction. The Daily Beast, founded by Tina Brown, she goes on MSNBC yesterday and says that Barack Obama is making women feel unsafe. The Daily Beast — now, this has to do with Hillary. The Daily Beast is jumping all over Joe Biden and all over the Obama administration, the way it’s dealing with this war on ISIS. I mean, they are firing both barrels.

Biden, because he’s obviously potentially a candidate for the presidency in the primaries against Hillary. It’s clear The Daily Beast is thrown in with Hillary, there’s no question about that. But they are really, because of that, they are dumping on this Regime like I have not seen in the Drive-By Media. And I’ll have to wait ’til the monologue segment of the next hour to explain and give you details here. Here’s the headline: “ISIS Video: AmericaÂ’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands.” So ISIS is claiming that the weapons we’re dropping to supposed allies, they have.

There’s another story that we are providing humanitarian aid that ISIS is ending up with. So according to the Daily Beast here, we are arming ISIS and we are feeding ISIS, and we’re giving ISIS medical supplies. We’re at war with ISIS. Another Daily Beast story, headline: “Where There’s Trouble, You’ll Usually Find Joe Biden.” And the opening line in the story, “This guy’s a train wreck.” And it goes on to quote Robert Gates saying that Biden has yet to be right about anything in 40 years in Washington. Now, clearly this Drive-By Media organ is already all-in for Hillary, dumping on this administration like we haven’t seen before.


RUSH: I mentioned earlier that there are a couple of stories here in The Daily Beast that are just devastating to the Regime. Now, they’re obviously written and published to help Hillary, not the Republicans, and that’s a key point.

The first one is by Josh Rogin. “In a new video, ISIS shows American-made weapons it says were intended for the Kurds but actually were air dropped into territory they control. At least one bundle of US weapons airdropped in Syria appears to have fallen into the hands of ISIS, a dangerous misfire in the American mission to speed aid to Kurdish forces making their stand in Kobani.

“An ISIS-associated YouTube account posted a new video online Tuesday entitled, ‘Weapons and munitions dropped by American planes and landed in the areas controlled by the Islamic State in Kobani.’ … The authenticity of this latest video could not be independently confirmed, but the ISIS fighters in the video are in possession of a rich bounty of American hand grenades, rounds for small rockets, and other supplies that they will surely turn around and use on the Kurdish forces they are fighting.”

This goes on the heels of another story in which we are actually dropping humanitarian aid to ISIS. It is not our intention. This is not happening on purpose. It’s another faux pas. The story I saw almost makes it look like we can’t avoid this, that we are dropping humanitarian aid. This is what happens when you fight a proxy war. This is what happens when you’ve got ground troops, i.e., boots on the ground that are not yours, that are supposedly your allies. It’s what happens when you fight a war from 35,000 feet or 17,000, whatever the altitude we’re using. These are the kind of things that happen.

The second Daily Beast story: “Where There’s Trouble, You’ll Usually Find Joe Biden.”

“This guy’s a train wreck.” This story is by Lloyd Green. “According to the polls, Joe Biden doesnÂ’t have a prayer in 2016. And according to former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Biden ‘has been wrong on nearly every major foreign-policy and national-security issue over the past four decades.’ But two things are also certain: First, Biden is still Barack ObamaÂ’s go-to-guy when partisan loyalty is at a premium. Faced with rising concern and criticism over the outbreak of Ebola, Obama tapped Ron Klain –” He doesn’t start ’til Wednesday, by the way.

Ron Klain starts Wednesday. And, you know, there’s a story that Ron Klain only took the gig to use it as a steppingstone to a position of even higher authority in the Regime. Pure political appointment here. He has no medical experience, no health related experience or knowledge, and he’s going to parlay this into a position of greater authority in the administration.

“Second, BidenÂ’s friends and family have not hesitated to profit from their ties to the vice president. BidenÂ’s brother, James, and his son, Hunter, have cashed in on the family name, whether it be in Iraq or Ukraine. Biden may have the mien of the crazy uncle in the basement, but he is also a real reminder of what is wrong with politics.” This is a left-wing website, The Daily Beast. And then they start with Klain.

“LetÂ’s start with Klain. Like Biden, Klain is a consummate fixer, with Georgetown and Harvard Law School degrees thrown in for good measure. But for his political pedigree, Klain would have no business being Ebola coordinator.” He has no idea what to do, if it weren’t for his political pedigree. “Ebola is not just another messaging problem,” but they’ve put a messenger expert in there.

“Klain was the aide to Al Gore who was memorialized by Kevin Spacey in the HBO movie Recount as pushing for a more aggressive approach to, well, the 2000 Florida recount. Then, after failing in Florida, Klain became a Fannie Mae lobbyist who helped convince Congress and Fannie MaeÂ’s regulators that all was well with the world, even as Fannie Mae was inflating what would,” become the subprime mortgage crisis. So Klein has his fingerprints all over that. “And yet, Biden and Obama now seek to again unleash Klain on America.”

I’m telling you, this is all pro-Hillary stuff, there’s no question. There are now media factions that have all been united in support of Obama who now in the sixth year, approaching the end of the sixth year of the Regime, are now splitting apart and changing loyalties. And when it comes to changing loyalties in support of Hillary, they’re not just doing that. They’re taking the occasion to dump all over Obama and Biden and the whole administration. Kind of fascinating to see.

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