RUSH: From the CBS Eyewitness News San Francisco headline: “American Teens Having Less Sex According to Study.” Wait just a minute. Does anybody believe that? I’ve always been told there’s nothing we can do. I’ve always been told, going back to the early nineties, remember when condoms became a big deal? The AIDS scare was in full bloom, and parents were letting their teenagers have sex in spare bedrooms out on Long Island instead of backseats of the cars because it was cleaner, safer, they thought. And all the while, you know, I would express kind of shock at this.
I’d have callers, enlightened callers tell me, “Rush, you can’t stop kids from having sex. There’s nothing you can do. You can’t stop it.”
Well, then why can we stop ’em from smoking? You say you can stop them from doing this, you can stop ’em from bullying, you can stop ’em from whatever else they’re doing you don’t like, but why can’t you — “We can’t, Rush, we just have to pray. We just have to give ’em condoms and keep our fingers crossed.” But now all of a sudden “American teenagers supposedly are having less sex –” now, get this next part of the sentence. Let me just read the whole sentence to you.
“American teens are having less sex, especially boys. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed roughly 2,000 boys and girls, 15 to 19 and found the percentage of teens who reported they had sex at least once has dropped significantly since the ’80s. The decline for male teens was greater than female teens.”
Okay, back to the first sentence. “American teenagers are having less sex, especially boys.” How does the math on that work? I mean, if we’re just talking teenagers, it doesn’t mean teenaged girls could be having sex with college guys. This is strictly teenagers. This does not mean having sex with winos wearing the Peter Jennings trench coat with a sack of wine on Seventh Avenue. How does this work? How does the math of this work out?
“In 2013, 44% of teenage girls surveyed said they had experienced sex, compared to 51% in 1988. For teenage boys, the drop was more dramatic. In 1988, 60% reported theyÂ’d had sex compared to only 47% in 2013.” So in 2013, 44% of teenaged girls said they had sex, 47% of teenaged boys said they had sex. Wouldn’t the numbers be equal. I guess not. I don’t know. I don’t want to get too deep in the weeds.
“Changing sexual mores could explain the overall decline, but one expert believes it is because teens are better educated about sex.” Okay. “Dr. Brooke Bokor, an Adolescent Medicine Specialist at the ChildrenÂ’s National Health System –” Adolescent Medicine Specialist at the ChildrenÂ’s National Health System. Who do you think pays for those two organizations?
Anyway, Dr. Brooke Bokor “says their smartphones may provide a private, comfortable space to access information.” Oh, you mean like porn? Could it become we’re raising voyeurs rather than participants? “‘TheyÂ’re looking on the web,’ Bokor told the Washington Post. ‘TheyÂ’re looking for guidance from parents, guardians and physicians. They can and will make positive decisions for their own health, both sexual and otherwise.'”
Well, I’m gonna take this at face value, and then offer some unique commentary available only here. So let’s accept this at face value, American teenagers are having less sex according to study. Note that this is a problem to people reporting the story. Oh, no, what’s wrong? (laughing) A scant 30 years ago this would have been a great news story. It would have been worth celebrating. Parents would have been happy, the churches would have been happy, a lot of people would have been running around trying to take credit for this. But here in 2015, it’s a problem.
American teenagers are having less sex and all of these experts are asking themselves, what are we doing wrong? Well, what have we turned boys into, in 2015? No, I’m serious, folks. Just try to answer the question as objectively as you can, when I ask this question, just imagine, think, observe all that you know and have seen. What have we turned boys into, in 2015? What are they? Well, they are a mixture of things. And they hear it all, by the way. They are either bullies or predators or brutes or they are pajama boys. Timid metrosexuals, feminists in their own minds playing now a secondary role because they have been made to feel guilty over the transgressions that men have committed previously.
So now they are drugged up in order to keep them quiet and content and out of everybody’s way. While they’re drugged up, they’re watching video games, some of them violent, some of them pornographic. Meanwhile, sex is everywhere. It is everywhere on TV in all forms. It is present in loving relationships; it’s present in hookups; it’s throw throwaway; it is rape; every imaginable form of sex is easily viewable and accessible.
When I say TV, I mean any video streaming that they want to access.
In many places, because of the political agenda attached, heterosexual sex on television is often portrayed as violent and aggressive towards women, rape or just short of it. On the other hand, gay sex is portrayed as loving, sensitive, fun, hip, natural, normal, cool, you name it. Those kind of descriptions of heterosexual sex on TV cannot be universally attached. Now, if you are a young boy who feels like an outsider, self-esteem problems, don’t have a lot of self-confidence. For whatever reason you just aren’t in the big clique and you know you’re never gonna get in the big clique, what have you, it doesn’t matter anymore.
Who needs the real thing? You can turn to your phone or your tablet and you can see whatever kind of sex you want, and then you can play all kind of pretend mind games and imagine that you’re actually doing it, when you’re not. Sometimes all it takes is an HBO subscription for all that. But if HBO doesn’t get it done, Netflix will, and if Netflix doesn’t get it done, well, try Hulu. I mean, wherever you want to go, whatever you want is there, for not very much money.
In the process we have removed all of the mystique and the magic and the wonder and mystery of sex by just pushing it at kids, constantly pushing it, making a joke of certain forms, making a joke of monogamy. I mean, look, Russell Wilson, the quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks and his girlfriend, the well-known personality Ciara, announced publicly that they are going to abstain from sex until marriage, and they are now mocked and laughed at constantly, even by people who report on them who report glowingly about how they do their jobs. Wilson is a quarterback in the NFL and Ciara, a singer.
The coverage that they get professionally is glowing. Now they’re laughed at, they’re made fun of, they’re mocked, and furthermore, they are, when they make themselves available, they’re told to explain themselves, they’re told to justify themselves. Anyway, I think if you want to look at teens having less sex, I think there’s a desensitization that has taken place, mystique, wonder, mystery, all that’s gone. I’m not old fogying this. I’m just objectively observing what I’ve seen taking place culturally and mixing it with this headline. But really the big story here is that the people reporting this are upset by it. They think something is wrong with fewer teenagers having sex. That’s actually the big take-away.