They’re Not Happy With Me in Rio Linda!

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 8,2016

RUSH: They’re not happy with me in Rio Linda. A little brief, brief departure here until we get back to the news of the day. But I just found out, apparently in Rio Linda, which is… I learned about Rio Linda when I lived in Sacramento. I drove through it one day, and I was… Anyway, they’re not happy with me there, and I think they should love me. I have put Rio Linda on the map. I have no doubt been instrumental in elevating, raising property values and a nationwide awareness of the place.

But I have here a report in KCRA-TV 3, the NBC affiliate in Sacramento, and it’s from Thursday night, and they reported about folk art in Rio Linda. Apparently they’ve got a new project out there to make barn quilts. They’re putting folk art barn quilts around town to combat stereotypes spread by me. So we go to the sound bite here. This is KCRA-TV 3 Sacramento. This is the anchor Lisa Gonzales: “New American folk art is popping up all over Rio Linda. It’s quality Barn Quilts, courtesy of a group of women in town. And this is the report.”

BRIAN HEAP: As KCRA 3’s Leticia Ordaz reports, the brightly painted blocks on barns, homes, businesses, and landmarks are hoping to erase stereotypes and spread community pride.

LETICIA ORDAZ: Debra Crowe is the brainchild (sic) behind the Rio Linda Elverta Quilt Trail Project. Instead of fabric, wood or metals is used as the canvas that represents important things in the community. Debra thought it would be a powerful way to change Rio Linda’s image.

DEBRA CROWE: Rush Limbaugh says some nasty things about our town, and it’s not true. (laughs)

LETICIA ORDAZ: It wasn’t hard to recruit women to join her group.

SUSAN TRAUTMAN: We were the housewives of Rio Linda.

LETICIA ORDAZ: They’ve already placed some twenty pieces of artwork all over town.

SHARON KING: When you go and drive down the street, you’re looking for the barn quilts. You don’t notice a lot of trash on the street or graffiti or anything like that.

RUSH: Well… (laughing) Did you catch all of that? (interruption) What’s the question? (interruption) What’s the question? They’re making barn quilts to distract people from the trash and graffiti that they would otherwise see as they drive through town. It’s still there. This is 28 years ago. I offered to move to Rio Linda when I lived there if they would change the name to Limbaugh, California. They turned that down. I also offered to move to West Sacramento if they would change. They turned it down. But, I mean, when I drove through Rio Linda, I was stunned.

There’s no number on the population sign, on the city limit sign, so nobody admits living there. And I drove the main drag of town and then people’s cars are up on concrete blocks and the washing machines are on the front porch. And I went back to the radio station and asked, “What is this place?” It was right near the Air Force base. “What in the world is this place?” “Ah, that’s Rio Linda. Everybody loves Rio Linda.” So I made it my pet community and so forth.

And did you hear this? She says, “Rush Limbaugh says some nasty things about our town and it’s not true.” And then later on, “When you go and drive down the street, you’re looking for the barn quilts. You don’t notice a lot of trash on the street or graffiti or anything like that.” It’s… (laughing) I love Rio Linda. Where would this program be without it? I had heard… I’ve been told for many, many moons that property values in Rio Linda had skyrocketed since I put the place on the map. So…

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