We Had the Nation’s First Transracial Coming Out Right Here on This Program!

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 15,2015

RUSH: Folks, I have to tell you here, I remain always surprised by this. I have a gigantic audio sound bite roster. By the way, I’m just gonna tell you up front, it will be impossible for me to get to everything I want to get to today. There’s just so much of it. And some of it is gonna require in-depth. For example, I’ve got this audio sound bite roster here, do you realize, they make things up about me when I’m gone so that they can bounce things off of other people. They make up things I haven’t said and ask other people about ’em on these TV talk shows.

I mean, even when I’m not here, and I’m not saying anything, they make up things I’m saying and then ask their guests about it, or comment on it. And one of the things that apparently — and I didn’t have any news on last week. I started doing this when I’m actually away. I actually go away from the news. I mean, I didn’t have on any cable news. I didn’t read any news websites until I guess Saturday when I started trying to get back in the mood and the mind-set for this.

Apparently all last week one of the big things that was discussed was, of course, Caitlyn Jenner and my observation that what was really being attempted here by the left is a redefinition of normal and normalcy, and that little sound bite of mine, that quip of mine last week was all over the place last week. Well, my comment on it two weeks ago was all over the place last week while I was out. I ran across a couple of posts at a website called The Federalist which have taken up this entire concept of who are the new kooks and who are the new weirdos and how it is massive propaganda creating delusion in the minds of so many.

Really great question. How is it possible that in just the last ten years all of these things which were taboo throughout our culture, throughout the culture, things that were taboo are now not only normal but celebrated, and people who were not really supportive of them are called kooks and the new weirdos. So I want to spend a little time on that when we get to it.

You talk about cutting edge. We’ve got this woman in Spokane by the name of Rachel Dolezal who says she’s black. She’s not. But she says she’s black. Her parents say she’s not. Well, we had the first transracial person in the country on this program before I left. We had a guy call here said he identifies as black. You remember it? It was on June the 3rd. Grab sound bite number one. This is just a setup. We’ve got the whole call coming up later that we’re gonna start and stop because it was mind-blowing. I can’t tell you the number of people that commented to me about it, but this is how it began back on June 3rd of this year.

RUSH ARCHIVE: Let me grab a quick call. Chillicothe, Missouri, Steve, great to have you on the EIB Network, sir. You’re up first today, and welcome.

CALLER ARCHIVE: Thank you. Hey, Rush, I’m a little nervous ’cause I’ve never come out of the closet in any way before, but I wanted you to know, be the first to know and your audience to know that I am actually an African-American. I’ve been an African-American my entire life. It’s been bottled up inside me, and as of today, I’m no longer going to be Caucasian.

RUSH: And that call went on, but again, June 3rd, we’re gonna have the whole call rolled on off here in just a second for you, in case you didn’t hear it, but if you did hear it it’s a greatest hits call. You’re gonna want to hear it again. But here, Rachel Dolezal is not the first. It all happened here on the Rush Limbaugh program.


RUSH: We have a news flash. Civil rights activist and black role model Rachel Dolezal has resigned her position with the Spokane NAALCP. She announced it on Facebook, according to the Washington Post. Now, you talk about a convoluted thing, a microcosm? If anybody cares, if anybody’s curious, this is a microcosm of some of the genuine screwy, dangerously wrong things happening in American culture today.

Now, I’ve got everything that you could possibly want to know about this woman, and how in the world she pulled this off. It’s not… I tell you what, the NAALCP’s not in the middle of a shining hour here, folks. I mean, to be so easily scammed as they were. There’s no with any glory in this.


RUSH: I have the full call that happened on June 3rd on this program. It doesn’t take long. It goes by lickety-split. This program — not the Spokane NAALCP, this program — blew the lid on the fact that there are people out there who self-identify as black.


RUSH: Let me grab a quick call. Chillicothe, Missouri, Steve, great to have you on the EIB Network, sir. You’re up first today, and welcome.

CALLER: Thank you. Hey, Rush, I’m a little nervous ’cause I’ve never come out of the closet in any way before, but I wanted you to know, be the first to know and your audience to know that I am actually an African-American. I’ve been an African-American my entire life. It’s been bottled up inside me, and as of today, I’m no longer going to be Caucasian.

RUSH: Really? How old are you?

CALLER: I’m 38.

RUSH: Thirty-eight. You’ve been living in this prison for — how old were you when you first learned that you weren’t really white?

CALLER: Must have been about 10.

RUSH: Ten years old. Ten years old, you knew you weren’t white, even though you were. You weren’t white, you knew you were African-American or black. So you’ve lived 28 years in a prison, right? You haven’t been able to be who you are?

CALLER: Right. It’s been horrible ’cause every day I wake up and I know I’m black and everyone around me is white and I’m living here in flyover country and everybody in my small town is basically white —

RUSH: Well, this has got to be —

CALLER: I just have to walk —

RUSH: This has to be hell because here you are, you’re Caucasian, but you know you’re black, but nobody can see that you’re black, so nobody can see who you really are.

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: And you’re desperate to be seen who you really are. You’re desperate to be known for who you really are. You’re not an actor. You want to be known for who you are. You know you’re black, but nobody can tell it. And you go tell people you’re black, and they think you’re nuts, right?

CALLER: Right. I mean, I’ve signed up for, like, minority grants and that sort of thing, and, you know, they all just laugh at me.

RUSH: Why? What’s wrong with minor — oh, I get it. Because yeah, yeah, yeah. This is a very courageous act on your part. I mean, to be an African-American trapped in a white body, that’s cruel, the height of cruelty. Who could do something like that to another person? And that’s gotta be tough. I mean, you’re signing up for benefits that are available to African-Americans and you’re telling them you are one, you knew when you were 10 that you were, and they’re denying you, right?

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: So what are you doing about it?

CALLER: Well, I’m trying to start a movement. I’m calling you and I’m telling 30 million people that I’m actually black.

RUSH: Are you gonna do it on Twitter? You gonna have a Facebook campaign? I mean, are you gonna post your —

CALLER: I haven’t got that far yet. I’m not through.

RUSH: There’s 30 million people. You gotta get going. You’re reaching 20 million of ’em here, but I imagine a number of ’em are gonna be kind of skeptical of this. I’m sure you’re gonna face female that aren’t gonna believe you, be skeptical, think you’re just trying to get on the financial the gravy train and they’re gonna look at you and they’re gonna see Caucasian. What color is your hair?

CALLER: Blond.

RUSH: Blond. And yet you’re African-American. In your heart, in your mind, you know you’re black.

CALLER: Apparently. That’s the way I felt since I was 10.

RUSH: You felt African — what does it feel like to be African-American? I can’t understand.

CALLER: It’s just hard to explain. I’m not white. I don’t fit in with my family, you know, it’s —

RUSH: Do you hate the cops? Do you have an animus against police officers?

CALLER: Well, that’s been building lately, as I see how other people of my color treat the cops and feel towards them, that’s kind of been building in me, so, yeah.

RUSH: Taking it personally, make it personal, I can understand that. Well, you know, you’re gonna have to prove this to people. I mean, you just can’t go out there and say this. You’re gonna have to prove you’re black by doing all the stereotypes like Bruce Jenner is doing with women. I mean, you know, Bruce Jenner didn’t just say, “Hey, I’m a woman.” He had to go do the whole whatever to convince people of it. You can’t just say it.

CALLER: Yeah, and —

RUSH: It would be much easier if you say you knew you were gay when you’re 10, but man, you’ve really bitten off a big one here when you say you knew you were black at age 10 when you’re a blond-haired Caucasian.

CALLER: Yeah, and also now I’m in a biracial marriage and my kids are biracial, so I don’t know what to do.

RUSH: What, you’re married to a —

CALLER: A white woman.

RUSH: Married to a white woman, you’re Caucasian, but you’re African-American, your kids are biracial. You do have a problem.


RUSH: So, you see, we were first on this, and that was just a random, over-the-transom call (that came in, again, on June 3rd) from Steve in Chillicothe, Missouri. I mean, Rachel Dolezal is Rachel Dolezal. But we had Steve from Chillicothe before Rachel Dolezal even thought about making news.


RUSH: Okay, time to get to the phones here. Hank in Brooklyn. I really, really appreciate your patience, Hank. Thank you so much and hello.

CALLER: No problem. I wanted to comment about the call that you replayed with the black guy who — I mean, the white guy who thought he was black or whatever.

RUSH: Identifies as African-American, yeah.

CALLER: Exactly. You made a comment on that call saying that — implying that — to be black, he has to hate cops.

RUSH: Well, no, not specifically. I can see where you’d think that. I was asking him for example, how do you know that…? What is it about African-Americans that makes you think black? Do you not like the cops, example.

CALLER: Yeah. I feel like with that implication, for a black person out here, how could they get a fair shake in the judicial system if that’s how they’re looked at? If they’re looked at as, “You’re black; you hate cops,” they’re not… It’s gonna be hard for them to get a fair shake in the court system.

RUSH: I’m not quite sure what you’re saying. But let me just be up front with you as just a casual observer of news. It seems to me that civil rights leaders have been making the case for decades and since slavery that the police departments are the problem. People like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and these people identify them that way. And if you listen to the state’s attorney in Baltimore, Marilyn Mosby, the cops are the problem here. And Obama believes the cops are the problem. That’s why his new philosophy is to have them withdraw and refrain and not be seen because just their presence is provocative. So that’s why I asked the guy the question.

CALLER: I don’t think the cops are the problem, but you can’t ignore that the police department did have a history of beating up black people.

RUSH: Well, there you go. That’s what I was referring to. That’s what people think. So if he’s self-identifying as African-American, I simply asked him if he had a similar problem with the police.

CALLER: All right.

RUSH: That’s all. I wasn’t trying to imply that every individual African-American out there hates the cops.

CALLER: Yeah, ’cause I’m black, and I don’t hate cops. I’m saying. You know what I mean?

RUSH: Yeah, I know. I know. But even you just admitted that it’s been a problematic relationship that black people have had with the cops.

CALLER: Oh, yeah. You can’t ignore history. You can’t ignore things that happened in history.

RUSH: That’s right. That’s exactly right.

CALLER: I wouldn’t carry on what happened in the past — You know what I’m saying? — to hate anyone now, but it happened. I’m not gonna ignore it and say it didn’t happen.

RUSH: Well, I got you. Look, I’m glad we had a chance to clear this up, because I didn’t want you to think I was saying something I wasn’t. It wasn’t the case at all. No way. Just impossible that anybody could possibly think that that’s what I would say. No way.


RUSH: Here’s Robert in Donnelly, Idaho. It has been a long time since we had anybody from Donnelly on the program. Great to have you here, Robert. Hello.

CALLER: Hi. Thank you for taking my call.

RUSH: You bet, sir. Great to have you here.

CALLER: The last Donnelly person was my wife, I believe. (laughing)

RUSH: Yeah. (laughing) Maybe. May well be. What’s her name?


RUSH: Dena. Sounds familiar. Rings a bell.

CALLER: Dena (unintelligible). Anyway, my call was about fraud. You know, there’s so much fraud being perpetrated across this country for different reasons, and why are we not going after these people for committing fraud?

RUSH: Well, like who? Who are you talking about?

CALLER: Well, like Rachel. You know, she got a place at a black college, so she took a position where an authentic black person didn’t get.

RUSH: Wait. You’re talking about Rachel Dolezal?


RUSH: The fake African-American that ran the NAALCP in Spokane?

CALLER: That’s correct. And she also got to go to a black college.

RUSH: That’s true. That’s true. She did. I understand this line of thinking that she’s engaged in fraud and she’s signed fraudulent documents and all this kind of stuff. You’re wondering why she’s not prosecuted?

CALLER: That’s correct.

RUSH: Why do you think? Why do you think not?

CALLER: Is it because we’d be called racists?

RUSH: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it’s deeper. It’s much deeper than that.

CALLER: Okay. Please explain.

RUSH: Well, you know, I had something here, I’ve got a whole bunch of pictures of frauds. And I can’t find what I did with it. I set it aside just for this — oh, well. I’ll have to find it at some point.

In the case of Rachel Dolezal and why she’s being treated with kid gloves, it’s because people feel sorry for her. The soft bigotry of low expectations. But the left is gonna have a real problem in punishing anybody who wants to be black. I mean, that would be — if you want to be black, that’s an admirable thing, whether you pull it off or not, that’s your problem. But if you want to be black, oh, it would be far better if more people did that. If more people wanted to be black and more people identified as black, then it’d be a beautiful thing.

They’re gonna have a very, very tough — you’ll notice the NAALCP has not gone on a tear for this woman. The NAALCP, the ones who ought to feel like they’ve been scammed, they’re the ones saying, “Hey, hey, hey, back off, back off, take it easy.” Because how in the world do you get mad at somebody for wanting to be black? That’s something for which you should get a gold star. That makes you really sensitive. That makes you a really quality person.

You are the antithesis of a racist if you’re white and you want to be black and you go out and do everything you can to identify as black, how in the world can they condemn that? That’s not fraud. That’s good intentions. And as we know, as we’ve learned, we are supposed to examine the good intentions and not the nature of the evidence. The nature of the evidence is that she’s deranged and is a fraud. But she was trying to do so much good. Oh, my God, she wanted to be black. That’s so admirable. And that’s why nothing is gonna be done to her. In fact, I suspect before this is over, people will find a way for it to actually happen.

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