The GOP’s Biggest Worry: Us

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 21,2014

RUSH: Now, back to the Obama executive amnesty last night. We mentioned yesterday afternoon there was a story from Robert Costa who used to be at National Review Online and he has now moved over to the Washington Post, which is a common move, somebody that works at a conservative publication to go to the Washington Post. It happens all the time. Ahem. He had a piece yesterday that pretty much said that the big concern inside the Republican establishment over Obama’s executive amnesty last night was not Obama.

The main concern inside the Republican Party establishment was not what Obama was going to do. And it was not dealing with the circumstances after Obama did it. No, no. The thing the Republican establishment and the Republican consultants were most fretting yesterday was the Tea Party reaction to what Obama was going to do. And they were very, very worried, and they were doing their best, the article said, to try to rein in the lunatic caucus. That’s my term for it; that was not in the story. The Tea Party members of the House and the Tea Party members of the Senate, and the establishment was hoping, they know they don’t have a lot of control over, they were hoping they would keep it in check and not go crazy and not get angry and not get bloodthirsty and show the Hispanics of this country that Republicans hate ’em, all of this stuff.

And there are two more of these stories today. Costa himself has a second story in the Washington Post, and Jackie Calmes has one here in the New York Times. Headline: “Some in GOP Fear That Their Hard-Liners Will Alienate Latino Voters.” New York Times. This isn’t the story from yesterday that Robert Costa had in the Washington Post, though it might as well be. This story is also the top story at Google News, and it ranks near the top at Yahoo News.

“All but drowned out by RepublicansÂ’ clamorous opposition to President ObamaÂ’s executive action on immigration are some leaders who worry that their party could alienate the fastest-growing group of voters, for 2016 and beyond, if its hottest heads become its face.”

That is the lead in the New York Times. And of course by “some leaders” the New York Times means a couple of inside-the-Beltway pollsters, and a third pollster from something called Latino Decisions. But this is what passes for journalism at the New York Times. They cite three polls here to produce this result.

“‘Both the president and the Republican Party confront risks here,’ said Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster. While the danger for Mr. Obama is ‘being perceived as overstepping his boundaries,’ Mr. McInturff said, ‘the RepublicansÂ’ risk is opposing his action without an appropriate tenor, and thereby alienating the Latino community.'”

Mitt Romney got 27% of the Hispanic vote. How much more can they be alienated? So you see, the great fear inside the Republican Party establishment was not what Obama was gonna do, and not the result, not the impact on the country of what Obama was gonna do. No, no, no, no, no.

The big fear at the Republican establishment was that certain hotheads in the party would overreact and alienate the fastest growing group of voters in 2016. Thereby signaling that the only thing that matters is winning elections, and however we have to do that, we’re gonna do it. And if it means punting on core beliefs and issues, then we’ll do that. But don’t you guys, you hotheads run out there and screw it up for us by making these Latinos think that we’re like you and don’t like ’em.

Meanwhile, you cannot find a single national poll showing a majority support for what Obama did. So why in the world is the Republican Party, in the face of yet again another majority opposing the president, why is the Republican Party running around worried about something that is completely a nonfactor? In 2010 the Republican Party had an opportunity to align with the Tea Party. They had a joint issue: opposition to Obamacare. They’ve had numerous opportunities to align with a majority of the American people who oppose this.

And, by the way, in addition to these stories that are detailing various groups that are unhappy with what Obama did last night, do you know there are a couple stories here that some Latinos are not happy? Oh, yeah. Some Hispanics are not happy because, you know, unlike what the Republican Party’s pollsters might think, the Hispanic population in the country is not monolithic. They don’t all think alike. They don’t all vote alike, and they don’t all do everything else alike.

It’s the same thing with women, and it’s the same thing with every other group. They are not monolithic. There is widespread opposition to what Obama did and for some reason the Republican Party doesn’t want to hook up with it. And the bafflement continues.


RUSH: I want to read just a little bit more of that New York Times article that I was quoting earlier, Jackie Calmes, in which the Republican leadership was said to be very, very, very worried. Not about what back home’s doing. Not about executive amnesty. Not about blowing up the Constitution. No, no, no. The Republican leadership is very, very worried that the Republican hotheads — the Tea Party Caucus — will overreact and sound very mean and make the Hispanics hate the Republicans.

There are three stories like that, two since yesterday afternoon. Two of them in the Washington Post are by the same guy, Robert Costa, who used to be at National Review. I didn’t know you could make that jump: National Review conservative to the Washington Post. Anyway, then there’s one in the New York Times today. I want to read further from the New York Times story, ’cause this just spells it out.

“But some Republicans say their party has the greater challenge — as the White House is betting — in framing their opposition in a way that does not antagonize Latinos and other minority groups like Asian-Americans, much as Republicans lost African-AmericansÂ’ support in the civil-rights era.” Ahhh, see what this is about now? So the Republicans had better shut up. Don’t say anything! Just like in the campaign.

“Don’t say anything. If you open your mouth, the Hispanics are gonna hate you, just like the blacks began to hate you when you opened your mouth back during the sixties civil rights battles,” even though the fact is the Republicans fought tooth and nail to pass the Civil Rights Acts back in 1964. It was over the objections of the filibusters of Democrats! A greater percentage of Republican senators vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Democrats.

But the point is that as long as the Democrats control the media, it doesn’t matter. Nothing the Republican Party does will matter! But more importantly than that, the thing the party has to learn is (and how blue in the face are we saying this?) there’s nothing they can do that will change the way the media reports on ’em. They cannot shut up and have the media be nice to them. They cannot say they love Hispanics.

They cannot!

The Republican Party is as identified with comprehensive immigration reform as Obama is, and yet they’re still hated, supposedly, right? I mean, the Republican establishment has made it clear for the past how many years — since 2007 — that they want comprehensive immigration reform? Chamber of Commerce, you name it. Everybody knows the Republican establishment wants it.

Is it helping them?

Is the media saying anything nicer about ’em than they usually do?


Even now when the Republicans aren’t saying anything, we get stories about, “If you open your mouth — if you Republicans open your mouths — do you realize how hated you’re gonna be?” So the Republicans get cowed into not reacting, not saying a thing, while the majority of people are aligned with them, a majority of the people on Obamacare, a majority of the people on immigration!

A majority of the people on practically every issue agree with the Republicans, and they have been cowed into shutting up and not forging an alliance with this majority because of their fear of the media. But there’s nothing they can do or say. Okay, let’s say, as a hypothetical example, that they secured silence of every Tea Party Republican in the House and Senate, and after Obama’s speech last night they don’t say a word.

Do they think the media’s gonna write stories about how nice they are? Do they think the media’s gonna write stories about how great the Republicans are? Do they think the media’s gonna write stories about how reasonable the Republicans are? No. They’re gonna continue to write stories, “If you say a word, we’re gonna cream you!” I guess…

You know, we have a caller now and then, occasionally. It’s not a specific one, but people will call here now and then and make it clear that in their mind we will never, ever win until the media finally sees the light and promotes our view of things. I always tell ’em, “Then you’d better check out, because that isn’t gonna happen. Not in our lifetime. The mainstream media as you know them today is never, ever gonna do that.”

If that’s gonna be your definition of winning and success, then be prepared to be a forever loser. Apparently the Republican leadership may have the same belief. Everything they do or don’t do, everything they say or don’t say, is oriented toward getting love from the Drive-By Media. I am just so thankful that I am not in that prison. Because if I were, this program would have ended about 23 years ago. You would not have found it worth listening to.

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