Gay Community Update: Straight Women Hog the Sexual Assault Spotlight

by Rush Limbaugh - May 14,2015

RUSH: Okay, try this from TheCollegeFix.com: “Straight Women Are Marginalizing Other Victims of Sexual Assault at the University of Oregon.” You know what? I think this is time for a gay community update. Klaus Nomi is going to sing our big tune here, folks. We don’t have this song played often, but it makes an impact when we do. It’s Klaus Nomi and our official Gay Community Update Theme, done with compassion — and, of course, good vibes — as always. (playing of song)

It’s about women, but (song continues) let your mind wander. (song continues) You ever driven a train, Klaus? Ever been a train engineer? (song continues) Just asking. Just curious. (song continues) All right, folks, the news here is from The College Fix. (song continues) Let it keep going. This never ends. “Straight college women who claim they were sexually assaulted are forming their own clique that excludes everyone else.

“That’s according to a Daily Emerald story from the University of Oregon, where last month’s Take Back the Night event featured sexual-violence estimates of non-straight communities that make the unreliable 1-in-5 statistic look quaint.” Anyway, the point is that the lesbian women on campus are upset at the straight women claiming they’re assaulted because that means that the lesbian victims are being marginalized and not really cared about, my friends.

Straight women screwing it up again. Lesbians are trying to get noticed, and Barbie comes along and hogs all the attention, as usual! (song continues) Let her rip, Klaus! (song continues) Let’s hear it for Klaus Nomi, the late great Klaus Nomi and a cover of the old Lesley Gore hit from the Grooveyard of Forgotten Favorites, You Don’t Own Me. In fact, you know, the Lesley Gore song, You Don’t Own Me, was one of our first official Feminist Update Themes.

It was superseded by others, but it was in the mix early on.

I’m not making this up. “According to the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 44% of lesbian women and 61% of bisexual women have been victims of intimate partner violence in the form of rape, physical violence and/or stalking, compared to 35% of heterosexual women.” You say, “What’s the problem?”

Well, the problem is that the lesbian and bisexual women claim to be much bigger victims, and nobody talks about what happens to them, because the heterosexual women are hogging all of the limelight. Well, “limelight.” Attention. Whenever a heterosexual woman is abused, raped, assaulted, that gets all the news, and nobody ever hears about what’s happening to the intimate partners of lesbian and bisexual women on campus. It’s a big problem.


Janet in Corning, New York, thank you for waiting. Your turn, you’re up. Hello.

CALLER: Oh, thanks, Rush, it is an absolute honor to speak about you.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I’ve been listening since ’88, and I have got dittos from eight Rush Babies for you.

RUSH: You’re a lifer. Thank you very much. I appreciate that.

CALLER: Well, I’m calling because you referenced that article earlier in the day about the non-straight women feeling like the straight women have cornered the market on college violence earlier.

RUSH: Yes, I have that story even now still in my formerly nicotine-stained. Let me review this so people know what you’re calling about.


RUSH: It is a from the College Fix, and here’s the headline: “Straight Women Are Marginalizing Other Victims of Sexual Assault at the University of Oregon.” What this story is basically about, is it’s a study that says that lesbians and gay men rape their intimate partners more than straight men do. Now, you might say, “What are you talking about?” Let me tell you what this is. “Straight college women who claim they were sexually assaulted are forming their own clique that excludes everyone else.

“That’s according to a Daily Emerald story from the University of Oregon, where last month’s…” This is weirdly written. Here’s the nut of this: “According to the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 44% of lesbian women and 61% of bisexual women have been victims of intimate partner violence in the form of rape, physical violence and/or stalking, compared to 35% of heterosexual women.”

The rub here is that the gay women are mad that the news of rape on campus is all about hetero. They claim they’re getting raped and assaulted much more often than the heterosexual women are, but the news only reports about the heteros, and the lesbians and the bisexuals are ticked off that their incidents are not being reported. They claim they’re being raped much more often than the heterosexual women are, which, to me, means that lesbians and gay men are remaining more women than straight people are. You’d have to conclude that from reading this story. So that’s what Janet is calling about.

CALLER: Well, I’m calling because the story made me think of 30 years ago when I was an innocent freshman in a university. I lived in the all-girls dorm there. And I… As the course of the whole year progressed, I had two non-straight women living above me, and every afternoon after school was over before I went to like dinner, I would hear… Like I said, it was probably once a month at the beginning of the year, and it just progressed as the year went on, it sounded like there were two people wrestling upstairs on the floor.

RUSH: Really?

CALLER: You would hear screaming.

RUSH: Really! Oh, man. Really? That never happened when I was in school.

CALLER: (giggling)

RUSH: You had lesbians up there wrestling?

CALLER: (giggling)


CALLER: All of a sudden it would be… (giggling) You’d hear yelling — we couldn’t hear what they were saying — and then, “Crash!”

RUSH: Oh, man.

CALLER: Like literally one had to have been throwing the other one around the room, which is not funny, but —

RUSH: Did you ever get any pictures?

CALLER: Well, no. But what happened was it kept getting worse and worse, and every time we’d go to the RA, it just happened to be she was never in her room so we could never draw attention to it. But what happened was by the end of the spring when we could finally open the doors to our dorm room ’cause it was warm enough, my roommate and I decided we were finally gonna lean out and listen and see if we can find out what is going on. So one of the last times before we left for the year, their windows were open, too, up above, and all I can tell you is that the only thing we could make out one yelled to the other, “I saw you looking at him.” So I thought that was a little interesting twist to the whole year. Just so you know, it’s been going around for 30 years, apparently.

RUSH: Okay. So you’re calling to say even 30 years ago this was true?

CALLER: Yes. I mean, actually it was really… It was kind of shocking to somebody who… You know, like I said, I was an innocent college freshmen, right?

RUSH: That’s right. We never hear this. Folks, this is true. We never hear about this. Look, I’m not making this up. This story actually is about lesbian and bisexual women mad at heterosexual women, because the lesbians claim that they are victimized by rape and sexual assault much more than heterosexual women are, but it’s never reported.

Nobody feels sorry for them, because the only thing anybody cares about, apparently — according to the lesbians — is when the heterosexual women are assaulted or raped. That makes news. But what’s happening to the lesbians isn’t making news, and they’re mad about it. That’s what the story is. I’m not making any of this up. Janet in Corning here is calling to say, “Yep,” it was the case when she in school 30 years ago.

It’s why I say, if the lesbian women are claiming they are victims of rape more than the heterosexual women are, the bisexual women are saying the same thing. (interruption) “Well, what does that mean?” I mean, if they’re bigger victims, more frequent victims of rape, somebody’s perpetrating them. Somebody’s perpetrating the crimes, and they’re just ticked off that nobody is reporting about it what happens to them.

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