RUSH: Obama is again threatening to, for the third day in a row, when this program’s on the air, go out and meet the media. Third day in a row. Today he’s gonna take questions ’cause I guess he’s gonna be zipping over to Hawaii to start the $70 million family vacation. I think that’s the sum total of what it’s cost us for Obama vacations, $70 million. It turns out the reason Obama’s doing this, it was a New York Times interview.
“In his meeting with the columnists, Mr. Obama indicated that he did not see enough cable television to fully appreciate the anxiety after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino,” and that’s why he appeared to be out of touch. It’s why he didn’t appear to understand how deeply these attacks affected people because he doesn’t watch enough cable news. So he made clear that he plans to step up his public arguments. So he’s saying he didn’t react strongly enough and comfort people and let them know that he understands the gravity of this ’cause he doesn’t watch enough cable news.
Well, folks, I have admitted, I don’t, either, but I still understand how deeply this affected people. What an excuse! (imitating Obama) “Well, I don’t watch enough cable news, ESPN about the extent of it, and I just didn’t know.” Really? What an excuse! I have this New York Times piece here in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers. “In his meeting with the columnists, Mr. Obama indicated that he did not see enough cable television to fully appreciate the anxiety after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, and made clear that he plans to step up his public arguments. Republicans were telling Americans that he is not doing anything when he is doing a lot, he said.”
Well, as I said, I don’t watch cable news anymore, and I understood the impact of San Bernardino and Paris. He shouldn’t have to watch television at all. He’s surrounded by people who do all that, but what is this? I mean, he’s admitting that his own instincts fail. One hundred and thirty people were killed in Paris, a massacre in San Bernardino, and he said (imitating Obama), “Yeah, you know what? I really didn’t get how deeply this affected people. I don’t watch enough cable news.” What the heck is that? I’ve heard it all, folks.