RUSH: You know Trump… This is another classic illustration. Trump yesterday did Cinco de Mayo outreach to Hispanics by eating a taco bowl, and there’s a picture of Trump with that typical devilish Trump smile with the taco bowl in front of him there, and he’s eating a forkful of it. And I’m reading all these people saying (angry stammer), “This is outrageous! Does Trump…? This is silly! Trump… Trump… Trump’s insulting Hispanics! Look at this! Taco bowl? Is that how you think you get the Hispanic vote?” And Trump’s putting everybody on! It’s typical Trump. And everybody takes it so seriously and thinks, “Oh, my God, this guy doesn’t have any sense! He’s got no sensibilities. He’s insulting Hispanics by telling them he loves them by eating a taco bowl? Oh, my God, this guy’s so stupid! Hillary’s gonna win in a landslide! Oh, my God, we’re doomed.”
Even Vicente Fox, who apologized to Trump earlier this week, said this.
FOX: I have a salute to Senor Trump. I’m not paying for that wall, Trump. Mexican food at Trump Tower? That’s a fake! That is not true Mexican food. He will get indigestion.
RUSH: For crying out loud, that’s a TMZ website! (laughing) Vicente Fox (impression), “I’m not paying for that wall, Trump. Mexican food at Trump Tower? That’s a fake! That is not true Mexican food. He will get indigestion.” But he wasn’t finished…
FOX: Passionate, compassionate, committed, intelligent leadership. That’s what we need from United e’States, and that’s what we need for the world. That’s why I like Hillary Clinton. She’s an Iron Lady. She has a firm hand. But she also has a compassionate heart.
RUSH: Can you guys understand what he’s saying? All right.
FOX: She’s diplomatic, she’s experienced, and she will be a great president —
RUSH: All right. That’s enough. That’s fine. It all sounds like noise. If I didn’t have a transcript, I wouldn’t know what he’s saying. But basically he says that Trump’s insulting people with the taco bowl. (paraphrased) “It’s not even real Mexican food, Trump! You’re not fooling me, Trump!” He was so mad, he endorsed Hillary. “Passionate, compassionate, committed, intelligent leadership, that’s what we need for United States, and that’s what we need for the world. That’s why I like Hillary Clinton. She’s the Iron Lady.”
Well, the testicle lockbox is made out of iron, I guess.
And that’s about it.