RUSH: Today we have a little treat here at the EIB Southern Command. We have six grand prize winners from a former Two If By Tea sweepstakes. One of the greatest prizes a human being can win in any contest: A trip to the EIB Southern Command and an opportunity to watch this program from the other side of the glass.
They’re sitting right behind the broadcast engineer, the court reporter, and Mr. Snerdley, as they all go about their work helping to make this program what it is — a very, very moderate contribution. These people are in awe. It is just fun to have them here. Their mouths are wide open. You can see they’re agape. They can’t even believe they’re here.
I’m just kidding.
Folks, these are the heartbeat of America. These are people just like all of you, the backbone of America.
One of them said, “Are you gonna play Spatula City ever again?”
I said, “We play it all the time during commercial breaks.”
“What about the 60-Second Sale?”
“We play them all the time during the commercial breaks — and, if you want to, you can hear them any day you want at”
So I promised Kitty that I would play, from the Grooveyard of Forgotten Favorites, the Spatula City bit from way, way, many moons back, and the Barnacle Brothers. So let’s do Spatula City first. We’ll squeeze it in here. Here we go.
(Spatula City parody commercial)
RUSH: Spatula City from the Grooveyard of Forgotten Favorites, for one of our super sweepstakes winners watching the program today from the EIB Southern Command.
RUSH: And time to go back once again to the Grooveyard of Forgotten Favorites. As I mentioned earlier, we have six sweepstakes winners from a recent Two If By Tea sweepstakes contest, and these are the grand prize winners. There are six people on the other side of the glass here visiting the EIB Southern Command and watching the program today.
One of them named Kitty said, “Whatever happened to the Spatula City thing? I don’t hear it anymore.” I said, “We play it all the time.” People, if you’re on hold waiting to go on the air, that’s when you’ll hear it, or you can hear it at with all the other parodies that we’ve done, and the same thing with the Barnacle Brothers 60-Second Sale.
And she said, “I haven’t heard these in so long.” So I promised that we would air them today. We’ve played the Spatula City spot the previous hour. It’s time now for the Barnacle Brothers 60-Second Sale. By the way, these go way back, 1989, 1990. That’s what I mean by, “Grooveyard of Forgotten Favorites.”
(Barnacle Brothers parody commercial)