Celebrating 27 Years at Number One

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 3,2015

RUSH: Well, we alluded to it on Friday, and here it is. We are starting our 28th year right here on the… I’m waiting for the door to open here for the staff to defy my request and bop in here with a cake or a giant cookie or something. I know they’re out there planning, ’cause I don’t see them. There’s nobody on the other side of the glass. Here the doors open and here they come. Yes, siree, right on schedule. You may as well do it now before we get started with anything, folks.

There are only two people here today. Everybody else took the day off, so… Look at that. It’s a giant cookie. Happy 27th anniversary. Holy smokes! That’s a nice change up from a cake. It really is. I’d like to hold it up and show you but the candles with fall off and start a fire. Six, seven… Same thing with the birthday? Gotta blow ’em out? Okay, I don’t know what my lung capacity is now with my heavy cigar usage over the course of many years, but… You know, I just predicted you guys would be coming in here. I didn’t see you on the other side of the glass.

DAWN: We got you a selfie stick.

RUSH: A what stick?

DAWN: A selfie stick.

RUSH: Oh, a selfie stick. That’s really cool. I’ve never taken a selfie. Never have. No, I have once, with me and the cat. That’s right. Here we go, three, two, one… (blows out candles) All right, done deal. By the way, I don’t normally do that, but since it’s radio you gotta do the sound effects so you know what’s happening. Thank you very much. Selfie stick? It looks like a back scratcher, too. Looks like it would work for that. Anyway, folks, 28 years. Actually, August 1st is the anniversary date, 27 years in the can.

We’re starting our 28th year today. It’s gonna be regular program. We’re not digging deep, we’re not going back to the archives. It’s an odd year. We’ll wait for number 30, as we did for number 20. And we had, you know, a half-baked look back on year 25. But how many shows in any medium have stayed on top as number one for 27 years? Not even Gunsmoke pulled that off or The Ed Sullivan Show. Not even the New York Yankees have managed that.

Of course, it wouldn’t have happened without all of you.

Not some of you, any of you, but all of you.

So a heartfelt thanks as we join together in getting ready to go for our 28th year.

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