Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 19,2016

“They captured the terrorist in New Jersey, and I swear I thought the picture was Cuba. Wait ’til you see the picture, because the only thing in the picture are dented, beat-up, lime green Volkswagen Rabbits. Is that what they’re called, Rabbits? Bug! It’s a Volkswagen Beetle.”

“Terror attacks, Democrat denials of terror attacks, unvetted refugees coming into the country with Hillary promising to increase the number, ransom payments to Iran, innocent Americans being murdered by illegals in “sanctuary cities,” secret email servers, lie upon lie upon lie about trafficking in classified secret data by way of those email servers! …Hillary Clinton now, I think, is on the wrong side of recent history and not-so-recent history.”

“Hillary called the bombing a bombing as well, before criticizing Trump for calling it a bombing. So CNN edited Hillary calling it a bombing out of her remarks while at the same time they were blasting Trump for calling a bombing a bombing.”

“Hillary Clinton now, I think, is on the wrong side of recent history and not-so-recent history. Hillary Clinton has become the champion of the problems that Americans want fixed. In other words, what she wants to do is what we want fixed.”

“They tell us that Hillary Clinton is in great, robust health. She can’t be seen more than twice a day, two days in a row, without being sequestered to recover. And everybody has seen her collapse and seize and having to be thrown into a van.”

“A majority of the American people really, really want to end all of this crony capitalism, crony journalism, crony justice. They have a desire to end all of these crony relationships that exist among the elites and the ruling class. That desire is more powerful than Hillary’s marketing campaign and her ad campaign inspired by elitist condescension and enhanced by back room bribery.”

“Hillary seems stuck in a time warp back in the 1990s in terms of strategy, tactics, how to run a campaign and win an election.  And it’s right out of the establishment handbook.”

“The Democrats have a very predictable modus operandi, and the Republicans have a very predictable modus operandi in terms of how they’re going to run their campaigns.  And if you have a history of winning, then you repeat the strategy and you repeat the tactics.”

“There is terrorism in Islam, Islamic supremacy. There is terrorism. It is in their scripture. It is how they accomplish their objectives, and we’re gonna sit here and we’re gonna keep pretending it’s not happening. We’re gonna be in denial like this as long as we have people leading this country as we have now, and we’re gonna end up not being who we are.”

“I’m very honored, folks. I am one of the premier fundraisers for the Democrats. My name gets thrown out any time they want to really irritate extreme leftists and extract big bucks from them. If I got a commission on all of the money the Democrats have raised by maligning me and throwing my name out there, I could retire. I could have retired many, many moons ago.”

“You have to do certain things to make donors feel special.  If you’re not giving them an ambassadorship, if you’re not helping them get through a tax audit, if you’re not setting them up in wind and solar failing businesses, if you’re not doing something like that, you’ve got to make them feel special somehow, and this is standard operating procedure.”

“A majority of the American people really, really want to end all of this crony capitalism, crony journalism, crony justice, and have a desire to end all of these crony relationships that exist among the elites and the ruling class.”

“The Minnesota attacker was killed by law enforcement, and was later identified by his father as Dahir Adan from Somalia.  We don’t know if he was a Somali pirate or not but we do know he was a Somali terrorist.”