RUSH: Grab sound bite number two. This is April 7, 1980. April 7, 1980. I was working for the Kansas City Royals, my second of five years there. I was 29-years-old. This is ABC’s World News Tonight. Sam Donaldson reporting about Jimmy Carter cutting ties with Iran.
DONALDSON: After meeting with his advisors for two-and-a-half hours to review the decisions, Mr. Carter came down to the pressroom to announce them.
CARTER: The militants controlling the embassy have stated they are willing to turn the hostages over to the government of Iran, but the government has refused to take custody of the American hostages. This lays bare the full responsibility of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council.
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DONALDSON: The president ordered four steps immediately: A complete break in diplomatic relations: Iranian diplomats must leave the United States by tomorrow midnight. Official sanctions preventing exports to Iran. An inventory of frozen Iranian assets of over $8 billion, and a virtual shutting off of all Iranian immigration into this country by refusing new visas to Iranian citizens. Moreover, the president warned these four steps may be just the beginning.
CARTER: Other action may become necessary if these steps do not produce the prompt release of the hostages.
RUSH: And what is this, everybody saying that Trump’s violating the Constitution, breaking the law, embarrassing us here? Jimmy Carter, 1980. I think we may have forced ABC to go to their archives and produce that. They put it on their website, anyway. You heard it.
RUSH: Josh Earnest. Grab audio sound bite 25. This is how the Democrats in chapter 89,000 in the Democrats trying to help the Republican Party book. This afternoon, White House press briefing, CNN reporterette infobabe, Michelle Kosinski, said, “Twenty-five percent of Americans in a poll support Trump’s plan to halt allowing Muslims into the country temporarily.” Now, in other polls, it’s much more than 25%. In many polls, it’s a majority. But I guess she’s talking about her own poll at CNN. Anyway, 25%. “Does that number surprise you, Josh? I mean, as much as you can separate out one particular view from the majority view, the numbers don’t lie. That’s a big chunk of people, Josh. And to what would you attribute that amount of support for something that you described as ‘morally reprehensible’?”
EARNEST: What we are seeing here is a pretty cynical attempt on the part of one Republican politician to capitalize on people’s fears and anxieties and divide the American public solely for personal political gain, and that’s offensive. The continued insistence on the part of Republican candidates for president and other leaders in the Republican Party that they would vote for somebody, potentially, for president of the United States who holds such offensive, divisive views that run counter to the very values of this country, is, in and inventories alarming and does not bode well for the future of the Republican Party.
RUSH: Really? You really care about that, huh? You really care about the future of the Republican Party, eh, Josh? Josh, I think practically every one of them has denounced him, haven’t they? Except Ted Cruz. Every other Republican candidate, every Republican that you can name has denounced Trump on this. Paul Ryan. Dick Cheney. There isn’t a Republican outside of Cruz that hasn’t denounced Trump. What more do you want here?
But here, again, I have to listen to this guy start preaching to us about American values. And I’m sorry, the Democrat Party just doesn’t hold ’em as far as I’m concerned. A party that openly promotes the slaughter of babies in the womb and then dissecting them for body parts for sale does not have any credibility with me talking about “American values,” ’cause, I’m sorry: Those aren’t American values. And I could list a bunch of things just like that that are reprehensible to me. Go back to Josh Earnest.
“This is un-American. It’s unacceptable, violates American values.” Grab sound bite number two again. This is Sam Donaldson, ABC News, back on April 7th of 1980.
DONALDSON: After meeting with his advisors for two-and-a-half hours to review the decisions, Mr. Carter came down to the pressroom to announce them.
CARTER: The militants controlling the embassy have stated they are willing to turn the hostages over to the government of Iran, but the government has refused to take custody of the American hostages. This lays bare the full responsibility of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council.
DONALDSON: The president ordered four steps immediately: A complete break in diplomatic relations: Iranian diplomats must leave the United States by tomorrow midnight. Official sanctions preventing exports to Iran. An inventory of frozen Iranian assets of over $8 billion, and a virtual shutting off of all Iranian immigration into this country by refusing new visas to Iranian citizens. Moreover, the president warned these four steps may be just the beginning.
CARTER: Other action may become necessary if these steps do not produce the prompt release of the hostages.
RUSH: All right, now, I’ve had people say to me, “Rush, Rush, wait a minute. There’s a little bit of a difference here. Jimmy Carter is banning people from a country and Trump’s moratorium is people of a religion.” You know, that’s one of the great sticking points. It’s an ideology. I think that comparison kind of misses the point. We’re talking about the same types of politically motivated people here in the kinds of people Jimmy Carter wanted to send home, wanted to register, and would permit or deny entry into the country. This is only a common sense.
All Trump said was we need a moratorium until we figure out what the hell is happening here and how best to deal with it.
RUSH: I want to go back to the 1952 law, ladies and gentlemen. I mean, this smarmy, snarky, arrogant, condescending, morally superior Josh Earnest and people like that just rub me like fingernails on a chalkboard. All of this superiority and, “We’re smarter and we’re better,” and this arrogance combined just grates me. I want you to listen to this, ’cause you people have called and said, “Hey, wait a minute, Rush. Carter banned people from a country. Trump’s talking about a whole religion. 8 US Code section 1182: “Inadmissible Aliens.” You listening?
The law of the land 1952.
Passed by Democrat Congress, signed by a Democrat president.
“Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by president. Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.” This is during a period of time 1952 when we had shut down immigration.
The only immigration was illegal, and a law was passed to give the president proclamation power to throw them out, to prevent them from entering. It’s entirely American values. This is United States statutory law, Mr. Earnest. Any class of aliens as immigrants. “Any class” pretty much covers it, don’t you think? Anyway, we’re talking about common sense here. We’re talking about common sense, and people want to deny it. I tell you, this this this is this is roiling the people of this country like the people in Washington, I still don’t think they know, and they’re about to get a taste and find out.