Charlie Rose and His Smart Friends Think Really Deep Thoughts About ISIS

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 18,2015

RUSH: Listen to this. Last night, Charlie Rose, PBS. Remember, now, this is the sophisticated journalist and liberals’ favorite show. For real sophistication, for real enlightenment, for real insight, for genuine, raw intelligence. Charlie Rose, PBS. That’s where you go. Last night he spoke with New York Police Department Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism, John Miller. He used to be at ABC News. It was John Miller who interviewed Osama bin Laden, and in which during that interview, Osama bin Laden told Miller that he had learned we are a paper tiger after we cowardly ran fast out of Somalia, the Black Hawk Down episode.

So Charlie Rose, enlightened and sophisticated journalist, says to John Miller, “You said how they carried it out,” meaning the Friday night attack in Paris, “You said how they carried it out was simple, but it was a complex operation. What do we know about ISIS’ intentions today?” Now, that is what passes as an insightful, brilliant question that you won’t find anywhere else in American media. “What do we know?” If you watch Charlie Rose regularly that’s a common question he asks. Tom Brokaw back in 2008, “What do we know about Barack Obama? What do we know about the books he’s read?” What do we know about the poets that he admires? What do we know about what he thinks of Maya Angelou? That question is now heralded as beginning of brilliance. So he asks John Miller, “What do we know about ISIS’ intentions today?” Listen to this.

MILLER: ISIS is focused on taking and holding land and creating the caliphate, an Islamic State. The name is important to them. They could have called it a lot of things, but they called it the Islamic State because, Charlie, in the sophisticated marketing piece here, for you to go against ISIS, then you must be at war with the Islamic State, which translates in shorthand to you’re at war with Islam. But the key here is, to your initial question of, “What is ISIS, where are they going with this” is, they weren’t concerned with the outside world when they were just taking territory. Once the outside world, outraged by beheadings and kidnappings and murders that were televised said we’re going to form a coalition, we’re gonna do a concentrated bombing campaign, ISIS decided, well, the outside world needs to get a little dose of fear.

RUSH: Okay, so ISIS was just concerned with taking over a little land, and then we started bombing and they got really mad at that. And their name is designed to trick us into calling them the Islamic State. See, it’s our fault, we’re stupid for falling for their tricks. The name is very important PR. We’re using the name, calling them Islamists, but, see, the key here, they weren’t concerned with the outside world when they were just taking territory. Once the outside world got mad by beheadings and kidnappings and murders that were televised and that we were gonna form a coalition against them, we’re gonna do a concentrated bombing campaign, ISIS decided the outside world needs to get a little dose of fear. It’s our fault, see. Because we were outraged and tried to stop them from killing innocent people, that made ’em really mad. If we hadn’t done that, everything would be okay, Charlie.

Yeah, what do we know about ISIS’s intentions? Well, they’re really made because we fought back. We shouldn’t have done that, Charlie. They beheaded all these people because we fought back. We didn’t show respect. It’s our fault.


RUSH: David Remnick, another accredited, sophisticated, highly respected left-wing Democrat who is the editor-in-chief of The New Yorker. I call him a Democrat first and a journalist second because that’s what he is. He was on Charlie Rose last night. Man, the brilliance on that show last night could have blown up your TV screen. It could have destroyed all the pixels. Charlie Rose said to David Remnick (imitating Rose), “The point of terrorism is to scare. What do we know about scaring people? It’s to get attention and scare and hopefully to create a retaliation that will generate some support.” So Charlie Rose is asking Remnick, “Isn’t their objective to trick us into responding, because when we respond, they win, because that creates new terrorists that want to join them.” That’s what his question is. And here’s the answer that he got.

REMNICK: I was talking over the weekend with somebody who studies ISIS full time at Princeton. And he said look, this signals — this comes within a couple of days after one of the main ISIS figures is taken out by an air strike. It’s not lost on ISIS that Rakka can be taken at any moment if people are only willing to flatten it, and God willing we’re not willing to just indiscriminately flatten something. The fact that much more of these operations are being exported abroad is not necessarily a sign of strength.

RUSH: Do you know anybody, couple guys sitting around talking to each other who talk that way? (imitating Remnick) “I was talking over the weekend,” yes, somebody who studies ISIS now full time, Princeton, Princeton, yes, automatic credibility, Princeton, ISIS, you see. You don’t know anybody, I do. And he said, “Look, look, look, look, look, this signals, this comes within a couple days after one of the main ISIS figures is taken out by an air strike. An air strike, yeah, it’s not lost on ISIS.” Sip, sip from the cocktail. “It’s not lost on ISIS that Rakka can be taken at any moment if people are only willing to flatten it.”

Now, the French just went in there and took a big hit on Rakka. Did you hear what he said next? “God willing we’re not willing to just indiscriminately flatten something.” Oh, God willing, we don’t go take out Rakka. It’s their headquarters, folks. Essentially it’s ISIS’ headquarters. Here’s Remnick saying, “God willing, we won’t do that. Oh, my God, Charlie, can you imagine? Charlie, get an extra cigarette, I don’t know if I can deal with it. Charlie, oh, my God, God willing, God willing. We’re not willing to just indiscriminately flatten something. Oh, my God, that’s not who we are. Americans don’t just flatten things except fat women when they sit on — other than that, we don’t flatten things. Oh, my God, can’t think of it. The fact that there’s much more of these operations being exported abroad, it’s not necessarily sign of strength, Charlie. No, no. ISIS, attack after attack, no, Charlie, it doesn’t mean they’re getting stronger. Ho-ho-ho no way, God, oh, I hope we don’t go to flatten their headquarters. I’m an expert at Princeton, studies ’em full time, this is not good, this is not good, they’re roping us right in.” Charlie is so mesmerized, so dazzled here by the intellectual, he can’t even say anything, so Remnick has to continue on his own.

REMNICK: The legacy of the Iraq war that hangs over the American consciousness and certainly —

RUSH: Stop the tape. Why didn’t I know the Iraq war! Of course the Iraq war is why they did it. Oh. If I only knew somebody at Princeton.

REMNICK: — hangs over the consciousness of President Obama, who was elected not to repeat the mistakes and catastrophes initiated by the Bush administration. It turns out that the most consequential speech in the last, I don’t know, ten years, 12 years, well, more, is Barack Obama being invited to a tiny rally in downtown Chicago on the eve of the Iraq war. He’s a state senator coming from Hyde Park, it’s like a state senator from Greenwich Village, or Berkeley or something. And he gets up and gives his speech about, I’m not against all wars, just stupid wars.

RUSH: Oh, my God, folks, I think I have to go to a break. I can’t add anything. The legacy the Iraq war that hangs over — These guys are discussing ISIS. These guys, in case you forgot, Charlie said the point of terrorism is to scare and hopefully create a retaliation that will then generate some support. So Charlie wants Remnick to say, yeah, any attempt to retaliate they like it because that means they get more recruits. And Remnick ends up blaming Bush for all this, and then says the best speech he’s ever heard, I don’t know, last ten years, most consequential speech, Charlie. Ten years, 12 years, Obama, tiny rally, downtown Chicago, the eve of the Iraq war, Hyde Park, it’s like Greenwich Village, Charlie, yeah, yeah, like Berkeley. Right, Charlie, good, good, good Charlie, yeah. He gets up, he gives a speech, “I’m not against all wars, just stupid wars.” And, my God, did we all have an orgasm Charlie, ’cause that just captures how smart we all are. Can you believe it? Okay, well, we can’t bomb the stuff out of ’em, no, no, we can’t, we can’t. Oh, God willing we wouldn’t hit Rakka.

No wonder these people are so happy with Obama. The self-absorption, the self-impressed, I’m so smart, and people I know are smart, and you’re almost smart as we are, Charlie. I mean, you know when to shut up. Princeton. ISIS expert. You know, next time I’m gonna start talking to people this way. See what happens.

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