Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 29,2016

“The Democrat Party is perfectly fine with, perfectly willing to subordinate your safety and national security to their winning power.”  

“That wasn’t a great speech last night. It was workmanlike. Hillary Clinton has been in public life for 30 years; she hasn’t improved giving speeches. She hasn’t improved at anything.”  

“Look, we gotta admit some things. We’re a divided country, and we don’t know yet if we’re outnumbered or not. Many people fear that we are, but we’re divided. There are two Americas minimum. There’s not a single common America where there’s overlap.” 

“Hillary Clinton’s America is an America that King George might actually have embraced.  Hillary Clinton’s America is an America that may not have even had to seek its independence.  Hillary Clinton’s America is an America that may not have ever really needed to rebel, because Hillary Clinton’s America establishes the very things and more that our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to overthrow.” 

“I have been cajoling, I have been warning, I have been advising, I have been begging, I have been pleading with people: Do not include the media in however you define success.  In other words, don’t think the only way we have a chance is if the media comes around and starts criticizing the people we criticize, ’cause it isn’t going to happen.” 

“I watched Marshmallow Woman come out and do her speech.  Do you know why she wore white?  It wasn’t that she wanted to look like the Michelin Man.  It was ’cause of the contrast with Trump being ‘dark, dark, dark, dark, dark.’ So here came bright Hillary!  I thought, ‘My gosh, they’re gonna do a marshmallow roast here!'”

“I’m not a person that thinks the government ought to be taking care of my kids.  I’m not a person that thinks the government ought to be laying the groundwork for my kids.  I’m not the kind of person that thinks that’s the role of government. But obviously there are a lot of people out there who do think the role of government is to take care of their kids.”

“When the Democrats hold a convention while they have occupied the White House for nearly eight years and start listing off the complaints, they’re talking about themselves.”

“You cannot blame anything going on right now whatsoever on Trump.  Not to say they won’t try, but you can’t do it.”

“We’re genuinely divided and we’re going to find out who outnumbers who here in November.”

“The Clinton books, you won’t even see ’em reviewed in the New York Times.  It’s like they don’t exist.” 

“Everything in Peter Schweiker’s book, Clinton Cash, everything in it is real.  Everything in it happened.”

“Everything is buzz.  Everything is PR.  Everything is spin.  And the purpose of the buzz and the spin and the PR is to erase the reality.”  

“My refrain for the length of time I’ve been doing this program is the leftists politicize everything.”  

“You have two kinds of generals at the Pentagon.  You got the warrior generals, which is the kind we want, and you’ve got the political generals who want to rise through the ranks by kissing the right politicians’ rear ends.”  

“CNN is denying that they were having a party because of Hillary’s speech and the success they think she had at the Democratic convention. Wolf Blitzer and his glass of wine there? No, no, no! It’s just it was a really stressful two weeks, and they were all just unwinding there in the CNN Grill. It had nothing to do with Hillary.”

“When you ask, ‘Who benefits from all this racial strife?’ there are certain people in a certain political party who’ve made sure they benefit from it.”

“Hillary Clinton telegraphed what they were gonna do in her acceptance speech. They don’t care that the reaction is, ‘Oh, my God, Trump must be living rent free in your head.’ No, no. They really don’t have much they can do to build her up. They can’t defeat us in the arena of ideas. The Democrats try to destroy every one of our prominent people every day. That’s their modus operandi.”

“Hillary Clinton tried to embrace America’s birth, but she couldn’t do it. She then aborted America’s birth, explaining how she would butcher and sell off the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Tenth Amendment.”

“Here you have a bunch of left-wing Drive-By Media people acknowledging that you don’t get patriotism at a Democrat convention, usually. You don’t even get pro-America at a Democrat convention, usually. You don’t get patriotism, you don’t get God, you don’t get the American founding, you don’t get American tradition at a Democrat convention. Okay, fine. But when you do get those things at a Republican convention, what happens? The media rips them to shreds, do they not?”

“The idea that rugged individualism means that nobody knows anybody else and everybody tells everybody else to go to hell and everybody does everything they do on their own? What poppycock. But that’s what they want you to think rugged individualism is.”

“Wall Street donates almost 90% of every dollar it gives to the Democrat Party. Hillary Clinton was making $250,000 for every 20-minute speech she gave to a Wall Street bank or hedge fund or institution to the tune of $21 million in two years! They own her! So they know she doesn’t mean it when she talks about ravaging them and savaging them.”

“Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written to define, to guarantee individual liberty. But Hillary Clinton tried to tell the dumbed-down population — the part of this population been educated by Democrats — that the Founding Fathers knew It Takes a Village.”

“Don’t expect the part of the media that represents the Washington establishment to in any way be open and accommodating and understanding of those of us who are not in it. You’re gonna be forever doomed to disappointment.”

“Look, we gotta admit some things. We’re a divided country, and we don’t know yet if we’re outnumbered or not. Many people fear that we are, but we’re divided. There are two Americas minimum. There’s not a single common America where there’s overlap.”

“That wasn’t a great speech last night. It was workmanlike. Hillary Clinton has been in public life for 30 years; she hasn’t improved giving speeches. She hasn’t improved at anything.”

“People assigned greatness to Hillary Clinton’s speech simply because it was given by a woman, which is nothing more than identity politics. Doesn’t it matter who the woman is and doesn’t it matter what that woman believes? Or are we all just supposed to forget everything, bow down, and celebrate the fact that once again America has shed a horrible vestige of its past: Discrimination against the babes.”