Caller Shifts His View on Baltimore Mom

by Rush Limbaugh - May 1,2015

RUSH: Let me grab Dave in Indianapolis. We promised to call Dave back yesterday because we didn’t have much time with him. Dave’s in Indianapolis, and he called yesterday to side with the… You called about the mother who came out of her house and hit her son for being stupid and joining the protest in Baltimore, and you agreed with the libs who criticized her, right?

CALLER: Well, I’m not on the fence very often, Rush. But in this case, I have to say I sort of was because when I saw that mother smack her son upside the head, I applauded — as well as my wife did — and we said, “Now that’s good parenting right there.”

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: Because in that moment what we see is, he meets life with… I’m paraphrasing part of her quote. “He meets life with aggression, so she meets him with aggression.” That’s what’s was happening. But what she said in her quote was that this mother has dealt with aggression in her life growing up there, and if she meets her son with aggression, he will meet life with aggression. Almost as if she’s excusing why this kid is the way he is. I think she’s making some assumptions that those smacks to the left side of his head were not the first ones. Maybe he’s been getting those since he was little.

RUSH: A-ha.

CALLER: Maybe that’s why he has turned out the way he is. But there’s a lot of assumptions in there.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: What we saw in the video and applauded was that he was being the aggressor, and if he had connected with a brick, it’d have been much worse than what he got from his mom. She came along and did what millions of us would have done and said, “What are you doing?” Well, I think this woman was assuming that maybe somewhere in this kid’s life he’s responding to what he’s gotten in the past and is acting out.

RUSH: That could be. But remember now: When this happened, your reaction was like most people’s. Everybody applauded. She became a hero. She was on morning show television. She was a hero. And a couple days later, here come people on the left accusing her of child abuse and mistreating her son and she shouldn’t have done something in public — which something I predicted, and it didn’t take long.

She lost her heroine status pretty soon and she became an example of poor parenting, in fact. And then when they talked to her, I found this very, interesting. She said that… And it changed my perception of what she had done. She said she essentially didn’t trust the cops. She didn’t want him out there rioting ’cause he could get killed. Not because it was wrong thing to do, but because he could get killed. I heard her say she’s seen the way the police act.

(summarized thinking) “Police kill people. People get killed in riots. People get away with it. I didn’t want my son doing that. I wanted him alive.” I gathered it wasn’t because she was opposed to what he was doing from the standpoint of the cause; she was just worried about his life as a mother, and she didn’t want him putting it at risk. And on the protest march she thought, “I don’t want any part of that, ’cause he can’t win doing that.”

CALLER: Well, I would think that unless the mother expressly left that out on purpose and said, “Well, I’m not worried about the reason he’s doing it. I’m just worried he’s gonna get hurt,” I wouldn’t assume that she didn’t think both things, that number one he shouldn’t doing it and secondly, “I don’t want to him to get hurt.” That’s her primary responsibility at the moment just to get him out of there.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: I just think there were a lot of assumptions made, and I’m a 27-year student of EIB U, university and a resident of Realville.

RUSH: Yeah? (chuckling)

CALLER: And here I am thinking about calling Rush and disagreeing with him. But when I heard you say that yesterday, you said, “That makes no sense,” or, “That’s nonsense,” and I looked up at the radio — as you’ve probably done before — and said, “Well, of course it made sense,” and grabbed the phone, and the first time I called it rang and someone answered, and I almost couldn’t believe it.

RUSH: Well, hang on. I gotta take a quick break here. I will come back and close it out with you. This is Dave in Indianapolis, and by the way, thanks for letting us call you back. ‘Cause I took his call yesterday and I misread the clock and didn’t have nearly the time left I thought we did.


RUSH: Okay. So, Dave, to wrap it up, where are you now on the whole thing with Toya Graham coming out and slapping her son and telling him to get off the protest march and the riot?

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: You think she did the right thing? Do you still think she did the right thing, or not?

CALLER: Well, I think all we see is that picture. I didn’t look into her life. I didn’t see… I mean, when people were asking, “Where was the father?” I just assumed he was at work. It was only later on I found out that she was single. I didn’t really pry into it, so all I see is that moment. At that moment, yes, she did the right thing. That’s what I would have done; that’s what you would have done. I mean, my wife was well raised by her parents, and I know her mom might have even done worse. So it’s all good.

RUSH: Well, but, see, look —

CALLER: If it’s been going on in the past —

RUSH: But not every parent… She stands out because she’s the only parent to do it — that anybody saw, anyway. That’s why it stood out, and she was applauded. What does that tell you? Good sign. She’s applauded, until she spoke, “Aw, I just didn’t want him getting killed.” She didn’t comment on the protest itself. She has six kids, no husband, lives alone, no job, and I think…

Ah, I don’t remember well enough.

She witnessed a gunshot death in her family at some point in the recent past, so it was fresh on her mind. But she just didn’t want any harm to come to her son. Now, a lot of parents would have thought their kids were doing a valiant thing by going out there and protesting the cops, and would have encouraged them to do so. We don’t see this often: Parents, when they find out their kids are running out there, yanking ’em off the street and saying, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

We don’t see it.

That’s why it made news and stood out.

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