RUSH: You know, we have a new sponsor here called the John Maxwell Team, and people are asking me, “What is this?” The commercials, the spot announcements ought to be perfectly clear, but let me just go into a little bit more detail about this. John Maxwell leads an organization. It’s eponymous, of course, and he is the energy behind it. But don’t make the mistake that this is just motivational seminars where you show up and Maxwell tells you how good you are, that you don’t know how good you are, and teaches you how to reach inside yourself and find the inner you that’s gonna catapult you.
That’s part of it, but that’s by no means all that Maxwell does. Maxwell has trained and coached leadership in 40 countries around the world. Maxwell, in addition to conducting annual seminars in various places all over the world, also works with government leaders in a motivational sense. Maxwell is all about telling people how to get the best out of themselves, but more importantly, how to become leaders. And it is Maxwell’s belief that a lot of people are natural leaders and don’t know it.
Some do know it and don’t want to be because of the responsibility. And he sells it. He promotes it. Leadership is crucial, and coaching people is crucial to get the best out of any group of people. Be it a corporation, a small business, a classroom, whatever it is. And, in addition to Maxwell showing you how good you can be — what talents you have that you may not know and how to get more out of yourself than you otherwise could — he goes many steps beyond that in telling you how to do that with others.
You become someone who is able to extract the best out of everybody you work with and everybody who works for you; that might work for you down the road. It is a phenomenal program and a track record of international success. The term “coach” is used a lot in the Maxwell world. It is nothing more than people being trained to do what Maxwell shows you to do. There are no secrets, really, if you understand human nature. Maxwell’s not afraid of teaching other people to do what he does. He’s not proprietary about that.
He’s not egocentric. He’s not in any way selfish. He wants everybody to be the best they can be and to tell others how to be the best they can be, how to be naturally positive and optimistic while based in reality. It really, really is a fascinating track record that Maxwell and his company have established. We’re honored to have them as sponsors. And people, you know, email me frequently wanting more information about it. Go to his website,
There are all kinds of places you could find it, but I wanted to tell you personally what happens and how you can avail yourself of the opportunity. But don’t think of it as simply motivational seminars. There are all kinds of guys that run around and do motivational speaking and rev you up and fire you up. That’s part of this, but it’s much, much more. It’s what you do with that after you’ve discovered it in yourself. And how to extract it from others, how to spot it in others to get the most out of everybody. And it’s really worthwhile.