Fearless Fiorina Goes to Colorado and Denounces Pot Legalization

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 29,2015

RUSH: Carly Fiorina, who appears to be fearless out there, went to Colorado, “the first state to legalize marijuana, and said legalization was a bad idea. ‘While I do in general support states rights, and the voters of Colorado have made a decision. … I would also very quickly add that I think the legalization of marijuana is a very bad idea. I think it’s misleading to young people in particular when we tell them smoking pot is like drinking a beer. It is not.'”

Now for young people, Millennials — and a lot of people on the left — you know what I think politics is about to them? I think you can really boil it down to who they think is mean and who they think is nice. So if they think Obama’s nice, whatever he wants to do is okay. ‘Cause if he’s nice, he’s got good intentions. And if somebody’s mean, then they don’t have good intentions. And because they’re mean, they don’t need and deserve to be supported anyway, ’cause we’re not going to help mean people.

I don’t think it’s any more complicated than that with certain young people. Of course the left/the media have played their role very well in this instance by defining conservatives and Republicans as mean-spirited, extremist, homophobes and racists and all that. So the question is: Are these people gonna see Carly Fiorina as mean when she tells them she doesn’t think marijuana is good for them, or are they gonna see her as nice? ‘Cause that’s, in many cases, what it’s gonna come down to.

‘Cause, folks, it’s politically incorrect to say that marijuana might have health risks, because right now the politically correct thing to say about marijuana is that it’s great boon for people who are sick. Medical marijuana is absolutely wonderful even though there’s a recent study says makes no difference in anything. But they think it is. “Marijuana is really cool, and it’s safer, and it’s not heroin or cocaine, and it’s a crop! It comes from the ground, and it’s cool, and some of our favorite musicians did their best work while under its influence.”

So it’s cool stuff.

Here comes Carly Fiorina saying: No, no. It’s not just like your beer. It’s worse. “‘When I was battling cancer my doctor asked me if I was interested in medicinal marijuana, I said I was not, and he said “good” because we don’t understand the marijuana of today,’ Fiorina said. ‘It is a chemically complex compound and we don’t understand how it interacts with other medicines, we don’t understand how it interacts with other things you’re doing in your life.'”

You know, I don’t have any experience with this so I’m unable to render an opinion. Maybe I should go smoke some and find out what this is all about and be able to render an… (interruption) Oh, yeah, eat a brownie. That’s what “wake and bake” means, right? Yeah, there’s an NFL player who had a Snapchat or Instagram post. He woke up and he’s all happy, and said, “Time to wake and bake,” and somebody said, “Wow, that guy does the weed.” So that’s what wake and bake means. Bake some cookies or brownies, I guess. Have you had them? (interruption) What do they taste like? (interruption) I do I wonder what they taste like.

I hate to be ignorant on this, folks, but facts are facts.


RUSH: Thomas in Danbury, Connecticut, you are next as we head back to the phones. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Hey there, Rush, what a pleasure to speak with you.

RUSH: Well, it’s great to have you with us today, Thomas. To what do we owe the pleasure?

CALLER: Well, I’ve got a long history of major spine problems, operations and stuff, and I’ve been taking narcotics for about 20 years for the pain, and Lyrica, which is devastating, for about 12 years now. You can never think straight. It’s impossible to wake up in the morning. I spoke with my pain physician, and we have medical marijuana here in Connecticut, and he suggested, he thought that was a good idea to give it a try. And what I’ve done is I’m taking almost no Oxycodone anymore and I slashed my Lyrica, and what I find is, I can think clearer, I can wake up in the morning, and the pain is dramatically reduced. Never gone, but it’s substantially reduced, even though I’m taking less of the other medication.

RUSH: Now, don’t take this personally. Is that really true? Spine pain, look, I’ve had it. You say that marijuana did better than the narcotics they had you on? I’ve never heard anybody make that claim about pain relief from marijuana.

CALLER: Yes. Well, what happened — (crosstalk) cut back the Oxycodone almost completely, but the big one is the Lyrica, which really affected my life, and —

RUSH: Wait a minute. What’s Lyrica?

CALLER: I have nerve pain down my leg —

RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: — that feels like your leg’s on fire.

RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: It’s similar to — I’m trying to think of how to describe it. I have shooting pain, burning, burning pain in my leg. And the cannabis —

RUSH: Okay. Does Lyrica get it or not get it?

CALLER: If I take enough Lyrica to get it, then I’m nonfunctional.


CALLER: If my wife doesn’t wake me up on her way to work, I sleep ’til three in the afternoon, four in the afternoon, and when I get up I’d be groggy. I couldn’t see straight. I wasn’t safe to drive. The medical marijuana, I take it before I go to sleep, I sleep like a baby, and I wake up clear.

RUSH: You take it. How is it given to you?

CALLER: Well, there are a number of different forms, but I found the best relief for me has been to eat small quantities of the oil that they have. It’s very, very potent oil. And if you eat it rather than smoke it, when it goes through your liver, it changes it from Delta 8-THC to Delta 9-THC —


CALLER: — which is much more powerful —


CALLER: — and lasts six to eight hours —

RUSH: That explains it. Delta 8 to 9. Okay, that explains it. You’re the first person that I have ever heard — and I haven’t talked to a lot of people, so don’t misunderstand.

CALLER: Six to eight hours, and I wake up clearer. When her alarm goes off, I wake up. There’s no sleeping ’til three in the afternoon. It’s amazing. It’s given me my life back.

RUSH: Well, then.

CALLER: Like I said, my pain physician approved it first —

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: — and then I went off and tried it.

RUSH: That’s fine. That’s great. You’re the first guy I’ve spoken to who has described that much pain relief to marijuana.

CALLER: It’s been a godsend. Part of it, though, is that I did a lot of studying and a lot of research and I’ve tried a lot of experimentation to see what works for me. I hate to smoke. So I don’t smoke anymore. Virtually everything that I take is an edible of some sort. You asked how do the brownies taste?

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: They taste like regular brownies with just a tiny bit of a green taste.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: Like you’d eaten a piece of grass, that chlorophyll, that green taste —

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: — but it’s very subtle. It’s not strong at all.

RUSH: So have you baked marijuana brownies or has your wife or somebody in your family done it? Like how much marijuana do you put in a pan of baked brownies?

CALLER: Yeah, we don’t cook with it. I use the oil in capsules, and then I eat the capsules, preferably with a meal ’cause it makes it not quite so powerful and it makes it last longer.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: So I don’t cook with it, but I do eat it.

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: But you can buy from — I purchased from the outlet here, the pharmacy, I’ve purchased brownies and all kinds of candies and cookies —

RUSH: You’re kidding me?

CALLER: — with THC in ’em.

RUSH: You’re kidding. The pharmacies sell marijuana brownies?

CALLER: Well, it’s not the regular pharmacy. It’s the cannabis centers.

RUSH: Oh, I got it. It’s the marijuana pharmacy. Okay. That’s how out of it I am on this. I mean, I know that there’s medical marijuana, but I really didn’t know how it was dispensed or prescribed. I never dug into it. Well, look, if it’s working that well for you, that’s great. I’m not questioning anything. I’m just marveling because I’ve never had anybody attest to the pain-relief power of marijuana like you have. But it’s great if that’s your experience. I appreciate the call, Thomas.


RUSH: Dennis in Prairie Home, Missouri, thank you for calling, sir. It’s great to have you with us. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. I just wanted to tell you, I was like you; I was very ignorant on the medical marijuana. But I have power of attorney for a gentleman in Michigan that has a terminal case of rare Alzheimer’s, and his son wanted me to get him on this, and I checked with the doctors. This was a couple years ago; they said, “Absolutely not.” But his general doctor got with me about six months ago, and he said, “Dennis, I was wrong on this, he said there is proof that medical marijuana can help in these cases,” and my friend —

RUSH: Wait, this is Alzheimer’s?

CALLER: Yes, it’s a rare form of Alzheimer’s. It’s corticobasal degeneration.

RUSH: And marijuana helps with this?


RUSH: How?

CALLER: Let me tell you how. It doesn’t help the disease.



It helps the symptoms of the disease.

RUSH: Okay.

CALLER: When you get this disease as you know with Alzheimer’s patients start to waste away, they don’t eat, they lose their appetite.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: And where I was totally wrong on this, it’s not like they smoke a joint. They take parts of the marijuana, and parts of the marijuana they mix in candy. And I have nurses that do this. They are the caregivers, and they actually mix this themselves and they’re responsible for it.

RUSH: I see.

CALLER: And this is with the doctor’s okay. And what the marijuana does, is there’s a part of the marijuana plant — your caller before was pretty correct on things — that makes them have an appetite.

RUSH: Yeah, yeah. I know. That’s Marinol. My mother had to take that. It didn’t work in her case, but it might have been too late for her. I’m out of time here. I really don’t mean to be rude, Dennis, but I’ve got to go.

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