Carly Fiorina Shows Us How It’s Done

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 24,2015

RUSH: Carly Fiorina was on CNN on Tuesday night The Lead with Jake Tapper. Setting this up, I want to go back and repeat, air something I said on April 7th of this year. Think of it as advice for the Republican presidential candidates.

RUSH ARCHIVE: The ultimate reality is that every Republican in the primary has a common enemy, and it’s Hillary Clinton. All 14, 15, or 16 of them simply make it an objective to begin the campaign against Hillary Clinton during the Republican primary and not wait until after the primary. I think the sooner these candidates on the Republican side get in gear and start running against the Democrat Party, even in the primaries, and running against Hillary, the greater opportunity they’re going to have to explain themselves in the process; the greater opportunity they’re going to have to attract interest in themselves. The greater opportunity they’re going to have to define themselves is by also defining and drawing the contrast with the differences they have with Hillary Clinton and everybody in the Democrat Party. To me, it’s a no-brainer.

RUSH: That was back in April, and the reason for the advice, I’m saying, don’t start beating yourselves up because the way these heavily populated Republican primaries work is they end up producing a moderate RINO nominee, because all the conservatives end up whacking each other out of the race. That’s what happened in the primaries, start attacking each other, split the conservative money, donations, split the conservative votes in all these primaries. Don’t do that. Start your focus of attack on Hillary Clinton. She’s the enemy. The Democrat Party’s the opponent. You know she’s gonna be the nominee. Hit her. Start now. It’s a great way to explain who you are, in fact, by contrasting yourself.

This is my advice, okay? And one person either took the advice or instinctively knew to do it on her own, and that’s Carly Fiorina, who, by the way, she’s just, I think, kicking butt all over the country, folks. Every stop never gets off message. She handles the media with aplomb and skill and it’s obvious she enjoys doing it, and she’s schooling people. She’s showing how it’s done. Latest example, Tuesday night, CNN, The Lead with Jake Tapper. He just wants to get her in the corner on abortion, on rape and incest and all the usual things they try to nail Republicans on.

He said, “One of your opponents, Governor Scott Walker, signed a law in Wisconsin this week which would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks of a pregnancy. On Twitter, Hillary Clinton said Governor Walker signed dangerous abortion restrictions into law in Wisconsin without exceptions for rape or incest. Hillary called this extreme and unacceptable. Walker retweeted her and called her out of touch with most Americans. Ms. Fiorina, what is your position on this legislation, which does not allow exceptions for rape.” See how this works? So he’s asking Carly Fiorina, “What do you think about abortion law without exception rape or incest?” It’s right in the Democrat media manual, how to entrap a Republican: ask about rape or incest. So here’s what she said. This is the first of two sound bites.

FIORINA: Let’s talk about what extreme is. It’s not a life until it leaves the hospital. That’s Hillary Clinton’s position. It’s Hillary Clinton’s position that a 13-year-old girl needs her mother’s permission to go to a tanning salon or get a tattoo, but not to get an abortion. It’s Hillary Clinton’s position that women should not be permitted to look at an ultrasound before an abortion and yet people who are trying to harvest body parts can use an ultrasound to make sure that those body parts are preserved so that they can sold. That, Jake, is extreme.

RUSH: And that, folks, is nuking the premise of the question which is always the question Republicans get and answering with what you want to say, which was Hillary Clinton’s the extremist. Hillary Clinton’s the one that’s dangerous. Hillary Clinton’s the one that believes that a baby isn’t a baby ’til the mother decides to leave the hospital with it. Hillary Clinton’s the one who thinks that a mother should have the right to tell her kid she can’t get a tattoo, but not to not get an abortion. That’s extreme, Jake. Tapper said: “Just to clarify, you think there should be a provision for rape or incest?” She didn’t say a word about it. Not once. He’s not even responding to her answer. He’s just trying to pigeonhole her on this “gotcha” rape and incest, and here’s how she answered the second comeback.

FIORINA: I would really be delighted if for once the media would ask Hillary Clinton about the extremism of her position. It’s not a life until it leaves the hospital. My position is very clear. It’s been clear and consistent ever since I ran for the Senate in 2010. Yes, I support exceptions. But the majority of the American people now believe that abortion for any reason at all to be paid for by taxpayers after five months is an abomination. And this videotape, whether you’re a pro-choice woman or a pro-life woman, this videotape is depraved.

RUSH: Okay, so who ends up looking bad when this is all over? Hillary Clinton. Exactly the objective. Exactly the reason I gave my advice. I’m not saying she took my advice. I don’t think she did. I think she instinctively knows this. Carly Fiorina.

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