Bill Clinton: “Make America Great Again” Is a Racist Slogan

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 8,2016

RUSH: Bill Clinton was in Orlando yesterday at a Hillary campaign event, and he doesn’t like Trump’s “Make America Great” slogan.  This is what he said.

CLINTON:  I’m actually old enough to remember the good old days, and they weren’t all that good in many ways.  That message, we’re — I’ll give you “America great again” is if you’re a white Southerner, you know exactly what it means, don’t you?  What it means is, I’ll give you the economy you had 50 years ago, and I’ll move you back up on the social totem pole and other people down.  What Hillary wants to do is take the totem pole down and let us all go forward together.

RUSH:  Whatever the hell that means, but here’s implied racism.  Bill Clinton saying that white Southerners know what “Make America Great –”  In other words, that’s racist, folks.  Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again,” that’s racist, and Bill Clinton should know because his idols were all racist segregationists.  Bill Fulbright, William Fulbright, the Senator from Arkansas.

So he’s out there actually trying to say that “Make America Great” is really a bunch of white Southerners who want to go back to the days where they ran the show and the minorities were back there invisible and unseen and not causing any trouble.  And Clinton knows that’s what “Make America Great” means.  No.  “Make America Great Again” means rescuing it from the destruction wrought by people like Obama and the Democrats who have been running this country into the ground for who knows how many years.  That’s what making America great — it’s nothing about race.

Did you notice the cheers that he got. (imitating Clinton) “Hey, hey, you know, these white Southerners like I am. They know exactly what that means.”  And then this rigmarole about the totem poll.  When Bill Clinton starts talking about totem poles, Monica Lewinsky’s not far away.

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