Host of The View Offends Latinos While Trying to Bash Trump for Offending Latinos

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 5,2015

RUSH: Donald Trump, ladies and gentlemen, has “a higher favorability rating among Latino Republicans than Jeb Bush and every other candidate in the Republican presidential field, Univision reported,” and, you know, Univision have been going back and forth with Trump over his remarks that a bunch of these illegals crossing the border are part of the criminal element. A reporter for Univision said…

It’s a Public Policy Polling survey, by the way, which is a lib Dem group. I think it used to be out of North Carolina. It might still be. Trump leads “with a 34% favorability rating among Hispanic Republicans, compared to 31% for Jeb Bush, 30% for Ted Cruz and 29% for Marco Rubio.” But this is a survey among Republicans. They did not survey everybody. It’s a survey of Republicans.

When Trump goes up against Hillary, Hillary shellacs Trump 61% to 28%. But that is to be expected at this stage. What is unexpected is that after Trump made his comments, he leads in support from Republican Hispanics over all other Republican candidates. He’s got 34% favorability, again, next to Jeb Bush at 31%, 30% for Ted Cruz, and 29% for Marco Rubio.

Did you hear, Kelly Osbourne? She was on The View. Now, here’s a great example. This is low-information entertainment whiz bang on a Drive-By Media show, Kelly Osbourne, Ozzy’s daughter. She may be perfectly nice, she may be one of the sweetest people, but she’s a low-information gal. She has to be. She tried to call Trump out on The View. She says, “If you kick every Latino out of the country, who’s gonna be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump? You know what I mean?” So the full quote from Kelly Osbourne is: “If you kick every Latino out of this country, who is gonna be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump? You know what I mean?” Now, on this program was also the Whoopster, Whoopi Goldberg; Rosie Perez; Michelle Collins and Raven-Symone, and they were talking about Trump and his recent lead.

Rosie Perez said to Kelly Osbourne, “Wait a minute, Latinos are not the only people that clean toilets. What are you talking about?” And Osbourne, “Oh, come on, you know I would never mean it like that.” Well, you said it. This is what happens with these low-information people. They go out and they utter what they think is brilliance, they get called on it, then they deny saying it. So she said, “Hey, if you kick every Latino out of this country,” which nobody’s ever suggested doing, by the way. Let’s establish that. (laughing)

Nobody’s ever suggested it, but Kelly Osbourne clearly thinks that’s what Trump wants to do. So if you kick every Latino out of this country, then who’s gonna be cleaning your toilet? He’s got more than one, Kelly. It’d be toilets. He’s got more than one on his airplane, Kelly. Not to mention in his mansions, in his homes, in his condos, his apartments, whatever. (imitating exchange) “You kick every Latino out of the country, who’s gonna be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?”

“Hey,” Rosie Perez says, “Latinos do more than that.”

“Hey, come on, you know I would never mean it like that.” No, you only said it. Classic low-information behavior. Say it, people react to what you say, and then you deny meaning it.

“Come on, you knew what I meant. You knew what I meant.”

“No, what did you mean?”

“Well, we all know that Latinos clean bathrooms.”

“No, no, no. That’s not what I said. I didn’t mean it that way.” And it’s just a cycle that repeats. Don’t ever get in an argument, folks, with a low-information voter because people watching will not be able to tell who’s who. You will become one of them. You’ll sound like one of them. You have no choice but than to get down to their level to talk to them. And when you do that, you then confuse the people out there.

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